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Posts posted by prutherford

  1. Hello world. my G15 died last night so i am in the market for a new keyboard, I really liked my G15 but i really dont like the newer G series keyboard and so i have been looking at the Microsoft sidewinder x4. i am wonder what everyone is using these days in the under 80 bucks range with a back light keyboard and the media buttons macro key would be nice but not a must. thanks for your input.
  2. most of the hate are from trolls that most likely are to stupid to understand how MMOs work or have never played it. people like to ***** about anything they can. i know that some of the people that are complaining have legit concerns and i understand this is not a perfect game but it is an MMO and has a gigantic world and there is no way that they could have all the bugs out of the game by launch and its just like a Performance engine fix/replace one part and fire it up and you find that fix caused other issues. so just ignore the trolls and have fun playing the game and just be patient they will have the bug worked out and more content added with time, and as long as the bugs dont keep the story line from progressing what does a bug that keeps you from looting a mob for that blue item really matter in the long run.
  3. This is why voidstar is awesome. 8 medals a game without a doubt.


    yea i like the civil war the best, huttball is over to fast but still takes for ever. in almost every game i have played the winner has decided in the first few minutes so it pretty much become a blood bath of *** kicking after that.

  4. when did this become a dick comparing contest?? but since i did here is y the republic sucks.


    A. han solo is a *****

    B. the skywalkers are *****es.

    C. force wielders period are *****es.

    D. there has never been a cool republic character in all of star wars from the lost tribes to fate of the Jedi they all have been winy little *****es.

    C. the story lines on the imp side are better.



    now back to the issue i understand it is a balance issues but i wish they would let me deselect huttball as a warzone and just wait in the queue a little longer would be fine with me since i can still go quest while i am waiting.

  5. I do not repair any of my items unless they are completely broken. I typically find a new piece of gear before mine ever breaks, so you might be wasting credits there. The guild was a good chunk, but not very big. Posting stuff on the GTN (Galactic Trade Network) is fine as long as everything is selling and you're making a profit. Like someone previously posted, I suggest doing the space missions.



    Ok i will do the space missions i have and i have been waiting to repair until i absolutely need it, but i haven't really been upgrading gear, not because i don't want to i just haven't found much that is better for my class than what i have.

  6. At the risk of sounding trite, saving money's easier than earning it. You're probably beyond my level, but I'm a lvl 15 and have bought practically nothing. The one large purchase I made (4k+) proved to be a mistake.


    yea the only thinks i have bought was a guild and abilities and repair o and posting stuff on AH. i am think that my issue might be that i am posting stuff on AH.

  7. I am having a really hard tie getting credits. I am constantly running into the issue of not having enough money in the game. i have been posting stuff on the AH that is killing me should i not be doing that? i have had to put my crew skills on hold so i can get enough money learn new abilities. is there some trick i am missing?
  8. Usually at night time the cap on those FULL servers are often gone. People go to bed you know, you should have no problem logging in. At the evening my server is FULL and has like 2000 in queue, 6+ hours later around night time it's like medium pop and easy to get in. Should be the same in your case.


    last night at 10 I had a 30min wait still they only time i havent had to wait is when i log on in the morning.

  9. I dont know what i am goin to do tonight after i get off work!! i get of at 6 and so i wont beable to play til 11!! o noos owell i hope that the sever pop cap goes up on rataka mind prison tonight i am tired of wait when i want to get on. o well happy early launch day everyone!! and if you are on rataka mind prison and are looking of a guild that will be on CST time look for FUIMMABEAR.
  10. This is a extremely addictive game, i have been a wow player for since 05 and have never been addicted to a game as much as this i played almost nonstop this weekend and me and my guild decided that we needed a break and decided to go get pizza on of the guildys brought his girl friend and she left early from the pizza place because all we did was talk about how awesome this game was and worked on strategy, my girlfriend refused to go because she was afraid that would happen. just saying this is an extremely awesome game, minus the few bugs but hey its not even released yet. I see me playing this game for an extremely long time and i think this game will give blizzard a run for their money. but I think that i might have to start a support group for TORheads.
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