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Posts posted by decadosleepless

  1. Well, another patch on way and slinger changes? One minor nerf?


    Oh my...I really dont want to sound like whiner, but... I feel slightly overlooked by BW...:/ (as class, not person, thats easy ;))


    Really? Really cang slinger/ smuggler have some nice response like "yeah mates, you can now pulse it standing" or at least "sorry, we like our idea, crouch and wait to boom" ?

  2. I like the idea of cover, and I like the idea of auto-cover. It would solve all those "damn, pop, pop, damn, pop, Im dying hereeeee" problems in PvP where every second counts. Its a little bit paradox, that we are slower in action than sniper class ("OK, now I must oil my guns...now put cover generator...wait a sec, Im not ready yet".
  3. Sorry, but it really isnt solving problem OP wrote about. Its really crucial disadvantage. Cover itself is sort of diasdvantage - but IMO, its fun feature, so I dont mind - but exactly what OP wrote... You cant chain all survival abilities on cover and then forbid to use it in almost every situation we are rooted.


    What you suggest just make you camp...because you are hunkered only in cover... But we need to gwt into it. And Im not talking about pulse detonator also connected to cover - its another defense ability stripped of us because of one root.

  4. Firstly, this isnt some rant "oh my god, its unplayable!". Nope, I love playing for slinger, its fun, challenging and satisfying... But there are few problems I have with core system features...


    1) Cover is good. But it isnt good. I like its idea and I dont mind mirrored class has easier access to their abilities. But cover must be smooth. Its our crucial point (even with DF) of gameplay. And Im killed again and again, because cover is lagging, because there is colission with some piece of enviroment, because...


    2) Because immobilising abilities shouldnt prevent us from cover! Other class under root and snare can use their abilites, so why are we stipped of our key skill? Its absurd, because its weaking our already fragile defense (and being fragile is OK...but not in this way).


    3) Its connected to other "bug". Pulse detonator? Really? Really it must be used from cover? Its emergency defensive skill! It need to be used quickly and smoothly.


    But instead of it, its steps - Im attacked - if stun/ root, I cant use cover -> I cant use pulse. Fail. Or Im not rooted, stunned, but I need to pop cover. See article 1). And if Im in cover and not laggin, it still has long casting. Oh my... Sorry, but pulse detonator is ridiculous. Just give it ability to be thrown w/o cover! Its enough. And its logical... Really must smuggler lay down and prepare some hi tech toy, or he just push button?:)


    4) Cover need to be solid. OK, its our little chain on foot, but it has its benefits. But not enough of them. Even Hunkered, Im pushed, stunned, thrown etc. C´mon. I like principle of using cover, but do not make it just obstalce. Make it also advantage. Damage reduction so far isnt, IMO, enough.


    5) There should be something about ability delay, but its problem of all classes and dev team says they are already solving it...


    Thanks for you time, dunno if devs will read it but... Gunslinger really need some love...so far we are that ugly little child autns dont love, dont care... but likes to say they have him "Oh yeah, thats our little SLinger, a little slower, but he is our eight child and eight is good numbers, isnt it?" ;)


    P.S. - sorry for typos, really...

  5. This post needs more dots. -50 DKP.


    Following a nonsensical post with more nonsense: how expected! The truth is, I would give you a standard reply, but I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. And yes, Operatives do heal.


    Arguments ran off?:) I wrote "solid healing" - being able to have healer role in team...but Im not sure, if you know anything about such roles...:)

  6. U dont understand it, u can use HEALTHPACK to get heal points. So all classes with GUARD can get protection ,damage and heal points and can get 11 medals everygame, while the classes with no protection abilities cant.


    No, you can use some packs to do it... And again - worst PvP is the one where every class can do every aspect...

  7. Right, use 2 people to counter 1. A sure sign of balance.


    But what if Mr Stabby Stab has a friend playing the same spec, and he kills your friend in the space of a 4sec stun too?


    Anyway, the only counter is to get lv 50, valor 60, and start getting epic PvP gear (LOL random loot) to lower crits.


    Yes, its team PvP...you must count with teammates and make decisions according to situation... Or you want to do everything just by yourself?


    If you dont understand this, I think that scroundel is your least problem...

  8. Its funny... Usually I dont read "He is OP, because when our group went to objective, we were unable..."


    ...I read "when I try to play DM and charge inq/ oper/ smugg/ jawa with toothpick, he kills me, its unbalanced, OP and bad!".


    Sorry mate...try doing what is expacted in GROUP PvP with objectives. You got *** kicked? Well, scissors probably cut paper... dont try to find rock, find teammates...

  9. I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaught houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


    Cancel your subscriptions and let Bioware know how pissed you are about the PVP. A few hundred thousand ppl cancel and they will make changes real quick.


    I cancelled today I think you should too.


    As long as your paying they can string you along with false hopes about they are working on it etc... They stop getting you money and it will become a real priority.


    Sadly for you, I have my own mind...brain...and will cancel sub when I thin its best... Not because of someone trying to solo 1vs1 50 and is suprised he got spanked.


    Get guild, get good team and try it...it something completely different than random team.

  10. I love PvP, usually I play more than PvE...and I learned one thing. What happens when everyone has almost same conditions? In final, wins better team and better players, not just better grinders...


    So, hardcore PvP players are those...best in play, not gear:)

  11. Pvp/warzones last around 20 minutes each, can do roughly 3 per hour. Take home about 1500 credits each not including the commendations. Thats 4500 per hour not including sending out your comanion on missions while you fight. Average take home 5500-6k per hout.


    Great example! Warzones are another example of "printing money". But more profitable and giving XP as bonus. But...it doesnt hurt anybody, does it? Problem is...with slicing "nerfed" ingame economics could begin to crumble... because other crafting skills arent profitable too...


    Will Warzones become a new slicing, emergency system of BW?

  12. Well, because noone is listening to anyone arguments... another question... what is purpose of Slicing now? What is it good for? (and pls, dont tell me missions and augments, because its yield is horrible/ its value is on 0).


    So far, it looks like BW cut their way to compensate economy of OTHER crafting...that isnt working. So far, it looks like no crafting is now profitable...


    So, what is slicing good for now?

  13. Well, one thing is important...credits = money. And money ARE printed in real life.


    Anti-slicers are trying to make work modern economy...with barter-style trade systems.


    In real life - you make money by making product. You boss pays you for your work... and he sells product to other "product maker" who got his printed money from his own boss. This makes economy running. Printed cost, stable inflation...printed money.


    Now, you are in SWTOR going into barter trading system. Amount of credits = printed money will be very, VERY diminished. Because in SW TOR you are making product, but you are not paid for it. (!!!) You must sell your product. But there are other product makers who need money too.


    In real life, maker 1 would change his Mod 1 for maker 2´s barrell 2. Not in SWTOR.


    Here, you have limited amount of money printers - mobs, repetable missions. But, you have also a lot of additional expenses - skills, repairs and mission costs. In final, amount of printed money = credits, probably wouldnt be enough for spending on your products. In this state of game it isnt. Prices of expenses aside of AH are too high.


    And because your printers were disabled by too harsh nerf (understand me, slicing should be nerfed...but not executed) and becuase you cant change product for product... AH is going to be stucked in strong paying inability from many players. Because everyone wont be running mobs again and again and again...

  14. What "slicing gives to all" would have been hyper-inflation had EA/BW not fixed the problem.


    Well, but this nerf is going opposite way. Strongly freezing it, because with too nerfed slicing, people will simply drop it and sum of money will drop even more.


    Im not saying it shouldnt be nerfed...Im saying that this version of slicing is useless. And will have conseqences.

  15. Dear BW...wrong move...you remind me Zipper, listening to most screaming ones...


    Firstly, I thought that nerf isnt bad. After few hours... It is. Im lucky when Im in + credits. I used to spend money in AH and it looked to me like natural economic flow. My other skills are not so profitable, but slicing gave me resources to support them.


    Not anymore. Its useless to send companion to missions when, next to chance of total failure (which is fair) is BIG chance, even on rich, gain less than invested - and it usually happens. In result, Im spending LESS (and by 90% less) money in AH. Im stocking my money, selling loot... and not investing. If many will follow this path, manufacturers and everyone on AH will be drought soon.


    Its paradox, but that is how economics works. Remove paying class and your manufacturing class would die. Because, in result, you cant pay for i.e. Barrel with Crystal. Nope. You need money and money are used elsewhere. On more important things.


    This is result of messing with economics. Problem is, that slicers will drop this skill at all, because schematics drops are too low and augmentations? Sorry, but this is another misstep in economic projection...


    Dear BW, I understand that you can make a mistake...but making mistakes in MMO and with economics...it can be disastrous. And I fear, because it was based on screaming of many players that really didnt see what slicing gives to all, not just slicers...

  16. Well obviously I'm going to shoot the enemy, that is the point of the game. I think alot of people on here tend to be a bit jealous whenever someone posts anything that shows any sort of accomplishment and achievement, but hopefully those that don't subscribe to this ignorance can learn from these videos.


    Im really beginning to like you :) Hilarious!:)

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