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  1. PvP in this game is terrible everybody already knows that. What's worse is the developers have no sense of what PvP should be as their PTS patches shows their concept and ideas about PvP are horribly skewed. They're making Champion gear and Centurion gear worthless. Why even have it in the game if its like putting a plastic bag over your body and hoping someone doesn't stick the plastic fork threw it and poke you? Why are there PvP servers? World PvP is non existent I decided to log back in 2 weeks ago and have seen 0 ops groups in Illum in the past two weeks. Furthermore I've seen less and less players in the zone over the past 2 weeks. And world PvP is even more a joke as it doesn't exist. 4 level 50 toons now and a handful of encounters between the lot of them for world PvP while leveling. Fact # 2 developers are dumb as hell. Who makes their stealth Assassin class look like exotic f****n birds? It's a stealth class that supposed to be stealthy and sneaky. Guess what? Everybody sees the giant damn Peacock running down the hall. Fact # 3 nobody likes playing Huttball every damn warzone they do. The map is poorly designed and not designed for melee classes. Fact # 4 no one will care about this post and it will get flamed, but that doesn't change the fact everything I wrote is true.
  2. I posted earlier about this herehttp://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2816568#post2816568
  3. I've opened 14 Battlemaster bags in the past 10 days only to receive 0 commendations. Anyone else having this issue or bad luck?
  4. Because you'll know someones intention on the other side of a PC who doesn't speak? Maybe they're just tired of the 1 billion huttball games they've played? Your solution is flawed.
  5. Hi my name is cupofwater and I started a thread where I state everyone else is wrong and I'm right. Go ahead and make an argument and I'll tell you why you're wrong......... Are you fn serious?
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