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10 Good
  1. Shadow Tanks are pretty much our counter class. That 5 sec resistance is huge along with their inability to be rooted, good cc, burst damage and huge health pools. I good shadow is almost an instant loss 1v1 with all cooldowns (I know your all gonna call me a baddie for saying that but it is true); however an average shadow is an easy kill. Power techs arent that hard so long as you know when to dispell there dot to avoid their High impact bolt which is where the damage is from and time your cc's for when you cant dispell to wait out the dot.
  2. My trinkets are bound to 2 yes f thats what your asking. I use a naga so my abilities are on my mouse. It was an ideal wz for damage output because nobody was dying du to the many tank/heal pairs in the wz. I have a feeling this is what we will see come rateds. The nice thing about a scrapper is that there is not set roatation because we dont need to build anything up for burst. If you manage your energy properly by using flurry of bolts when needed its very easy to keep the damage output constant and then your energy is there when needed for burst.
  3. I agree my crit is low but there are no crit power enh's. Id rather lose some surge and grab some crit, but power is better then both imo. 5% chance to hit harder isn't worth it over always hitting harder and 5% is all id get out of it. I'm getting 5.8k hits on the rare occasion but I see 5k a lot with shoot first and the occasional Back Blast. I suppose it may come down to play style, but power stacks linearly and crit does not, so I get more out of what I am stacking. I also prefer to play with reliable dmg and not a chance of damage and that is what power gives you. Unlike most of the people on these form's I can back up my statements. I know this wont change your opinion of my play style or stat priority but at least you will see what is possible if you know your class. (I'm not pointing fingers at you, I know all classes can do it and better giving the right makeup and situation) http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/5830/screenshot2012032822494.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us I would be curious to see how the class performance differs between the two stat priorities.
  4. Your numbers are wrong. You have 702.2 bonus power. I say this because I have 696 power and 771.9 bonus dmg. Im not trying to call you out, I was just very confused how you managed those numbers. I Stack power>Cunning>Crit>surge>end, as a full scrapper dps. People laughed at my high power at first but now all scrappers on my server are gearing like me. 1651 Cun 15880 Health 402 Exp (8.72%) 696 power (771.9 tech dmg) 62 crit rating (30.44% buffed) 390 surge rating (77.29%) I get my 5k hit 8/10 wz and can get a 5k heal if im lucky as well. I average 400k dmg per wz while playing my role and my personal best is 705k in a voidstar. I havent tried this hybrid yet, but i may give it a shot for a change. I must say that I can 1v1 most classes without stealth. Right now most people wont duel me beause of the scrappers great 1v1 ability so I have resorted to dueling without stealth and so far only a good ranged or shadow tank that stealths has a chance against a scrapper out of stealth. I personally think that full scrapper is more usefull in rateds than a hybrid for their burst and great damage, however having both would be great. Right now my rated team will be running with me as scrapper dps and another scrapper heals, but i may get him to watch your vids and give it a try. Thanks for the post, its nice to see people who can break the mould and show how versatile a scoundrel really is.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=369298 This is a great form for scrappers looking into 1.2
  6. lol, i must appolgize. It was 5 am and I was a little under the influence when I wrote my last post . I stand behind everything I said minus the tank/heals combo. That was the reason for my first post lol. The 705k dmg and only 15 kills is because of the heals tank combo. I will say I have and will continue to 2v1 tanks/Heal combos, however that is dependent on them being baddies for the most part and it usually has to be a guardian tank. besides a bad tank/heals that is the cookie cutter 2v1 strat. Thats is what I was trying to get accross. People say they have issues in a 1v1 and I was pointing out we can effectively close down 2 people at once let alone 1v1, and that is great utility. Im not saying that people on this form are complaning but I have seen a lot of scoundrels reroll because they believe we dont have anything to bring to the group. I agree we could use an ability to close the gaps, even if it is a use in stealth only ability it would be nice but I think we are one of the best pvp classes in the game. I never get out damaged by a melee in a wz, and I usually play my objectives and protect my heals. Every ability we throw out hits for around 3k+, its all instant and we dont have to build up any of them. Were are the best burst class in the game at the moment and i expect to see a lot of us in rateds (assuming they dont turn into 4/4 heals/tanks.
  7. I understand people complaining about scrappers in PVE. Our sustained dmg isn't going to match up to others like a sent. But in pvp, I don't understand how you could feel useless. We can lock down any single class no problem. There isn't a class out there that we cant 1v1 with 60-90% health left. In most cases if you know what your doing a 2v1 is usually a win, even with a tank/heals. Open on the heals, FB the tank, attack the heals then vanish and sap the tank for a 8-16 second cc on him. If you cant solo a heals in that time your playing the class wrong. Chances are you still have your DK left for the tank and its an easy win. Only exception is a good shadow tank, but use your def screen when needed, and when he vanishes you do the same and reset. Right now in champ gear your SF can hit from 2.5-5.5k your BB hits for 2.5-5k and SP and BW hit from 2-4k. Don't forget Sab charge, quick shot, vital shot, thermal grenade and charged burst. Its not hard to kill anything and help a team out. Kill their heals, protect your heals and focus targets with guildies. Right now my average huttball and alderan is 350-450k and my average voidstar is 400-550k damage done with a max damage of 705k in a void star. That was AoE on the doors when needed and the rest was single target dps. A few tips from me. Cover is a great way to move to and from a target fast. Especially in voidstar and huttball. A ranged or running opponent can take 6k dmg with a sabcharge and a charged blast followed by some FoB as you pursue. This is usually enough to finish a sorc if you miss rooting their sprint. Try and use Sab Charge as often as possible. it is great to add to your burst and can put a lot of pressure on the heals. Don't be afraid to heal a friend if it is needed. If the ball carrier is getting focused and heals is slack, you can support your heals a bit. I've seen a lot of Scoundrels running around in stealth waiting for the best positioning. Run out of stealth and stealth when your ready to attack. Don't run around your target, run through them and spin to open. If need be start attacking from 30m and forget about stealth. Stealth is a great tool to have but its not always required. one potential 5k hit isn't worth loosing the 15 sec it takes to get behind them. Smuggle is a great tool to use in a wz if you know what your doing with it, and its not only for capturing a node Were a very fast paced class and a lot of fun to play. I miss the 8k hits pre nerf but we are still the best 1v1 class in the game and we bring an amazing arsenal of tools to the group if used well.
  8. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5830/screenshot2012032822494.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us Thats me doing 705k dmg in a wz with only 15 kills (the most on my team) This is a live server from a week ago. I have a feeling this is what rateds will look like. Tanks+Heals=No fun
  9. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5830/screenshot2012032822494.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us Thats me doing 705k dmg at 775.68 dps in a wz with only 15 kills (the most on my team) This is a live server from a week ago. I have a feeling this is what rateds will look like.
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