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Everything posted by clarkwgriswoldjr

  1. I remember fighting a Jedi type boss and they had healing and I used my jet pushback and electro-dart and it would actually interrupt what they were doing, but the second they got their footing from the pushback or from the dart the heal resumed. For a big boss, I'm guessing that the interrupt would end the cycle and you'd be OK, but for the lesser bosses (like not the main one in a flashpoint, but one who was Elite) it bites to have them resume their heal immediately.
  2. Thanks for the various replies. How is it set up in preferences to move the companions skills to a left or right toolbar? Appreciate the input.
  3. Hello, When you minimize Mako or Tor, (the only 2 I really use) it leaves you with just 4 slots. Within those 4 slots are I believe charged shot attack, passive, and something else. I've tried dragging other abilities over things like charged shot, and also removing charged shot to have an empty slot with no luck. Is there a way or a setting I'm missing which you can move those items around? I don't want to give them he bottom bar as I have a system in place for using that during battles. Any advice you can offer please? Thanks much.
  4. No, that can't be, CS responding to a post or email with something completely relevant. Can't fathom the idea. Oh wait, I've had one email about a credit card issue where they continue to charge my credit card and all 5 replies from their (droids) have had nothing to do with putting the money back on my account .
  5. Yet you still post talking about it when you could have just passed it up. Oh and who is We? You aren't speaking for me.
  6. Did someone do away with forum search, it no longer shows up anywhere on the page of forums or in a specific forum. Also, it does not show up under community or my account.
  7. Can't have it both ways Mr. Leet No complaining about "complaint threads" then saying well I guess I will grace you with my opinion since I feel it's a somewhat constructive way to show what people would like to see. It's a completely legit way to see what's up, and if there are so many problem threads then a person of your stature would surely see that it would mean that there are just that many problems and issues.
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