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Posts posted by Dreamsinger

  1. I play an infiltration shadow, and have found that the crit/surg vs Power discussion to be a matter of taste. However if you are around 33%/75% crit/surg you don't need any more diminishing return makes it so . I personally worry about Power more on my PvE gear and Crit/Surg on my PvP gear. Accuracy should be at about 103% but the teir gear you will get will have that already.
  2. I jusrt discussed this with some guildies and this is the one thing we are all up in the air about.

    Crit or Power FOR Shadow DPS.


    Here is my thinking on it.


    INF Shadows: have more hits overall in comparison meaning your crit chance is slightly better by virtue of number of hits in a rotation to begin with. (combine this with 2/31/8 Upheaval build which further increases crit chances for melee strikes) Now raise the % chance for each of those hits to crit and the DMG per % of crit should balloon quite nicely. also keep in mind that surge rating often comes paired with crit.


    Balance Shadows: have fewer hits per rotation relying on greater damage per hit as well as DoT damage, making power make more sense for this build as each hit needs to reliably count for more.


    I have not crunched numbers for this, and as such this has been merely my thoughts on strategy.

  3. either stun them first, or use a tank companion. i like to open with a SS, then force cloak, WB,FW then clean up whats left one at a time. In FLashpoints and group content, stealth up while your tank rounds them up then SS his target, while weaving in the rest of your rotation.

    ( this is speaking from a Infiltration point of view)

    check out the shadow guide on this forum it is rather good.

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