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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Luewen

  1. 1. Boring PVE content - as in, only few bosses are actually interesting. Puzzle one, I believe it's called "Replicator" and the 1 vs 1 bosses after the Pillars in EV. Council or whatever. Everything else is based on "Moar Dots herp derp or he'll enrage". Everything's on Enrage here, there's nothing smart about the PVE content, there are no depleting resources that when run out make the fight impossible to complete, nothing actually innovative. PVE designers are bad.

    2. Overtuning characters. Instead of balancing the classes by slightly changing their power we get hit by nerfs all across the board - like Healers, not only almost every ability we had was nerfed, but also Expertise made it worse for us, on top of that we get a flat -30% during Warzones to healing. Healers get treated like trash in this game, and it's clear to me. If the devs had any brains they'd nerf a few abilities and leave it, then test it and see if more are required.


    3. FPS issues. Horrible, Horrible graphic engine. My PC runs this game better when the settings are set to High, which is hilarious, therefore putting it on Low will not boost the FPS, it lowers it even further. I wont mention other problems but basically - It's really really horrible.


    4. Team developing this game is in my opinion one of the worst. We've got Warhammer rejects that are doing the exact same things to this game that they were doing to Warhammer (the bad things), one bad decision after another is made, no communication, vague responses, nothing worth reading is given to us.


    5. Overhyping every upcoming content. Making all those stupid videos and talking about "oh it's going to be so cool!" on Guild Summits (or should I call them "kissass summits", and then releasing half of what they promised or nothing at all (Ranked warzones, half of legacy is not finished).



    Also, no real attempt to fix the empty servers. My guild died twice. Most of the best players didn't even resubscribe after the first free month - they aren't paying for playing a Beta game. Second bunch of great players just sort of stopped logging in at some point, because the game is lacking a lot of content and there's nothing that's really worth any grind. You can't go on a planet and relax while collecting Biochem samples or stuff like that. There are too many mobs around, but also it's just somehow... not interesting cos you wont earn any money for what you sell on the GTN.


    Anyway, to hell with this game, honestly. 3 years of waiting like an idiot, saying "Bioware CANNOT possibly mess this up" and being a fanboy, buying 3 month sub, trying HARD to like the game, and then after losing a lot of faith in it I get kicked in the teeth - my Commando Medic gets shafted, murdered, destroyed and no longer fun. And the funny thing is, after all those mini patches and people posting their combat logs on the forums saying that the class is basically doing about 400HPS less than any other healing class we haven't even seen one tiny buff, not even "now you run 1% faster" or ANYTHING for that matter. I hope this game dies, I really do, because whoever nerfed my class this badly shouldn't be working in the gaming industry,. I wish you the worst.


    About your point 3.

    If your FPS is not improving when lowering details or resolution, then your processor is bottle necking your graphics card.

  2. Morning all.


    Not sure if I saw a suggestion forum, but I figured this would be the next best place to post this.


    I am going to give a small intro to my suggestion and reasoning behind it. Im sure a lot of people do not have time for raiding. Id venture a guess that a large majority of the population in SWTOR are people that grew up with the star wars saga(not the new movies), and are in their late 20s, 30s, or 40s. We have lives, families, kids, careers. This is not to say that there isnt a large size of people that have the time to raid. I commend you for having that time, I wish I did :(


    However, typical MMOs cater to two people, for the most part. PVP endgame, and PVE end game. Warzones/Arenas, and raiding. While that is great, and you'll capture a lot of your users and players that way, theres a large population of people that dont have the time to grind out X amount of warzones for Y amount of champion bags, or dont have the time to dedicate 3 to 6(or more) hours per week of raiding. Maybe to some people, PVP isnt appealing, or raiding isnt appealing.


    What I suggest is some sort of end game solo raiding-type of content. Rift is/was mildly successful with it, with Chronicles being either solo or two-person. I think WoW is introducing Scenarios with MoP, which will be a success. I would LOVE something similar here, and I think it would be wildly successful. Why? The companion system!


    At level 50, we have 5 companions(I think, not including the ship droid). We gear them out, just as we do ourselves. Why not have a solo-raid, where there are packs of two strong-3 regular(just as an example), or tune it to how Bioware sees fit. Bring your entire companion group in, or select 4 out of the 5. Break them out into teams, etc. Maybe give us more control over their abilities in these instances so that Quinn, for example, knows to heal me up rather than heal up Broonmark. Or so that I can taunt a mob off of my main character with Broonmark, etc. Games like ME1,ME2 did this well.


    Create an entire currency system for these solo-raids just as there is a currency for everything else, or just have it drop based, or mission based with rewards at the end. The key would be tuning the raid for a solo person, that is playing with companions(so its maybe twice as hard as any other solo quest in the game), and giving us the ability to control more of the companion abilities. Another key element would be to allow us to bring in more than one companion, making it feel like the work I put into each companion pays off. Make it difficult so that I do not just breeze through it in 20 minutes, but rather I can work on it bit by bit throughout the week, re-zoning in when I have a free hour to down a boss. Make it as difficult and as long as a normal raid. The difference would be that I can progress at my own pace, when I have the time, so I dont need to conform to a guild's raid schedule. Make the loot slightly better than hardmode flashpoint gear, and slightly less than raid gear. It would be fantastic if the solo-raids were different than the 8/16 man raids.


    Make no mistake, this will not make end game 8/16 man raiding obsolete. People still want that MMO feel, playing with their friends and guildmates. For people that enjoy hardmode raiding, server firsts, achievements, etc this solo raid stuff would not be for them. It would just be an alternative for those of us that no longer have the time to dedicate to real end game raiding.


    In summary, I think this game is perfect for a system like this. The companion system makes it possible, and would make it a very dynamic experience. If Bioware pulled this off, I think, in my opinion, they would dethrone Blizzard as the MMO Gods :)


    Have to agree on this. It would finally bring some usefulness for companions at endgame. As how many does use companions at lvl 50 for more than your solo lvl 50 daily grind? Some peeps i see doing it without companions. Its sad to see that companions are usefull for only leveling up content.

  3. Yeah...because what the MMO market REALLY needs is another F2P/P2W sword and wizard game...because there just aren't enough right now. ONE more will probably be the holy grail of gaming.


    Agreed. I cant anymore stand those gay elves coming from every body cavity after zillions of fantasy mmo's. I would be like others nerdgasming over guild wars if it were modern, sci-fi, post- apocalyptic etc setting. We really dont need more damn elves in mmo's.


    Hell, even space elves would be better than fantasy ones.

  4. Firstly, I would like to point out that this is not a rant or a complaint. I'm having a great time with the game and am very happy with my experience thus far.


    This is about what I see as certain features implemented in Eve that could be adapted or adopted in SWTOR and which would, in my opinion, greatly improve the experience.


    I've never played WoW so, please, don't start going on about that. I've read more stuff about WoW in these forums over the last month or so than in 30+ years of gaming. And it hasn't been terrifically edifying.


    Anyway, features I would like to see; To give context, in Eve, the spaces are massive and there are few reference points and, to mitigate this, there is one feature they have which would be dead handy in SWTOR. When you form a fleet (aka group) and you enter a planetary system you are able to "Warp to member". Now, wouldn't that be great? You're on a planet. You need to get to someone in your group. Use Quick Travel to jump to them. Boom. Still got a cooldown so couldn't be totally over-used but, yeah. Open World PvP suddenly gets most interesting. As it is in Eve.


    PvP in Eve is HARDCORE!


    And on that note..Why can I only attack opposing faction members? If I wanted to attack same faction members, I should be able to. Hell, if you're on a PvP server, what do you expect, eh? Rainbows and Unicorns? Go dark side. Get a rep. Make it real.


    And making it real, my friends, is what I call immersion.


    I could talk about the market, but I won't. That's obviously a work in progress in SWTOR and am willing to cut it a lot of slack.


    Oh yes, one more thing that would improve things. Make the planets look like planets (not fuzzy kids paintings) and warping in space feel like you're actually in motion.


    But, to close, as far as the SWTOR is concerned..Loving it. Loads of fun.


    Just think could be a bit edgier, is all.


    And please no eve space. Its quick bar pushing in space. What they need to do for space is go for X-wing alliance, SWG or freelancer way.

  5. I love EVE, but I do not want to see hardcore EVE PvP. I would rather it be accessible and not exclusive. If nobody wants to PvP because it is "too hardcore" then that is no bueno. I simply think this game needs more engaging World PvP...and they need to keep the WZs server-exclusive to foster more personal PvP experiences (guild vs guild, notorious PvPers). Also, player bounties would be nice.


    Aye. EVE hardcore pvp= Everyone using cheapest **** as possible and try to run as soon as possible being afraid that ship is lost...


    EVE PVP= full fleet ganking few ships with warp jammers until bigger fleet comes to gank them and that goes on and on and everyone is afraid on losing ships...

  6. How long does it take people to finish end game content now in WoW? People will always strive to be "world first" but that does not accurately represent how the average player perceives the instance. Also, WoW started with 40 man raids which means you had to rely on more people to not screw up. Was it the content that was difficult or was it finding 40 competent people to do said content?


    Okay lets forget 40 man raids. And concentrate on TBC 25 man ones. Even those took way longer to complete for your normal raider. Same for world firsts. I dont think any guilds went through them with one sitting like in ToR. It was slow going from boss to boss and every boss kill was an accomplishment and not a "yawn, one more boss down, lets go to next" borefest.

  7. You have no idea how many times ive said this my friend. It falls on def ears. All they want is "i win" easy modes. Fact is TOR is more of an RPG then any other MMO to date (story, companions, choices etc)...and they want to ruin it. Id rather they stick to the blandness of WoW, Rift and the like and let us enjoy our mmoRPG.




    its not hard to find tanks and healers at all. Not in my experience. Join bigger guilds, make more friends...take your pick...the solutions are out there. Being social is a prerogative if you play an MMO... tanks and healers are out there in bundles, you people are just to lazy to be bothered.


    IT doesnt matter how big your guild is if everyone is bored of running same fp's again and again.

  8. And you just put your finger on it.


    Those who object to dual spec do so out of childish selfishness. They don't want it; therefore, no one should have it.


    There is absolutely no logical advantage to not having dual specs, but a lot of advantages to having them: personal convenience, group flexibility, knowledge of multiple specs, and that horrible concept called "fun."


    Pretty much agreed here. It would be win - win situation to everyone but childish, selfish "#¤%". As of now its already hard enough to find tanks or healers for groups, with dualspec it would ease a lot providing that someone wants to play healer or tank.

  9. It's been a few years since I've played WoW but this is what I remember:


    • Dailies
    • Arenas
    • Battlegrounds
    • Dungeons
    • Heroics
    • Raids


    And, this is what I see in SWTOR.


    • Dailies
    • Warzones
    • Dungeons
    • Hard Modes (with nightmare)
    • Operations
    • Space missions


    Comparing the two lists I see that WoW has arenas and SWTOR has space missions. Is that the only difference? I'm a PvPer so that's what I've been focused on and while I miss arenas I enjoy large-scale battles more so the lack of arena hasn't bothered me. I haven't done any sort of endgame PvE operations so I can't comment on those.


    Fill me in - what's different?


    Most likely cos the content in wow was actually challenging at the start. And noone finished MC first week it came out.

  10. I've come across more people willing to group than are unwilling. People seem to be picking on up the fact that grouping allows you to move through quests and level up much quicker.


    This whole solo aspect that is creeping into MMOs is a carry over for WoW as it was one of the first MMOs to be solo friendly. If you ask me, if you're playing an MMO and don't want to group, you're in the wrong genre.


    How about the peeps that dont want to lvl up faster? Game already gives lvls like no other...


    And by the time i find group for lower lvl instances i already overlvl them greatly.

  11. I've skimmed these threads and I am still not really sure, can you RE orange custom armor. I have armor tech and have the schematics, but if you can....what is the benefit. Does it add a fourth slot for an augment? Can you actually make the armor an artifact?


    No you cannot RE items into artifact.

  12. Online reviews do refute that. I did a lot of research before buying mine. And while not every OCZ will be bad, it had one of the highest breakdown percentages of SSDs on the market. I'd rather pay a little more and get a brand that has a much lower chance.


    That might be true. But ocz drives do generally have faster transfer rates than same size other brand ssd's. Also as they generally are also cheaper so you can get 2 on raid easily and can forget about data loss. Also ocz drives come with at least 5 year warranty on here so you can easily RMA one if it happens to break for some reason. My older ocz drive is 3+ years old now and no probs at all.

  13. Be warned, do your homework. OCZ are the WORST on the planet. there are thousands of complaints about them an total stonewalling from OCZ themselves.

    best are by miles, Corsair drives. Simply put the Superior to any other SSD.


    What are you smoking? OCZ makes damn nice ssd drives. I have 1 sata II and 1 sata III ocz ssd and they are blazingly fast and reliable. I get 400+ mb/s writing and reading speeds easily. Can pretty much say that price/quality ratio of ocz drives are better than any other maker.

  14. Seriously, I have never played an MMO (or any game) that gave me so many damn abilities. By the time your character is in the mid-30's you have 2 action bars filled. I have no idea where I'm gonna put the rest of the abilities I get as I level up! And its not like there are any throwaway ones...you pretty much find a use for every ability, its ridiculous! I'm afraid to spend points on talents that unlock new abilities, I don't even have room for the ones I get by leveling up!


    I thought it was just Bounty Hunters so I rolled a Juggernaut, but now I'm in the mid-30's and the problem is cropping up again. I get some sick new ability and either have to 1) bind it to some hard to reach hotkey or 2) replace a current power with the new one, which leaves me hitting the wrong damn hotkey for an hour or so until I'm used to the new layout.


    I may be in the minority here, but you could get rid of about 4-5 abilities per class and still have a lot of variety.


    What? Thats not even many abilities. There are mmo's with way more buttons to push than this. And you have 4 rows of 12 slots that you can use. I am using 3 rows atm as a lvl 50 and have no probs of managing them. Just sort the bars the way you can access them nicely.


    For example i have all my most often used soilla on 1 row. Counters or triggered on seconds. Buffs and rarely used abilities on one etc. And you can bind all 48 quickslots for a key.

  15. I am trying to understand why people want a lfg system like they have in WoW. If I recall before I stopped playing that game, tanks got instant ques, healers were near instant, and if you were a dps....well you just waited 25-30 minutes to be thrown into a group that had little chance of even saying "Hi" the entire run.


    So instead of talking to people, actively finding a group (which allows you a better chance at finding an active guild) you would rather stare at the screen waiting for a ticker to pop up saying 3 people are ready to group with you? I may have lucked out, but I've found at peak times people are spamming for groups for just about every flashpoint in the city.


    How to use current LFG


    Click "Looking for group"

    Insert a comment saying if you are a tank, heal, or dps and what you are looking for.


    This increases your chances of being thrown into a group ten fold.


    Tips to get a group going.


    Instead of saying LFG [quest/flashpoint] why not START the group up. Say LFM, and say what you specifically need. This shows you want to get moving, and more people are likely to message you asking to come along. Also, throw that in your LFG comment.


    That lfg became so bad in WoW the developers had to offer extra rewards to tanks and healers just to get them to use it.


    The system is not broken, its just that only a very small community are using it.


    Have to agree partly.


    On other not there is many times when there is 10 peeps spamming the chat for group. There is healer, tank and dps but why the "¤% noone there actually start a damn group instead of keep spamming the same over and over.

  16. (My main point out of all of this is that I don't think adding Story as a new pillar of the MMO is a smart move when trying to beat other MMOs in the market)


    I've been reading a lot of posts recently about what people think of this game but none directly discuss how the pillars of MMOs are being dealt with in TOR. This game is STORY DRIVEN, we've heard it numerous times now. I've heard many times In interviews the devs say they wanted story to be the new pillar in MMO and I don't think that this is a realistic prospect.


    ---> ESSAY ALERT <---


    Think about what happens when you read a book. The story is interesting while your reading it and it can stay with you forever. You get a certain satisfaction out of knowing the parts of it. SW:TOR is saying to players 'Make your own story, live it out in your own way' This is a good idea, I myself find the idea of living an online life in the Star Wars universe to be exciting and thrilling. There is however a key problem I feel which is that this is an MMO. And what happens in all MMOs is that you reach this little brick wall called, the max level...


    The problem with this idea of 'making your own story' is simply the restraints of the game itself. I find it very difficult to embrace this idea because I know that eventually I will run out of content or indeed just get bored with my character. Its also very difficult to live out a truly believable story in an MMO since the majority of time is spent killing defenceless animals or collecting random crap.


    The original poll done on these forums indicated that the main things people looked for in MMOs were PvP or PvE. Anyone who has played an MMO before will surely realize that these two concepts are the foundation of the end game content. For SW:TOR these apparently weren't a problem. They made this game STORY DRIVEN despite the fact that only a tiny portion of MMO gamers would consider this even the slightest bit important. So why?


    I feel as though this game simply lacks in certain areas and the only thing I can think to blame is there total emphasise on story. I have no doubt that this game will do well simply because there are plenty of people willing to put up with the quantity of story just to reach the end game. But what end game? Patching will surely add more content but with an old system ( eg. The Holy Trinity ) it will make it no different to WoW which has put a lot of focus into making its end game as fun as possible. BioWare needs to wake up and realize that this is something too important to just pretend isn't important and although the game may be story based, they do need to put end game in or the hardcore MMO players will just get up and leave.


    On the topic of story I really don't like the way BioWare as implemented their vision of story. Just because I have a nice conversation with a quest giver doesn't mean that him telling me to kill 10 boars (or droids) will be any more fun. Are people really that stupid as to believe that STORY is going to make an MMO more fun in the end game. I look forward to new titles such as GW2 which promise to actually change end game for the better by directly tackling the problems people have with PVE and PVP.


    This game feels more dull than WoW in the questing sense because adding in all this story actually increases the time that killing 10 boars would normally take. 'But thats just if you want to grind to max level', sure ill admit one thing I loved about WoW was that I could get to max level in no time by just grinding. That still doesn't change the fact that most MMO players are just like me, they want to get to that end game content as soon as they can and SW:TOR has tried to change that by introducing more stuff for you to do while you level up. This doesn't actually make the game experience any better in the sense that people still want to be max level as soon as they can, so I suppose much of this new content is in fact just pointless if people are just going to skip over it. I feel as though BioWare has actually harmed themselves by making story so important especially in the levelling part and I am not sure how they intend to carry this over into the end game.


    To try and fix this many people may suggest that you re roll an alt, BioWare has tried to make it clear that making a new character is a whole new story and yet wont I be doing exactly the same quests? I find it hard to build this vision of a new character when so much of what I am doing is the same as what my main did previously. There is only 1 area to go and quest in for each level group, yes you could leave a location sooner or spend longer in another but you are not really living a new story except for of course your classes main one.


    For an MMO which values story so highly it seems embarrassing that there is actually very little choice in how your story progresses. Oh I get to choose if i'm 'Light or Dark side', I do question the philosophical side of this game as can you really split life so plainly into just good deeds and evil ones. Yet the game gives you brownie points for taking one side which means players are either all evil or all good. Is there no middle ground? How can someone build a true story for themselves when the game pushes them to choose good over evil or vis versa. Yes you could just ignore the whole system but is it not outrageuous in the first place that they split moral choice so plainly?


    To finish I would like to just discourage anyone from saying any obvious comments and that the single reason why I am posting this is to see if anyone in the community shares my concerns. BioWare has put their eggs in one basket on this game and I feel they have missed out some crucial parts of what makes MMOs successful.


    (My main point out of all of this is that I don't think adding Story as a new pillar of the MMO is a smart move when trying to beat other MMOS in the market)




    I changed my main point's wording a little bit to greater reflect my actual opinion.


    I agree on many points on your post and the story is really not that important.

    On that note i tuiki that the travel to the lvl cap is as important as endgame. Perhaps the rush to cap is something that needs to be changed or something.

  17. I'm not sure. If every other game runs fine and even swtor does most of the time, I think it's due to not optimized areas in swtor. Alderaan for example runs a lot better than Nar Shaddaa for me, even if there are more open spaces and more objects in my field of view. I think it doesn't work well for some graphics card/ driver combinations.



    Doesn't look like it's only my problem. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-09-bioware-responds-to-SWTOR-performance-issues


    It is true that the game should be optimized better and that some planets are better than others on performance. But those issues have not been affecting me at all and game runs at steady 60 fps so far. /knocks wood. Shadows are the killer for most peeps with low end or average computers.

  18. Same here and I've got 580 SLI and an Core i7 860. Other games, even crysis or bf3 run much better. Nar Shaddaa is my crux somehow. There are a lot of areas, even without enemies, where I run below 30 fps. And I'm neither incompent nor clueless (I know, everybody thinks that).


    Sad to say but there is definetily something wrong with your computers. I am using 2600 with 8 gigs ram and gtx 570 HD sc and i havent found single place on game that droos my fps below 60 with all settings max.


    And to the hater saying that the ability delay affects everyone is so wrong...

  19. Awesome to finally get an official confirmation.


    What I still don't understand is how so many people tried to deny that this problem existed when the problem was painstakingly obvious.


    Most likely cos not everyone has this "problem". Me, for instance, have no ability lag whatsoever. Skill go off when i press them etc...

  20. It's not the animations.


    Many times I've seen this: chain one instant cast ability with another. The second one doesn't fire and gives "target already dead" even though the animation for the first attack hasn't completed. Happens all the time on my gunslinger. The target is already dead on the server side, you just haven't seen it yet due to client lag, so when you hit the second ability before the animation for the first one completes you get an update from the server telling you "already dead" and the second ability doesn't fire.


    The client is out of sync with what is really going on on the server end, is what it looks like. This is inevitable to some degree, but for some reason it is more noticeable than it should be.


    How many times have you seen this: you are about to kill an enemy, and then it just stands there looking at you for a second doing nothing, then suddenly decides "I'm dead" and falls down. Client out of sync, pausing to sync with server.


    Or this: walk into what seems like an invisible wall for some reason, and then a second later you can move again. Client out of sync, pausing to sync with server.


    I've noticed this happening more during peak times and my lagometer never measures any lag. Could be due to server processing load rather than network latency.


    Hmmm. I have never experienced this bug or something. Especially considering the message you get. I know about the ability not going off at all bug but never gotten that message.

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