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Everything posted by Holdt

  1. This is the progression site. It was in the operations forums a couple weeks ago by Hochi-san, from LF Love in Alderaan Places on PoT5. Your guild's kills have already been uploaded by one of your members. I misunderstood your statement because I was originally pretty critical of the system, as it doesn't have significantly more functionality than the current ranking system.
  2. Actually, I am being entirely serious about the ranking site. A benefit I was completely unaware of at the time popped up with Thin's abscence: multiple people can approve kills. I don't think the system is perfect, by any means. But the only way BW is going to see that we really want this ranking is if the use of at least one form of ranking becomes highly popular.
  3. For all those begging for an update - Thinmints had to take some emergency time off unexpectedly. From what he told us, he hopes to be back by Tuesday. Refrain from begging until then please, or link your epeen on that new progression site that everyone has been lauding. It's HM, relax.
  4. What I gleaned from the r/swtor thread is that there is NO kill verification and that your system is entirely voluntary. Additionally, any guild wishing to submit kills to claim credit would need to create an account. This last part seems especially inconvenient. The lack of verification seems like a step back. And the fact that its voluntary makes it limited to the same crowd who currently submits progression data. I don't see how this is better at all. Edit: I sounded meaner than intended here. The site is visually more navigable for a novice user. It would be perfect if Bioware would work in tandem with you or even buy it from you to incorporate with tracking data that they acquire ingame.
  5. That phase requires one person to stand on each finger so that the fingers are not putting out debuffs (in 8m that means 1 dps on each of the 4 outside ones and a healer on each middle one). -DPS should all focus one at a time if you have all ranged, or have your ranged assist melee. Getting one finger down and moving on to the next will significantly cut the damage output during that phase. -Tanks should be using the slam attack from the Hands of Brontes to kill any incoming energy orbs. Make sure the orbs are squarely inside the telegraphed slam, as a single missed orb can mean a death. Hopefully fixing your positioning and those two things should help you bring it down, good luck!
  6. I can't speak to 16m SM, but 16m HM was harder than on the PTS, but still easily manageable for our group. That said, we're in fully/almost fully 75 gear.
  7. Form/join a guild with capable players. Reroll a healer. Screen your healers for experience/gear before inviting them. Complain on the forums about your inability to do the previous three. When those all fail, /uninstall.
  8. Very cool! It's always exciting to see ways that people manage to push the limits of an encounter, especially by challenging members to make up for small groups. Grats on the kills!
  9. A member of Seven Stuck stated in the chat of a suckafish stream that they had managed to clear it on 8 HM, but that's all he would say. I can't speak to the veracity of his statement, but its certainly not impossible.
  10. Ouch. If you look at their comp, they even needed to one-tank the fight in order to meet the dps requirements. Good luck with Titan-6 if dps is that poor.
  11. Nope, they're pretty bad. If they're serious about it they should go back in again on Sunday and continue to work at it. It looks like they have a workable strategy down with 2T/4H/10D, they just need a pull without bad RNG. If they screw around too long a guild that is actually good might beat them to it.
  12. I built an attractive looking armor set on my scoundrel before legacy adaptive gear became widely available, and I would like to be able to keep that set as well as share it with other characters. To that end, I think a one-time consumable item that can be applied to one piece of gear to make it legacy-bound would be very popular. It could be marketed through the cartel market or as an in-game credit sink.
  13. If you were intellectually consistent you would realize that the bosses were intended to be killed in the order in which they were placed in the instance.
  14. Let's see the alternative. Why don't the excessively talented members of DNT kill Thrasher our way, since clearly its so easy. Maybe the reason you can't burn Thrasher like that on 8m is because your dps just isn't up to par?
  15. I do believe that was the entire point of his post - to point out the fact that BW had to adjust a fight after we killed it in a way other than intended. Did you bother reading the original post?
  16. Don't be grumpy Snutch. To be honest, all of the fights were extremely difficult, I'd even say that some required a huge helping of luck in addition to skill. The damage was never tested on 16-man, so I'm not sure if it was intentional on Bioware's part, but Olok and the Cartel Warlords especially had 1-shot mechanics that were extremely difficult to recover from if anyone made even the slightest mistake. We still had pulls on OIok where people would die without anyone making a mistake. It took us a long time to figure out how to effectively 'save' people before they were gibbed. Hopefully with the release of the videos it'll become more apparent. -Vanira
  17. I'd also recommend an ASUS laptop. I have an even lower-end ROG, the G51-JX. I had a problem with overheating (bad cooling design in their first one in the series) but almost all the later models in the ROG series have a better cooling system. That said, I popped the bottom plate off this one and can run max smoothly with no more overheating.
  18. Just bumping this topic. It's great for the Amazon buyers that they'll have their access codes in time for the holidays, but now I'd like that same courtesy for my Walmart preorder.
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