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Everything posted by Neleb

  1. Still no word from BioWare about it, you'd think it'd be a really easy fix considering how it tells you how much ammo you have when you scroll over yourself anyway. What it DOESN'T do is update automatically, so that's a useless feature to begin with. Scrolling over yourself and then back off again repeatedly during a fight is hardly practical. tl;dr bioware plz fix trooper ammo bar so it actually displays numbers like all other classes thank you
  2. Neleb


    It's a long story. And ehh.. I cry a little inside every time I run The Foundry. Here's to hoping they actually do something with this and don't leave Revan with such an undignified end. Killed by 4 PCs before they're even particularly powerful.. I'd expect an entire ops to kill such a legendary and well-liked character as that. All I'm saying. ..And totally wasn't drunk when I thought up the original post. x_x
  3. Neleb


    Dear BioWare team, I am writing to let you know that I am incredibly dissatisfied with the way you portray Revan in your game. This has led to my aching disappointment and my heart yearns for something more pretty to look at. I am sure your entire playerbase would be overjoyed if you were to change Revan's hairstyle to something.. oh, I don't know, cool. Like a mohawk. A pink mohawk. No, GINGER mohawk. Perfect, so perfect.. it's bringing tears to my eye. To summarize - CHANGE REVAN'S HAIRSTYLE. Revan must've hated himself in the time he spent free. Nobody likes to be Captain Mullet. if you don't change it I will be displeased. I'll call your parents. I know who they are. ...If not, this may make an excellent April Fools joke for next year. Stick it in patch notes or something. Or be cool, be impatient, put it in for next patch. GO BIOWARE! With love, Rhia.
  4. COUGHBUMPCOUGH No replies? Really, nobody else is bugged by this? My commando is damn close to unplayable, I just find merc so much easier to deal with -just- because the resource bar works properly. I've gotten used to merc and it's just bloody frustrating to play my commando, I have to be so careful with my ammo, most of the time I'm just wasting DPS.
  5. *necro* This problem is still relevant. It is IMPOSSIBLE to properly manage ammo if you can't even see how much ammo you have, only make a vague interpretation based on how many bars you have left, but this is by no means accurate, makes it so difficult to control it properly. Mercenary has heat and you can enable it to show EXACTLY how much heat you have with numbers, why the hell can't we do this with troopers? We need this fixed! EDIT: To add a bit more detail - On a mercenary, 40 heat leaves you with max regeneration. Going to 41 or higher, however, lowers your regeneration rate. That means by going over 40 heat your DPS is INSTANTLY lowered a little, haven't got as much resources to work with.. but, since we can actually see the exact numbers, we can learn slowly exactly how much one of our abilities will cost and by that definition time it properly so that we never go above 40 heat. Only when necessary and when burning, of course. Now. On trooper, we can't see numbers. So we have no way of telling how much ammo we have, apart from the vague representation of the ammo bar. So it is actually impossible to tell precisely whether an ability will take you over the limit. Which means you lose DPS. Which is *********** annoying, considering how small a fix it would be to add the numbers in.
  6. Bump. We need this, the more support the better.
  7. I'm sure this has been mentioned so many times in the past, but I like to put things into my own words. I cannot stress enough the importance of status icons. They're in pretty much every game. The main use for icons next to a name is so you can tell who's RPing and who's not. Perhaps more icons, to show whether someone is disconnected or AFK. The idea I had in mind was to have a brightly-coloured symbol above one's name, perhaps above the class symbol/next to it. Perhaps a glowing delta to indicate 'RPer', glowing 'X' to indicate disconnected, and maybe just add an (AFK) after someone's name if they are AFK. It's literally as simple as that and it'd be oh so useful. Please BioWare, if you can't give us chat bubbles at least give us this!
  8. Neleb

    Chat log

    Necro, because this thread is still relevant. I'd really like chat logs for a variety of reasons - learning from my RP mistakes, reliving my memories (who would ACTUALLY do that?) and scrolling through your past ERPs. (We know you're into that sort of thing, don't be shy.)
  9. Sorry for the necro, but I'd very much like to know the answer to this. I've seen the symbol used in chat but nobody tells me how.
  10. That really, really scared me ********. You want to know what 'PvP map pack' reminds me of? Paid DLC for warzone maps. You might want to edit and rephrase that. lol
  11. In all honesty, this will hurt more than help. In big teamfights, it's tricky to know who's who without the giant red sign over the enemy team members.
  12. And when you break LoS with a ranged target, chances are you break LoS with the rest of your team. What happens when that happens? I can't heal my team. What's my problem here? Not ever being able to heal my team when I need to because the enemy team is coordinated. So, battles will only go one way. Either the enemy healer is taken out and we steamroll the opposition, or the friendly healer is taken out and we get steamrolled. There's some variation, I'll give you that. But it is *********** ridiculous. I only came here to raise the issue of how potent stuns and interrupts are right now. If anything, interrupts should contribute to filling the resolve bar A LOT.
  13. There are these things called interrupts. They put your heals on cooldown. You've heard of them, right? I don't think you have.
  14. I'm not sure you read my post. My problem is with how defenseless the operative is vs stuns, interrupts and CC. You can't hide away through the whole warzone, the enemy will realise that the heals are coming from SOMEWHERE. Then when a healer finally gets marked he is absolutely ****ed. Kiting is USELESS when you have ranged DPS on you, or more than one player attacking you. Two people with that ridiculous 6-second CD interrupt can really **** with your healing. Plus, while you're kiting, you're not burst healing. On top of that, I'm level 39. I don't HAVE an AoE heal yet.
  15. Operatives have so much stuff it's really not an issue. The shield and combat stealth alone is amazing. Add in that you can apply HOTS to yourself and proc the probe and you have some really good ways to survive. I some times drop orbital strike on myself just to get some damage and hopefully back the bad guys up. Below level 40, operatives have very weak defenses. I'm level 39 right now. Now, the game's started. 5 of us are at mid in civil war. I've been healing my team up, and I've finally been marked. Suddenly, jugger jumps at me and stuns me out of the blue. Rest of the DPS step in, bam stunned again. Oh ****, two people just died to their scrappers. Start up main heal on the tank, who's taking some massive damage for me. Interrupted. Execute all tac advantages on surgical probe and kolto probe. Start up kolto injection again, interrupted. Oh ****, the rest of my team just died and just the tank remains. Tank is focussed while I sit twiddling my thumbs in disappointment. I use cloaking screen to bail out, and the only life saved is my own. Until they start raining AoEs and stealth probes down around my area, that is. That's a typical game for me. Sometimes it's wildly different and we actually WIN because the enemy team is full of new people. Sometimes my team actually jumps in to help me when I'm in danger, but it's of no use because I still can't heal myself or anyone else. I do a couple things. First, have medpacks aplenty. It's a great extra self-heal. Second, stay as far back as you can and use columns and other arena designs to hide. Teammates who run off and away from objective points to get kills should be left to do that. Don't follow unless the group is moving. Always run through teammates once you're being focused. One of the good guys will more than likely break off to help if they see you getting crushed. Thanks for the advice. I generally do all these things, and they help me a lot since operative is a very mobile and versatile healer. But generally, when I'm hiding behind a column, I can't heal our main DPS maras, juggers and assassins (Yes, they're just killhunting, that's what pugs do! What did you expect? ). To heal them up effectively, I have to move out of cover - so far that the enemy will certainly see me. But I do get your point, I generally hang around the edge or behind the turret controls when defending. I'll try what you suggested, and actually try to use cover effectively. Cheers for actually reading the post, seeing my issue and giving me some helpful advice. Appreciated.
  16. You've seen this before, right? I never believed it until I actually rolled a healer myself. But healers are so weak in PvP it's unreal. Why? On one side, you have stuns and CCs and our wonderful ****** nerfed resolve. A healer can get stunned/CC'd TWICE in one short fight which is enough time for a bunch of scrappers to take out half of your group's main DPS. On top of that, you have interrupts.. I play an operative. We rely on one heal to chain onto other sometimes more effective heals (unless you go for the kolto probe route which gives tactical advantages over time, and you can execute one tac advantage for a small instant heal... but it's sustained healing, not burst healing like you'd need in a short typical 6v6 fight). So I've been stunned twice, half my group is dead. I still can't do anything because my heals are on cooldown and I'm being focussed by eleventy squillion sentinels because the enemy actually proved their superior intelligence and MARKED ME. Even with my powertech tank friend (who I group with regularly through all my warzones) I couldn't do anything. So in every fight, my healing is ineffective, my team's getting pissed off because of the very little group survivability. What the flying **** am I supposed to do? I just warzoned through an entire day because of the wonderful double XP. It's not a one-off thing. Throughout 8 hours of agony I was forced to endure so much ******** because of the useless resolve and no way to stop yourself from being thrown across the map like a *********** ragdoll. Please, BioWare. FIX THIS. I don't care if it's just a 5-second anti-CC/interrupt/stun with a 10-hour cooldown. I want SOMETHING that will give me a fighting chance when I'm faced with a competant team. This is absolutely ridiculous, no wonder I see so few healers in warzones when I play on my powertech. EDIT: I left one crucial bit of info out. I'm level 39 and I usually group up with a 41 powertech tank friend.
  17. It was on civil war. Did the usual stuff, asked who's healing so I know who to watch, asked ops leader for directions, etc. Jumped around randomly for a bit like I do, until I noticed that three people were wearing Tionese gear. Not just any old people, either. One juggernaut (presumably DPS), one operative healer and one powertech (tank). I predicted our demise well before the game started. Of course, we lost the warzone. /repeatedfacedesk
  18. it is one sided from the launch, the first patch was a full sith advantage, and a year plus later, nothing has changed as far as the pvp goes, I'm lost for words.
  19. My point is that right now, the outcome of warzones are decided before they even *********** start. It's a terrible, terrible system.
  20. Five hundred internet points to you, my friend.
  21. I fail to see how it punishes players for playing the game. Sure, a coordinated team of ~WH gear will dominate a team of 4 EWHs and 4 recruit-level players, all you have to do is coordinate and focus the recruit level people first. But since this already happens in warzones already, what do we lose? Most games will not be like this, and will be at least relatively balanced. Total random que is most fair it can get. You have equal chance to get team of fools or team fighters, AND equal chance to get 50/50. Nothing to exploit. Just NO. PvP should not be about getting a lucky team combination. You should have to actually put some effort in to win. This is the problem I've been going on about through this WHOLE thread.
  22. If you didn't read all of the OP before commenting, i think you should delete that comment. I've been trying to think of ways that will make PvP fair in most cases without delaying the queue time too much.
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