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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laurreth

  1. So why not just merge servers, then they could control faction and population balance without giving us the "Illusion" of choice that actually doesn't exists




    But it sounds like it's not really the announced "superserver" move that was announced some time ago, so maybe they want to use both opportunities to see things break in exciting ways ;) (Plus, they already have the transfer stuff in place from the APAC spin-off...) (edit, not that anyone will read it at this point:) Having players transfer their own characters also means they can perform name changes exactly when required, and it keeps dead wood off the destination servers, so the number of possible conflicts is vastly reduced.


    I'm looking forward to the intricacies involved in transferring guilds and associated assets (*cough* guild bank). In WAR, we managed to end up with 3 clones of the original guild on different servers after several transfers and merges.


    For now, I'm happy that there's a real chance to see other people again, and then shove my lightsaber through their faces. Oh wait, I'm light side. Anyway, the 1.3 notes made me re-sub today, and the announcement of the transfers made me not regret it, so I'd call it a good day for the game.

  2. Do you have at least a schedule in what order different (much-needed) features like the "megaservers", 1.3, some of the near-term stuff from the E3 video are supposed to go live, and could you please share them?


    I guess we all know and grudgingly accept that there can always be minor delays, but by now some of us are getting desparate on quite empty servers, so throw us a bone (or date) and end the speculation.

  3. Yes, ALL US servers are up, while most of the EU PvP servers (the most populated, actually) are down. And it's not early morning here (as is in the US), it's in the middle of the afternoon.


    I still find it mildly amusing (and more annoying) to read the devtracker during a break at work, and find people whining about a server outage at that time, some going so far as to call it primetime (I'm sure someone in this thread did).


    The kneejerk reaction is "get a job".


    The other reaction is "get a life".


    If your life gets reduced to such a degree of meaninglessness that you need to complain about a game being unavailable for a certainly limited amount of time on an almost-summer day, I truly feel sorry for you.

  4. The "keeping it from happening" part would have been easy if they allowed transfers as a feature from the beginning.


    Or if they had stuck with the area instancing that was obviously already working to some degree during the beta. They could have cushioned the crows dissipation a good lot with that and having only ~70 "visible" servers.

  5. They could easily funnel 4-8 low pop servers into one and make it active without the negative press of closing servers and ensuring a good population based on the login data they have access to.


    Why care for the press? That's random anyway, and can easily be bought with a good dosh of ad money. They can only win by compressing their players on a couple of servers that at least reach heavy load during primetime.

  6. Give us a decent PvP!!!! :rolleyes:


    I don't think that's possible without redoing the entire game. It'd need a completely reworked balance, decent battlefields (I'm talking working open PvP, or at least good-sized team instances, not four tiny trash maps that one can get enough of in a single evening), and an influx of new players.


    They had DAoC to learn that from, they had WAR to learn that from. If they didn't get it by now, they never will.

  7. Character Transfers


    Dont be afraid to put a lot of restrictions on this tool. If you dont control it after doing your server mergers then we will be right back to square one in regards to our population problem right now.


    They already announced that they'll do the same "restricted destinations" death tango as every MMO before.


    I do agree that it's pretty much too late though. Over the weekend, we rarely if ever had 20 people on the fleet, and that's on one of the most populated EU servers. The 30 days "free" time to keep subscriber numbers artificially high over the quarterly results is probably the last thing still keeping people logging in, but why stay when you can't even reliably fill a 4-player flashpoint on the fleet?


    And ranked warzones... yeah, about that, you'd actually need 8 people for that. On each side. Queueing for ranked WZs. Good luck with that.


    If I were an EA shareholder, I'd be pretty peeved at them for not ditching the entire thing and having Bioware just do another quick singleplayer gorefest :(

  8. For some reason I find it really hard to keep my own health in check, no matter where I put my own character frame. Those frames are, IMO, way too busy and distracting from the main information with lots of bright (blue) colour.


    Of course, that can be worked around by using ops frames as group frames, but that only works while not in a group and lacks companion information.


    It might help to have a slider to darken and/or desaturate the background to make information-bearing elements more prominent.

  9. This was originally intended as a reply to the tauntaun/30 day "have I got it yet?" thread, but IMO the topic warrants its own thread.


    On the varions account pages related to subscriptions, you're using many different ambiguous date formats:


    The subscription page at https://account.swtor.com/user/subscription seems to use "MM.DD.YYYY" for the next billing date, and "MM/YYYY" for the credit card expiration.


    The payment history page uses "DD <shortened month> YYYY" for the next billing date, and "YYYY/MM/DD" for the payment history table.


    Only one of those formats is not ambiguous.


    Either consequently make it "MM/DD/YYYY", which at least some people can make sense of given that while Bioware is Canadian, most people will associate it with a US date, or–and that's the proper way–use the unambiguous ISO 8601 notation (YYYY-MM-DD) which is standardised all over the world. You're dealing with payment data there, so being unambiguous trumps localisation.

  10. Thread zombie!


    Since that choice won't come until they implement cross-server queueing, here's a slightly alternative approach:


    Let players choose one warzone they do not want to play.


    I guess most people have one warzone they despise, so let them not play that, while still keeping 75% "in play".

  11. but i do know they work off a lot of spreadsheets rather than just code so i guess they'd have to change every set in the game (not that there's 'that' many) rather than being able to write one reusable piece of code for the lot.


    True, and then there's the intern who writes the tooltips and gets it wrong all the time :D That general area has been producing a lot of bugs reeking of weak design.


    i really hope BW add this functionality to all sets, there is really nothing to lose or gain for anyone other than changing their looks so please, let the masses do this.


    Except now it'd be really hard to pull off, since people have already ripped the old mods from the bonus-encrusted shells, so no matter what, people would be sad about the way it's handled.













  12. These aren't WoW set bonuses that are so good that they change how you prioritize your actions. They hardly matter in most fights, actually.


    That's true, but it seems rather short-sighted that the boni weren't moved to the mods, seeing how the items themselves were completely rewritten anyway. At least for the Consular/Whateverthedarksidehashere they're nice to have with a 3 second (that's >10%) reduction of the absorb bubble lockout and a small HoT for Noble Sacrifice.

  13. That's the first spot leveling players would pick up legacy equipment for their alts...


    Poppycock I say! When I was a wee level 10 consular, I've been walking up and down the stairs to the underground market square all night long without the Sprint ability, and I swear there was snow on the steps! Kids these days sure can walk those few metres!

  14. The ONE thing I've been looking forward to was to rip the set boni out of the abysmally ugly PvP gear and stick it in some decent low-level orange stuff. Same for the "LOOK MA I'M WEARING TURTLES ON MY HANDS AND A SAILBOAT ON MY HEAD!" Consular Columni crap.


    Guess what, NEITHER of those sets seems to have their set boni tied to the armor mod. Now I'm 150k credits down, have probably grinded away my desire to play warzones with the community of quitters and zergers on Jar'kai Sword just to get a new Battlemaster tunic for what appears to be nothing.


    What "endgame" armor does that mechanic apply to? Is there anything useful that doesn't require months of grind?

  15. What I noted on some "pre-existing" missions was that the bonus stages were displayed pretty weirdly. In one mission, I had the headers of all bonus steps shown at once, in another the bonus mission of a Trooper class quest got stuck (which reminds me, I'll better file a ticket about that one). I didn't have anything broken or reset though.
  16. The NPC Vendor Union (N-VUn) officially decries the discriminatory placement of vendors for the new legacy gear outside the market district on Coruscant. The Union's demands are simple: move those vendors into a safe, sheltered location where they don't have to bask in eternal sunset.


    Seriously though, the game is only about 4 months old and already afterthought vendors are starting to pop up in random places instead of proper venues, that's kinda sad; what's next, placing new vendors in the middle of the desert on Tatooine? ;)

  17. I have a 6970 the AA works fine for me with either in-game settings or forced. Forced still works better though.


    I have a 6950, and the in-game setting still has no effect. Forcing it through the driver settings "works", but reliably blacks out videos and sometimes causes horrible performance issues so the game runs at ~5 seconds per frame (not a typo, but optimistic), so it's not an option.

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