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Posts posted by Anduiin

  1. for those of us who still want to experience the content but can't find groups, it kind of sucks to not be able to when the server went from a healthy population to a ghost town. What am I supposed to do in that case? Just power on doing solo missions all day with nobody to do heroic 4s with even or should I just quit now because paying $15 for a solo experience is a fruitless endeavor. Its time to start merging servers now while people are still here, not 6 months down the line when half your player base is gone and forgotten about the game.
  2. for me its not even the pvp, I just want to run some pve content at lower levels and I cant seem to do it on my republic characters. As of now Im logging in to my republic characters, joining my guild in pvp, smashing the imps, daily done and log off after spamming chat lfg 3 different flashpoints ranging 10 levels. The server is anchorhead and though there are decent numbers of players on republic, the bulk of them are 50.
  3. Cross-realm dungeon finding killed wow for me. You've lost all accountability to be any kind of quality player or quality human being. Ninjaing was rampant at lower levels and ***-hatery was prevalent in the upper levels. People would quit group after 1 death, not even a wipe. Expectations were too high and everyone became a prima-donna. Especially the tanks.


    I would like to see a dungeon finding tool but please PLEASE keep it on just the realm. Hell, I'd rather see cross faction dungeon finding before I'd see cross-realm.


    QQ more, it was innovative and perfect for a game with dying servers. You could drop bad players by voting them out, you set loot options in pickup groups if it was a real concern. People could be replaced instantly if they were bad. What can you do in this game that's even close to that? You have to quit the group and find another. a LFG tool is a requirement now for MMOs with many instanced dungeons in order to a) facilitate access to that content b) cut down on time wastage.


    This community argument is nonsensical and BW is looking very foolish lately with the amount of mistake they're making with the game. Expect the sub numbers to drop off heavily with the number of people who are stuck in dead servers not being able to find groups for anything getting bored and moving on, remembering the bad experience they had. Remember, an MMO will grow based on the quality and fixes the team puts into it. Past the novelty of voice overs, the game is very shallow.

  4. If you play all 8 character types that's 200 hours per character.


    I wouldn't count missions that dont deal with your class as time spent. If we could ONLY do class quests, its like 25-30 hours a character and thats what you need to be looking at. Its the fact that you have to grind and have to do the side nonsense (ie MMO stuff). Otherwise people would clear through the stories and unsub within days.

  5. they dont want to start combining servers because it looks bad but not combining them makes more people want to quit playing since theres NO ONE to play with. Even the 30s and 40s most people avoid doing heroic 4s on planets and finding groups on republic side is worse than pulling teeth. Friend sat ALL day lfg and never found one. Its amazing. They may have needed a lot of servers at the beginning but with the dropoff of subs now, a lot of servers are going to be ghost towns.
  6. For $15 a month the game needs more stuff, the story mode and whatnot is fine if thats all youre looking for but that's single player stuff imo. Im thinking of group finders, multi specs, faction balance. I won't be resubbing because I just can't find groups whenever I want to and my republic server might as well just shut down because there's like 1 person lfg to do something at peak hours. I think a lot of people rushed to 50, aren't rerolling alts and for the slower/new people there isn't enough to do flashpoint content with.
  7. I don't quite understand your tactics, so I'm gonna keep acting tough until I do!



    In all seriousness, wow! I don't understand how EA is just going to sit back and let this game with so much potential run into the ground. What makes it extremely humorous is that they have direct control over BioWare. The execs better get their heads outta their asses otherwise this won't even last 6 months. When the stock facepalms after this game keels over, EA can only blame themselves for letting the same idiots that f'd up Warhammer, ruin a Star Wars IP. GG, that's 2 MMOs backed by industry giant(s), both EA and BioWare/Mythic (who are generally known for putting out really good RPGs and MMOs). So something has gone wrong in the last 5 years with the BioWare/Mythic MMO dev team, because so far they are 0/2 in my eyes.


    Bleh blah bla, game development is hard, give it time...Wahhh, working is hard, no matter what you do. They do this for a living. A paying customer expects quality. "Good morning folks this is your captain speaking. Well it looks like Boeing forgot to warn us pilots that the wings on this aircraft shear off after 30 minutes of flight, so it looks like we are going down. Later." Lolz.



    TLDR; Listen to your PAYING CUSTOMER BASE, otherwise they will give you the finger like your last game.


    LOL @ YOU acting like you know *** youre talking about. The game can close tomorrow and it will have already turned a profit, even after the cut to Lucas. Stocks don't plummit from things that made profits, they plummet from future releases being unsuccessful.

  8. Ilum will get fixed, what needs to be done is to get more people playing republic. Right now nobody is rolling republic cause they know its a waste of time, especially if you're going in alone.
  9. blame the server imbalance, if it was republic heavy you would see the same thing. Don't compare it to SWG cause this 1) didnt change combat 2) didn't destroy the old leveling system. Ilum needs to be fixed yes and it will be in the next day or 2 so stop making it seem like this is just the way it is. Republic isn't appealing to most people because lower numbers means lower chances to pvp, do flashpoints. I have a level 30 republic character who I have since given up on since the server I'm on can't be bothered to run anything but just sit and complain in general chat all day.
  10. That's too bad, I've given up playing the republic characters for now simply because I can't find groups to run things. I've decided I'd rather not wait at least an hour to get into a group. I don't think this is good tidings for the game because other "big" MMOs haven't really had these kind of issues straight out the gate and this early.
  11. also would like to know of a good republic heavy server, I currently have one on a PvP server and don't mind switching if I could find a server that has regular grouping and whatnot. Mine is dead throughout the day though its labeled very heavy, sith side has 200+ on the fleet at almost any given time.
  12. I don't know if this is the right subforum to ask this but does anyone know what server is especially Republic heavy? I currently have 2 republic characters on achorhead which was very heavy - full but this is in favor of the imperial side. I will go days without running a flashpoint simply because there is no one on to run one. I may have been silly to roll a pure dps class with no healing/tank but it should still not be this hard to find groups.


    I'm considering just rerolling on another server that has 2-300 people on the fleet at almost any given time. Is there anywhere I can look that info up? I feel like I'm wasting my time leveling my republic character and the server makes it feel like I'm playing a single player game.

  13. I don't know if this is the right subforum to ask this but does anyone know what server is especially Republic heavy? I currently have 2 republic characters on achorhead which was very heavy - full but this is in favor of the imperial side. I will go days without running a flashpoint simply because there is no one on to run one. I may have been silly to roll a pure dps class with no healing/tank but it should still not be this hard to find groups.


    I'm considering just rerolling on another server that has 2-300 people on the fleet at almost any given time. Is there anywhere I can look that info up? I feel like I'm wasting my time leveling my republic character and the server makes it feel like I'm playing a single player game.

  14. I don't know if this is the right subforum to ask this but does anyone know what server is especially Republic heavy? I currently have 2 republic characters on achorhead which was very heavy - full but this is in favor of the imperial side. I will go days without running a flashpoint simply because there is no one on to run one. I may have been silly to roll a pure dps class with no healing/tank but it should still not be this hard to find groups.


    I'm considering just rerolling on another server that has 2-300 people on the fleet at almost any given time. Is there anywhere I can look that info up? I feel like I'm wasting my time leveling my republic character and the server makes it feel like I'm playing a single player game.

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