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Posts posted by Annedromeda

  1. As far as I know there's no moddable legacy weapon items yet, only armour. So while you can move mods and armorings to alts cross-faction that way, crystals / barrels / hilts you can't. :(

    There's still a few that appear on the gtn at times (for high prices), currently that's the only way to get a pure purple +41 crystal republic side.

    They should allow a way to craft them, even if it's a very long complicated process to do (any added depth to crafting would be a bonus really), as the black purple from denova just don't look as good.



    Oopsie, I just stated that I thought you could save crystals, but I stand corrected. Apparently I didn't really read the whole thread. *giggle*

  2. I've read this whole thread, and as far as I could tell, no one has bothered to mention the obvious:


    When Legacy became available, so did the ability to mail bound items, cross faction, to other legacy characters. You could have just as easily stripped all the items you wanted to keep, sent them to the new character, and then deleted the other, hence saving the crystal.

  3. I am playing my Jedi Consular and I have noticed something with this companion and really only this companion. He seems to have some issues where he doesnt go into battle when I do, and when I tell him to fight before me, he just stands there like he is lagging.


    He acts a lot differently than all my other companions I have played on other classes. Anybody else notice this?


    I have not noticed this yet before today but when I play later I'll pay special attention. Have you reported it? If I have problems I will do the same.

  4. sounds like you have a pretty good idea but dont want to screw up again so instead of giving us something you just give us nothing....


    Stop being so ungrateful.


    You asked a question, and BW came in your thread to personally answer you, twice, and you STILL aren't happy. Usually I'm not a horrible harpy, but your attitude is just mind-blowing to me. Sort yourself out man.

  5. I would want something non combat. Maybe a trader or a diplomat. That would be cool. Trade spice and stuff like that, get into black market. There could even be a Black Market GTN! Think about it BioWare. Traders in this game would be COOL. Give us our own storyline and everything. Make it really eerie and shady background stuff. Something along those lines.


    I like this idea =D

  6. im not asking for a time frame just asking if at some point in the future will people be able to move region IE US to EU and we get pass 2nd rate answer we have all seen 100 times since the announcement of the transer service


    No time frame means that they aren't even talking about it. Is this answer any better?

  7. That is the bad comunication people have been talking about....you know the answer but you just dont want to tell us....


    BW fail the community again...Keep killing your game and you will all be out of a job soon enough


    I'm pretty sure you did get an answer, it just wasn't one you liked. Their answer was that they don't have a time frame.

  8. NO ONE said you'd need a level 50 on both sides. Just a toon on both sides.




    snippitty snip .


    Oh? I only have 1 level 50, but I have 3 on each side. In any case, it still seems to me to be what I would think to be quite a long endeavour for this new companion. I would think all the bored "there's nothing to do after 50" 50's would be chomping at the bit for that much stuff to do.

  9. Welcome!


    I too, enjoy the game, and am on my 2nd round of 3 month play/pay cycle. I haven't experienced a lot of the issues as I play at odd hours and so expect to play alone a lot of the time anyway. Clearly a loud majority have some issues with the game, and still, my rose tinted specs continue to be rose tinted.


    As long as I enjoy the game, I will continue to play, and I really don't see me not enjoying it for some time yet to come. Hopefully, you will do the same.



  10. Should you think your taun is dead, check in your Abilities tab, and I think there is one for pets in there, you should just be able to click and drag the icon to any toolbar. He de-summons when you die I think, but he doesn't.
  11. I'm going to complain about a one legged nun walking a goat!


    She must have a tiny foot! I bet she complains about how hard it is to get a good shoe around here.




    *EDITED for Hurr Durr Derp* Eh, I read it as a one legged nun walking ON a goat.. see, my response makes much more sense now..lol

  12. I'm pretty sure if you go into your account settings there is a setting for your local time, it should then display times in your time zone. (I think)


    *edit for observation* And I just noticed mine is showing 1 hr behind my real time. Suppose I could just leave it for a few months till Autumn is upon us.

  13. My 3 month sub was renewed today. I resubbed because I enjoy playing, for what little time I play. It is cheaper for me to pay £26 for 3 months than it is to do a lot of other things that I could optionally be doing on the weekend that might also cost money. I feel that I am getting what I pay for, and if I felt otherwise, I wouldn't be playing/paying.
  14. I am addicted hardcore to this game


    I have 32 days logged in


    My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


    I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


    Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


    Or should I take a break and come back


    All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


    But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself


    Not sure if this will help, but this site has some advice and a phone number. I hope you are able to get yourself sorted! Good luck


  15. You've summed up my final thoughts on this, really well.


    Voice Acting may be a nuisance to some, but to some of us, it's everything.


    Thanks for that, I was really struggling with being able to clearly articulate how VO makes me feel, but I think in the end really, I feel the words fit how I feel. There is no better way to explain it I think.


    (I just realised there was liberal use of "feeling" in this reply. Ach well.)

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