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Posts posted by coldmiser

  1. Dark Age of Camelot did this nearly 15 years ago. There's no reason they couldn't do it now since most of the robes use the same model with different textures. They don't actually need an animation to show the character putting the hood up or down.
  2. I believe it will culminate in the end of the war - Imps and Pubs will have all boundaries removed and faction will mean nothing. Pubs will be able to go to the Imperial Fleet, queues for everything from PvP to FP's will be cross faction.


    That would be...interesting.

  3. Well here's my two examples from last night...doing my dailies in the tunnels. No one around and I hit my Mortar Volley at the three mobs I've pulled. As it's firing off a 55 Jug runs right through it which flags me immediately for PVP. Being only level 45 he proceeds to stop and kill me. Now there was plenty of room for him to go around me, but I went with it was an accident and he thought I started it. Until I revived and he proceeded to come after me as soon as I pulled again.

    Later I got into a group and we were doing the moss. As we were fighting a champ a group of flagged Emps run in and start circling around the area. As soon as someone hit an aoe they all make a bee line for us immediately flagging us and then proceed to wipe our group. I watched them do the same thing to two other groups.

    At this point I don't see any reason why PVP is allowed in the tunnels and I feel it should be a PVP free area. As a Tank I shouldn't be forced to limit the abilities given to me to play my roll because someone else feels the need to be a jerk. On top of that I don't have all day to keep going and waiting for the flags to drop.

    If I remember correctly this was an issue in WoW and they removed the ability for someone to be flagged in that way for the very reason it was seen as a flawed mechanic.

  4. /sign,


    Its weird, we shouldn't be so positive, this is an mmo after all :)


    I've been very positive about this game since I came back to it. I left just after the last Rakghoul event to troll around some other MMO's and am really glad I decided to give this another go.

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