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10 Good

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    Reno, Nevada USA
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    Gaming, gardening, cats, reading
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  1. You dropped your game subscription because of something you read in the rumor mill? Or something you didn't see Bioware answer in the news? That's sounds like a classic case of "panic disorder" to me! Or at least "Pre-emptive Shock". Would you divorce your wife or get rid of your favorite dog because somebody said she's unfathful, or a lousy cook.. or suggested maybe the dog has rabies? Would you quit your job because somebody worried publicly at the coffee shop that they're thinking about laying off people? To enjoy any MMO game, you have to give the devs time to do their job, then test it out, and then make sure others test it out, before they make grand pronouncements about what they're gonna do! People expect game devs to deliver on things they "promise" to do. They can't just say whatever comes in their head about future development plans, without checking it out, testing it, to see if they can do it. And great games do NOT get created overnight. I've said this many times to people in game, and in the forums... you cannot create a fabulous alternate universe overnight. Even God took 7 days to create this one (and only God knows how long one of God's days are... seriously)! So you are shooting yourself in the foot (or maybe some more sensitive part) by rage quitting cuz you don't like what you heard? Why don't you stick around awhile and SEE what the devs accomplished, before you blow your top and throw your PC out a window?
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