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Everything posted by SkodaZek

  1. Thank you for the info. I assure you for me it is well worth the investment for a change of community. I was quite ready to return to Eve Online even though I am absolutely loving this game merely because I could not stand the community on The Bastion.
  2. Greetings, I am currently trying to make a decision on a server transfer. My character(s) are currently on The Bastion west coast pvp server, and I am considering transferring either here of the west coast RP server. The reason for my transfer is because of maturity level of the community on The Bastion. My intention is not to insult the community there, but in my 14 years of playing MMORPG's It would be difficult for me to identify a server where the community is more immature and hostile towards one another. How is the community here on The Harbinger? I am not seeking perfection, as it does not exist. Doesn't matter where I transfer there will be people who you will find disagreeable. That being said, PVE oriented servers generally have a more respectful community than their PVP counterparts, even moreso with RP servers. Alas I am not an Role Player and thus I may alienate the community by transferring there, therefor The Harbinger is my likely choice. What is the population like here? I am far more geared towards group / raid / end game play styles and vastly prefer it over solo play. That being said a higher population environment lends itself to being more ideal for the type of player I am. Does The Harbinger have a fairly high population? (The Bastion PVP server, seems to be much less populated than it used to be). So I am hoping for a more populated environment here. Thanks very much in advance for any information/advice offered.
  3. Greetings, I am currently on The Bastion pvp server, but I have decided to do a server transfer due to issues with the community. (Not anything directly attributed to myself or another). The Bastion's community is very very immature. In 14 years of playing MMORPG's I have yet to see it's like to this degree. I am torn between 2 servers as a new home, this one or The Harbinger. I am not generally a role player, but that being said. I did play on an RP server in everquest some 10 years ago, and found that the community on RP servers seem to be a great deal more respectful towards one another and maturity level does seem higher. Just a few questions about the server: What is population levels like? I prefer a high population server because I am more group oriented than solo play, and in most cases a higher population environment lends itself to being easier to form groups. Is the server very RP oriented? For example, because I am not a true RPer, would my presence alienate the community? if so, I would not want to force myself onto a community where I would be inadvertently disruptive. Thanks in advance for the info.
  4. Again, I disagree. I shouldn't be forced to wait for a group to 'approve' of me wanting to experience the game in it's intended form. What makes their need to go as fast as possible a more righteous one than my desire to know the story associated with the content I am clearing?
  5. If not a coding problem what do you suggest? In an environment where grown men are often reduced to acting no different than adolescent bullies do you honestly think a social solution has any hope of prevailing in the absence of a coding solution?
  6. Unfortunately this does not work when using the queue system, your put into a group with random players. Which makes up the majority of the aforementioned issue. I just don't think it is fair I should come under fire virtually every time I run a new instance and want to see to the story regarding it.
  7. Please remove personal indicators in groups for cut scenes. I am tired of being the victim of harassment over and over for wanting to experience the story and watching cut scenes in group content. Please remove anything that indicates which players are and are not watching cutscenes so those of us who do watch cut scenes cannot be targetted. It is horribly unfair that I am forced to either skip the story content in this game or come under such unpleasant attacks for watching cut scene content. It would be of great benefit if other party members could no longer identify who is 'holding up the group' by watching cut scenes, that way the person does not need to become the victim of targetted harassment. Thank you
  8. Greetings, I have been unable to organize a world boss operation (raid) by using public communications (Global) in game for one reason. Players sit and wait to hear someone try and organize and operation for a world boss which indicates the world boss is up. Then they log into their level 50 main, and come solo it while the partially filled operation of players at the intended level are forced to sit by and watch as their efforts become wasted. I am not against competing for world content, In fact one of my favorite aspects of end game Everquest was being in a raid forming up at a spawn and watching a competing raid beside you race to get formed up and whoever managed to get formed quicker, pulled the mob and thus won the race. But that is not what is happening here. High level players are simply hijacking the low level raid mobs right out from under players and there is nothing the lower level players (whom the content is intended for) can do about it. They then use the loot to twink out their low level alts or to gear up their low level friends/guild mates. I suggest removing loot tables (chance for loot to drop) if the mob is engaged by a player significantly higher than the intended level range of the world boss in question. Regardless of if that player has engaged the mob solo, in a group, or as a member of an operation. Thank you for your consideration.
  9. I see it now, My apologies. I see the belligerent wow community is here and accounted for.
  10. As the title says, Servers are coming back up in 1 hour, (2 hours prior to game release in my time zone). Will we be able to log in if we don't have our retail codes registered?
  11. bumping this again, Want this thread to keep building momentum, perhaps Bioware will be able to shed some light on weither this is possible for SWTOR in the future. Please help keep this thread a priority, it is for the benefit of all. Not just the crafting community, as the implimentation of this will stimulate all spheres of the game in a positive manner.
  12. If you are a SWG vet from chilastra pre-cu (up to about 6 months after launch) I strongly urge you to visit this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=38179 Looking to get in touch with old friends and aquaintances. Potentially build a community. If you are from Pre-CU Chilastra it is highly likely you have heard of 'The War on Talus' and if that is the case, you will definately want to check it out! Look forward to hearing from old friends. Thanks.
  13. Hey folks, Hoping to touch base with some OLD friends and acquaintances through this thread. Allow me to re-introduce myself. I was the original author of 'The War on Talus' thread that marked the beginning of an entirely player driven in game GCW event in SWG on the Chilastra server just a few months after the games release. My forum name at the time was m0nkjee, in game I played 2 characters and 2 persona's. teh-jee, guild leader of Envy <NV> and Mayor of Mos Envy on Tatooine. Tashra Le'Baans, guild leader of Paranoia <x-P-x> and Mayor of Nefarious on Talus Nefarious was the location where a great deal of The War on Talus event played itself out. The War on Talus and that time frame was among one of the most enjoyable experiences I had in an online game even to this day. I have had some extreamly memorable experiences since then in my 7 year Eve Online career that followed my departure from SWG shortly after the CU went live. I want to send a few shout outs to some people in specific I hope have returned to thier mothers basement to take part in the next generation of Star Wars MMO: The Old Republic. Alchemy Catherine Kail Jerik Lasverin Huntin Sickness Cice Hocla Korliekk Hades/Oriy Sesaeme Stettin Palver The Leaders of Malice Reborn The Leaders of Ronin The Leaders of Imperial Army The Leaders of Black Company and so many more that I cannot remember names for... But I assure you if you respond to this thread with your name and in what capacity I may have interacted with you, I will remember. I am currently playing a Sith Sorceror on Black Vulkars, Character name is: Zek, along with Cice Hocla who's character name is: Ayne, if anyone is interested in touching base in game. While we havn't done so yet, we are strongly considering creating a new guild to go with this new opportunity we have in SWTOR to recapture some of that Star Wars MMO goodness we have been deprived of for so many years. I hope everyone from those old days are doing well and I look forward to hearing from some of you hopefully!
  14. Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU was an absolutely incredible game, and most who played during that period (From original release to 6 months when the Combat Upgrade was released, the beginnng of the end) will agree with me. Don't pass judgement on the innovations of SWG based on experience with CU or even worse, the NGE if that is what you are basing your opinion on. Furthermore, this isn't about the quality of SWG as a game in it's collective entirety, but moreso about the implimentation of one aspect which was done exceptionally well and should serve as an inspiration to newer mmos. Regarding the sandbox vs themepark element, there is absolutely no reason fully customizable crafting and a means to market and distribute your wares should be limited to sandbox environments. In fact I can guarentee that it would flourish the the themepark environment of SWTOR. I used to be like many other sandbox junkies. I would dismiss the Themepark mmo based exclusively on the fact that it was a themepark. My mmo history reflects that. I just came out of a 7 year career in Eve Online to play The Old Republic.
  15. alot of activity on the forums atm, therefor I'm going to bump this back up.
  16. Let me take you all back to the early days of Star Wars Galaxies. To this day, early SWG has been renowned for its crafting and how dramatic an impact crafting and "brand" had on the game and community. SWTOR has the same potential. Now let me go into details. In most mmo's nowadays, crafting is nothing more than a mini game that everyone can do and for the most part do so on an equal footing as everyone else. X Player crafts said item exactly the same as Y player does. This is such a wasted system which does not compliment the crew skill system that exists currently in SWTOR. What we need is brand recognition, like SWG of the old brand meant everything. Anyone remember Stettin Palver? He was amongst the finest weaponsmiths in SWG, his product was a household brand on his server and that is because the crafting system allowed those who were exceptional and put thier focus on crafting itself to create a product that was unique and of higher quality. This is ABSOLUTELY essential in SWTOR or at least I beleive so. We have one of the finest MMO's I have ever played here. (and perhaps my opinion is slightly bias because of my passion for Star Wars) and it would be a shame to allow the crafting system in this game to be exactly as it is in any other game. We need a system that allows for customization and experimentation, a way for those who want to be the best and create the best to be able to do that and be exceptional beyond those who choose not to make the manufacture of product a priority. Stettin Palver in SWG was one of the premier examples of a player who chose a role and created a corporation unmatched in his field in a virtual world. These things should be possible here too. I emplore Bioware to please consider implimenting this in some fashion or another, Allow our crafters the opportunity to become a 'Brand', allow them the opportunity to be all they can be and lets establish a real economy on our servers and a competitive market. The depth that would be introduced by this addition alone could potentially be staggering.
  17. Sorry, Im choosing to wait. Already tried my 2 character name choices on all west coast pvp and pvp-rp and they are taken. Oddly enough they are not exactly common names but I used them in beta. What is interesting is they are the type of names you could realistically expect to go create a character in WoW with on a 5 year old server today and likely be available. Makes me think I pissed someone off in beta =)
  18. Yes please new servers, They stated new servers were going live today, I'm just desperate for some info. Got my EGA this morning but not playing yet, waiting on new servers. I must admit waiting for server info is worse than waiting for EGA invite. Since I am choosing not to play lol.
  19. Anything yet? got my EGA but using all my willpower not to play while I wait for new server launches scheduled today.
  20. yea i got my invite to EGA 20+ mins ago, using all my willpower not to play until the new servers slated for today go up.... now im waiting on pins and needles. This is worse than waiting for my EGA invite lol, since I CAN play im choosing not too =p
  21. Was there any indication that the new servers would be up for first wave today? or just at some point today no time specified.
  22. Just got my EGA (October 3rd) Yay! But still waiting on names of new servers launched today. Anyone got any info? I want to ensure I roll on new server =)
  23. 10 minutes until first wave, i would assume new server annoucements will occur at same time.
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