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Posts posted by YaanaOhtar

  1. 13 hours ago, fabsus said:

    actually the system is fine, but misunderstood by many.
    the problem i see is, that ppl are just looking at colors, not numbers.
    and so they think, that purple is the best for them, but that's not true.

    also guides are just focused on max output. this is fine, but not helpfull
    for every player. and wording sometimes is a problem, because you could
    think, that purple is the best for you. but it may is not.

    to sum it up a bit, greens focus more on health points. purple focus on the
    outcome, so dps, hps, etc. and blues have balanced stats. 

    but a solo player, who is very far away from perfect rotations won't profit from
    better stats for more outcome. but they will profit more of a bigger life pool.
    and here you just need to do a single conquest to get the starter gear and can
    upgrade it to a level you nearly can clear everything in the game; maybe everything.
    but especially for the content solo players are playing, a bigger life pool is the best choice.

    if you are starting with group activities, the blue gear is the best choice, because you trade
    some health points for a better outcome. but you still keep a buffer. enough room to learn mechanics.
    you get it from flashpoints or vet operations. so also ev & kp.

    but if you just want to min-max and have the best outcome and you are constantly working on it to
    improve your playstyle, you trade even more life for better secondary and tertiar stats. 

    hyde & zeek is just a catch up, to gear up fast. you just need a single EV vet run and some op-mats
    to unlock mod-330s.

    there are some issues with 340s and i don't like, that these are static.

    the only stupid thing is the grindy quest to unlock implants on every toon, but actually you just need it with a few.


    but the old system had so much issues. best in slot gear was luck locked and a massive grind. also you found so
    many players with completly wrong stats and using set bonuses you won't profit at all. way to much choices.
    and at the end, if you wanted to min-max, there even was no choice at all. all the other sets where just for the lulz


    Thanks for the explain, yes I saw that the green, blue, purple has the exact stat, that confuse the heck out of me. I am not saying the idea is bad or good. But a sudden change of color definition at the end game when the majority of content still keep the old color scheme system green<blue<purple. I would say, more choices is always better. I played as shadow, I had a bunch of sets with different stat for different boss and OP. I prefer to have more agency in building my character.

  2. 2 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

    Biggest problem is that as soon as some folks log in (as a new player) they see all of the shiny stuff and want it ASAP!  They don't want to buy CC with real money ...  sooo they go to the GTN (this is where the said new player is directed).  Then sets in the sticker shock and the complaints follow.

    Good grief ... I've been here for 10 years (somewhere there abouts) and there's stuff that I STILL refuse to buy... in the CM OR the GTN!!! 


    Because I have a choice to make:
    1.  Buy the item off the CM ... or
    2.  Shut up about the price on the GTN and pay their price!!
    OH ...  WAIT a second ...  there is one other thing I can do!  Is it something that I really do need to play the game??

    The following is an example: something I've been meaning to do for a LOOOOOONG time:  Weapons choices for my smuggler! Since we cannot hear what the weapons sound like when we are reviewing them ...  I decided to purchase 4 ... IIRC.  And yes, manually tested them to see how they sounded!  Plus, there were a couple that I had on hand.   There was one or two that looked cool...  but ... hmmm  how do I test them??  I had to purchase them and add them to the list.  Sooo  ...  7 altogether.  I finally settled on one!  AND (since I have two smuggler alts ...  I went ahead and unlocked it on the CM.  It should be noted that I have only about 14 t- 16 items (including armor sets) that I have unlocked on the CM (this does not include mounts).    IN SHORT:  I had to make a choice.  The weapon that I chose was a CM item AND if I wanted ALL of my characters to have access to this item then I had to make yet another one!

    I did NOT pay the ridiculous price on the GTN of one BILLION credits!

    If I paid that ONE BILLION price tag every time I saw something I like ...  I'd be broke in weeks!

    If you don't need it ...  who gives a crap!!  Let it sit!!  If it's overpriced ...  leave it!  I do the same thing on the CM.  If it's not on sale or still overpriced...  Sorry..  It can and WILL sit and rot!! (Until I can buy it at a fair price).

    I know that's not popular today!  BUT it still works! (Even in RL) !!!  And yes, I'm retired and debt free!


    Very prudent way to live, and a good way to live in real world. Unfortunately, this is a game which people run to escape reality, ergo they want to look cool. There is reason that before microtransaction, end gear for MMOs all were cool looking -  "If you don't need" is a wrong phrase for when you play game, in fact if everyone use the exact mind set the game will be close in a month due to there is no need to pay anything to play the game.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jdast said:

    This is incorrect for a very simple reason and why I chastized a different poster for not understanding 'barriers to entry'.

    Every single non-cosmetic item available on the GTN is accessible through simply playing the game. This includes crafting materials and augments. 

    In other words, new players do not have to participate in the GTN or player-to-player trade. If they choose to do so, they can earn credits over the long-term just like many of us did. New players do not need the shiniest / coolest mount. They want the shiniest / coolest mount. I started FFXIV last Spring. I don't have the fanciest items in that game, nor should I.

    Every solution I've seen to curb inflation does more harm than good. Obviously, you and others disagree. But to say there are 'barriers to entry' is simply false -- empirically so.



    I think you tried to misunderstand what both of us mean. Consider the game right now, no new player would care to get any-non cosmetic item below level 80, those can be easily obtain through FP. After that they have to participate in GTN or have to use cartel coin to get items, both option are bad for new player, there is no avoiding it if they are going to continuing playing. And if crafting is made useful again, well in 6.0 the price for 306 mod are 50-100 mils depend on the demand. Aiming for the shiniest / coolest thing is the goal for every single MMOs, and if that item cost 100 mil when it took me a week to earn 1mil ? You can be sure that I will just not playing. In order to do OP you need gear, aug - that at cost few millions per item, and these are not high end -.


    Because just like the real world, you can either ram the break now and throw off some people or you can keep driving your car down the cliff with everyone else. There is no soft landing to be found. They need to destroy the vast amount of credit that are currently in players hand. This is why controlling inflation is extremely hard both in real world and game since noone want to bear the short term pain, they all want to keep the party going.






    2 hours ago, MortenJessen said:

    I have never said that the cartel sales is not what keeps up this games economy running (although I really doubt that coin sales running BWs SWTOR economy real world, because I doubt it is that large, due to scams and free coins aplenty) but I doubt you understand economics, snarky one. I did spend quite a few years studying economy at university. I think I am quite the economist, thank you (insert snaky remark).

    Now, personal attacks aside, controlling inflation is the first step to getting it down. And that, to some degree, always causes some backlash. The main problem here seems to be that most players have developed an attitude towards what was and what is, instead of what is to come. And you call my means draconian. Yes, but that is about the only way to create results. No long term plan will or can fix problems in this game, because as you so eloquently put it, the genie is out of the bottle and BW can not rein it in. So now, all you have left is to hope that it is a benevolent and not a literal genie, or worse, a jackass genie. Because like it or not, getting the inflation under control WILL cause anger from the player base, because no matter what, the means used will hamper some one.

    And handling the economy in a game, like it was a real world economy, most certainly still is about control of the influx of credits from other sources. Illegal, legal, scam or other methods. Reining in the credit amount in circulation HAS to be done. That is the only way to drive down prices, and get the economy back to normal.

    Waves hutt hand; you are not as clever as you think you are, oh snarky one

    Edit; by the by, my opinions are based on a professional analysis, you seem to be holding it as an attitude, just like what you your self use. Please be cautious with that. There is a big difference. My attitude differs from my opinion... 


    Basically, the level of inflation in Swtor is at critical level, and there is no soft landing anymore. The dev have to use drastic measure to actually lower the inflation rate, just as real world right now. New player can't not join the economy that every single item cost hundreds of millions. However, I wonder if your method would actually work ? Similar to the real world right now, if you raising the "tax" rate too high, people will just hold on to their credit and cause stagflation. There must be new service and intensive for people to spend their credit - I am thinking of allow player to pay sub for credit ? how about few billion for a month ?

  5. 26 minutes ago, akdonkey said:

    They pretty much destroyed one of the greatest gearing systems ever, the play how you want style. They reverted it back to a grind intensive non rewarding system. Gotta grind Operations and other daily crap.


    10 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    hi there, be sure to see all  sticky threads, especially this one--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/925879-gear-and-progression-changes-coming-with-72

    ...And WELCOME BACK to SWTOR! :ph_cheers:

    Thanks, isn't it is too grinding ? What happen to items that are augmented ? What if I want to focus on one stat instead of the build in stat ? Also, are there no longer set bonus ? Cause I don't see that info.

  6. Correction, here they will depend on others to actually steal from you. SwTheories case for example, they did not actually go after him because to actually go after s.o legally take time and money even if you are sure to win. This however tend to create a negative image if you are a political leader, a multibillion dollar company try to sue a single guy for crime like harassments, or copy right - see US or UK politic -.Which is why Disney actually depended on Youtube to control such thing. Another problem is this particular niche situation of this legal battle that SwThreories or any Fan made SW will only use the name of SW most of the content are created by the fans which is different from streaming movie illegally.
  7. This.


    It's got the big Lucasfilm logo and the original reason for TOR stories was a lot more freedom with events. Same as High Republic era although High Republic is much more extreme as its buildin from ground up almost.


    That said, it would not be difficult at all to make the remake canon with the few small tweaks here and there that will come with a remake.


    I personally would love if they canonised Revan as genderless. Keep the basic gameplay mechanics but have it be once they got their memory back and 'became Revan' again that their gender was lost to the ages. Somethin about someone who was light and dark and of unknown gender would be really cool.


    Revan will always be female to me as 'she' is to many others who played Revan as a woman on their playthrough.


    I understand your point, and though i agree with the idea of keep the sex of Revan lost to the ages, I am afraid Disney will do something really really idiotic with that idea.........

  8. What a worthless, full of propaganda post.


    1st Your link showed nothing. A bunch of picture without proof to back it up. The only post that I could track down is from SWNN which only has 26k followers and of all of them only 5K voted. Consider the starwars franchises, this SWNN is less than nothing.


    2nd When you conduct a survey, what are your groups ? Who did you ask ? If you conducted of Trump popularity among a bunch of Trump fans it means nothing.


    3rd The movie is in a BAD LIGHT. I don't even know how critics would consider this is fresh or the best star war. There are more plot holes then Batman v Superman. The story are as disjoint as BvS


    4th Oh so you have an open mind ? Oh please......


    "However, I have an open mind in regards to the new canon that Disney is making. Why? Because no matter how much I'd want it to be otherwise there is not going to be a different direction. Disney is setting the course, whether we like it or not."


    What kind of reason is that ? Should DC fans have an open mind ? should all critic of DC movies have an open mind because "Why? Because no matter how much I'd want it to be otherwise there is not going to be a different direction. DC / WB is setting the course, whether we like it or not."


    5th This is free speech. We will go spewing this a stupid trashy, SJW, disjointed, full of plot holes, Mary Sue movie all we want. You don't have a freaking right to stop us. YOU ARE NOT THE KING OR QUEEN.


    Finally saying " I am saying all of this as a hardcore Star Wars fan who has gone through majority of the EU content, both Legends as well as the new canon EU continuity. " is worthless. Like I believe every single post on internet had claimed the same stupid thing. Also, stop being a pretentious snob. "Oh just have an open mind, you will see the light, just have an open mind and a turd will become a diamond. Oh just have an open mind and you can also enjoy ****** thing "

  9. This ep is cheap and let down. I was so interested in how Kanan got possessed, turn out too simple - The Night Sister - such disappointment. Then bringing Maul and Obi-wan together is just a cheap move to get rating from fan boys. I expect this from a fan fic not from Disney.
  10. I just hope they somehow let us go back to our original factions. I don't like this Alliance stuff. I want Sith Empire vs Republic. Temporary alliances are fine, but "emperor of the Eternal Alliance"?.... And of course let us have our missing companions back through story, at least the romanceable ones.


    Class specific stories would be great, but at the very least they should make more fitting animations for Force user player characters in the cut-scenes. It's silly and annoying how we are supposed to be so powerful, but any of the main NPCs act more powerful in the cut-scenes, and we can't even use the Force to jump or open a door, or sense an enemy approaching.


    I vote for class stories and 2 factions back. It allow people to play however they want comparing to 1 story fit all, A sith characters can't do anything to those stupid slaves, the Jedi character sound like a dictator and a normal characters able to to shoot Force Jesus in the face, it is ridiculous .

  11. There are multible ways for force users to love and not falling to the drank side, but the jedi dont teach them because of their fear of things that arent 100% lightside and emotionless (dont know if this word exists). Look at Revan after he came back from the dark side. Its not just Dark and Light, the Jedi and the Sith fail to see this to a full extent.


    Sry for bad english :D


    Klick me: http://www.swtor.com/r/CzXB9j :)


    As I said, they are allowed to love as long as they know to let go. Unfortunately history of starwar had showed that it was not easy to let go of your love one. And when we have a bunch of supernatural warriors go rogue it is not good for anyone. So do tell me how ? Let me stop you before you say grief counsel or any idea similar cause the world of starwar is where anything is possible through the force. Revan came back to the light was not because of love, he was mind wipe and with new experience he changed his mind.

  12. I fear nothing will be next. We are allowed to kill half of the main Companions in this expand, chances is they won't be matter anymore. The whole swtor is against the Emperor and his dead is anti climax. The way they rush to the end tell me they want to end this. Why do I consider it a rush ? Voss - no Gaden Ko appearance -, Only the Empire is represented in this expansion, and most important of all : we can recruit a bunch of no body but none of the Force sensitive - I mean main mission recruit - , aren't those suppose to be front and center in fighting against Eternal Empire ? The whole expansion KoFE and KoET is a good story but bad execution.
  13. Jedis do not forbid love, they forbid attachment. Luke NJO were stupid. Love can a person back to the light. Ok... But after he had slaughter a bunch of people due to love. Luke thinks it is good since he can redeem his father ? Tell that to a bunch of kids his father slaughtered. Legend and canon both had showed love was bad for Jedi, those that were saved from the dark side by love can be counted on 2 hands and only after they had destroyed many lives.
  14. Good point, but on that level force users can also deflect lighsabers with their bare hands too. So how does having or not having a lightsaber matter?


    Once we add the force into the equation everything changes because it is the primary power of force users. If we are asking why don't they use a different weapon, well they did. In the EU there were force users using everything from lightwhips, blasters, and even those who did not have a weapon at all, because they were so powerful in the force.


    That is why I say, objectively on the battlefield the gun is a more, useful weapon than a sword. When we add in the phenomenal powers of the force users it doesn't change the dynamic between the sword and the gun. Unless one of those people do not have those powers.


    On a basic level, deflecting blaster bolts is already a feat of wonder. Either the force user has some sort of battlefield precognition, or they are so inhumanly fast they can see the blaster bolts then react to them before they go from barrel to target. Either way, the lightsaber itself has very little to do with defending against blasters, all it allows is the Force user to turn those blaster bolts against the enemy. Which is something that having a blaster themselves, they could also do fine by stepping out of the way of the blaster bolts and returning fire, by stopping the blasters bolts with their hand and returning fire, by absorbing the power in those blaster bolts and returning fire, or any number of the very numerous ways we know force users can stop virtually any weapon used against them.


    Lightning, force push, bullets, lightsabers, blasters bolts, blaster cannons, missiles, fire, poison gas, even vehicle cannons. We have seen all this and more deflected by a simple hand wave or palm. To me this means that the lightsaber is simply for slashing stabbing and cutting people in half as a weapon, and not truly necessary for defense. With that in mind, I feel a blaster or gun is a far better offensive weapon than the lightsaber.


    Well Lightsabers do allow Force User to enhance their connection to the force, force crystal and all. The force users are also able to enhance their lightsaber allow it to cut through more resistant material or deflect against powerful blast - Walker, AT-AT ? -. More like style of fighting. Those like to enhance their martial art abilities or those like to use it directly.


    If we take it out of context - Satele Shan was struggling to stop Magus lightsaber. It is not just a weapon like a gun or rocket launcher or a rock, the connection to the force of the lightsaber, again The Force changes the equation, make it more compatible to use for force user.

  15. It has some practical use - compared to a standard SW Sword/Melee weapon it´s rather small, portable and has some serious cutting power (doors, armor).

    It´s quite concealable as long as it´s not drawn because then it´s quite a big attention catcher.


    Also due to it´s weight (hilt only) it´s easier to wield than a melee weapon of other kinds. But it´s inferior in pure kinetic impact to you standard blade (no weight coming to bear).


    Makes you wonder if the "strong" slashes of a saber wielder rely on the Force to apply kinetic power to the blow.


    And we don´t need to argue that there has never been a more iconic weapon in movie/gaming history. Even with all the additional tries to make it even more special looking (Kylo), it´s the basic lightsaber that is still the elegant weapon Obi-Wan describes.


    It can be a powerful tool to any melee fighter, but even the Assasins/Shadows used normal knives over a double-bladed saber for kills for a reason.


    They don´t make such a fuss when you draw them/using them.


    Just small point : If you can cut through your enemies, I don't think you would care much for Kinetic damage.


    And yes, they apply force into fighting style to increase the power.

  16. But as soon as you take away the ability for the lightsaber to reflect shots, it becomes a less than ideal weapon against a ranged combatant. This is why one of the most famed (non force using) Jedi killers of all time used flame throwers, missiles, bombs, and slugthrowers to very effectively kill Jedi who could not redirect his weapon projectiles with their melee weapon.


    Lightsabers can reflect blaster fire, that is the single reason they are useful against Blaster wielding combatants. However blasters are not the sole ranged weapon in the galaxy, and the question isn't why don't force users use blasters, it's why don't they use guns. In lore bullets do just fine against Jedi, in fact they do very well against Jedi. However, for some reason (coolness factor) people in universe very rarely use them, unless you are a Tusken Raider. I would say that a Jedi using a slugthrower against a Sith who is only using a lightsaber, would be in a very good position. Especially since having a single pistol, doesn't mean the Jedi cannot also have their lightsaber.


    Actually, Force user can easily deflect those bullets, missiles, etc.... through pushing. In the Force Awaken, Kylo Ren stop the blaster shot, Obi-wan In Clone wars. It is like you are trying to shoot Jean Grey with a gun. Most likely these are more effective because of element of surprise. Force user can carry gun, but they had become trinkets when you add Force into the equation and promoting using it is better than choosing the easy way out specially with the Sith.

  17. Dual wielding as it looks in (most) movies and games is ofc silly, but there were styles where you'd use a sword and dagger for example. You don't get extra attacks as in RPGs but you do get extra options. You can bind or deflect the opponent's weapon with one of yours and still have another one to stab him with. Which does take training and skill to make proper use of so you're no't automatically better off just because you can bring two weapons.


    I do agree that it will give you extra option - i belive fencing school has duel dagger with rapier - But duel gun and lightsaber against normal one does not give you an easy win either. Since they can deflect the shot back and you can't shield while shooting at the same time. Unless you are an idiot, ypu will keep running and they will keep pursuing which result in who will running out of stamia or a lucky shot. And it look wierd.


    As we see in clone war, Yoda and 3 clones got pinched down by a squaron of droids. He easily used the force to destroy them. Or In Rebel, Ezra eaily control the walker and destroy the enemies. There is no reason they would carry a gun even for an extra option

  18. Well they can wield lightsaber. But whether they can use it good enough is another story. It takes great skill to use it and against blaster without the help of the force it is ill adviced, against Jedi or Sith it is a death sentence. They should stick with vibroblade.


    Pole saber is a no no. Dual saber / saber staff require the user to keep moving around to protect the hilt. Anything with big hilt like pole is asking to be chop off. Materials that is resistance to lightsaber are vety rare hence very expensive - consider the whoke galaxy is the demanding, and supplying is 2-3 planets- it is not realistic to have one.

  19. Uh, what? Are we talking about the same Ezra here?


    1. Never takes him anywhere near a second

    2. Did you miss the dual wield part?

    3. Yep, all them stormtroopers, you know, the dead ones, kicked his *** plenty...

    Hell even when Ezra was using a slingshot, he never really had any problem avoiding blaster bolts.



    You seem to have a very Jedi like attitude towards an argument, one or the other, never both, never something in between. Convenient for philosophical discussion, useless in the real world.



    Arguing whether one or the other is inferior/superior is pointless. They are totally different weapons for totally different purposes.


    1/ Do you really time it ? ok, Force user can enhance their speed, lightsaber can't increase the activation speed. Switching between the 2 weapons may give you an advantage at first but only for the 1st time, after that they will just dash close with their enhance speed because it will take time for the blade to come out.


    2/ Yes, the almighty duel wield. Ever try it ? duel wield your gun ? It is ill advice in ANY school, you can't stable them, you can't aim correctly. And Force User can sense danger, but it is not spider sense nor Foresight - at least not strong enough, Yoda is the only that is strong enough to do that -. With duel wielding, they have to pay attention both the upcoming shots, and where to pull the trigger. They have the force but that is not magic.


    3/ Ya,.... the Inquisitors kicked his *** constantly, and they are not even a Darth. Storm troopers ? Those guy that got killed by Ewoke ? Great resume there Ezra.


    Here, if you want to talk about real world ? No force, No light saber, guns are the way to go. And even so NO ONE duel wield guns. Star wars world, lightsaber + force is better than any blasters. And yes, Lightsabers were designed for Force User, they even developed a full style to combat against blasters opponents. I think you guys are the one should stop fantasizing about anime and manga.

  20. "Simple thought"? Nice ad hominem. I know it will be a waste of time trying to debate with someone as thick headed as you, but why not waste some time anyway?


    1. That's why soldiers break up into teams with different specializations. Each one carries gear that is mission specific. It's only some thing all the advanced militaries in the world for the past... hundred or so years have done. The rest of your point is just barely coherent rambling. Jedi cannot "enhance" their lightsabers with the force. There's no material that has ever stated that, in both canon or Legends. None that shows Jedi destroying tanks with their lightsabers either. But you can keep imagining things in that delusional head of yours all you'd like. What you may not do is call me "dear". It's creepy.


    2. Pretty sure Ki Adi Mundi was shot in the front, not the back. And you can't say without a doubt that every single Jedi was shot in the back. Bottom line is, there's proof that when facing stacked numbers, lightsabers are not a good defensive tool. Tangible cover is, you mongoloid. I guess if that's "simple" thinking, every single soldier in the world with tactical military training is "simple" then by your standard? Or perhaps you're the simple one? Who knows.


    3. There's no canon source that states blasters use bullets or even any ammo. As far as the canon we have, blasters use infinite amount of projectiles. Legends states they use gas cartridges that could last for hundreds of rounds before needing to be switched out, so ammo count won't likely be an issue.


    Your last point was already refuted by Dutchman. You have no sensible counters, which is why you retorted with ad hominem. Your replies makes me believe you might be a child,, delusional with a fantastical world to think about how sensible or practical a weapon usage could actually be. I won't waste my time, just hit you with an ignore so I don't have too lose anymore brain cells reading your replies.


    1/ So Force user are soldiers now ? working in groups..... lolz. . You don't have any idea what a lightsaber is do you ? The lightsaber was made by one of the most important component of Force User, a Force crystal which allow Force user to tune into it my dear. It is not just color crystal like in game.


    2/ Nothing is better than a cornered opponent's nitpicking. Let me spell it out just in case : "stabbing in the back means betrayed". The whole Jedi order was betrayed, they were shot by those they trusted, those they had saved and saved them back. And again, you can't make any comment about how Jedi with sword can still hide and use the force instead of your "special guns". lolz


    3/ Lolz, if you have no idea what are you talking about, shut up. I'm not even bother to explain. Blaster in order to kill need ammo. That is final, feel free to argue on that point so every can see you for what you are.


    Oh good, the " I have the last words argument" alway love those.:D

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