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Posts posted by RubberDoll

  1. As an EU player I am actually more concerned about their life service, once their server team goes back to not working shifts anymore. Does that mean we will see maintenance time in EU prime time?


    I sure hope not, BW! There are good Software Engineers in Europe. Hire them for your Irish HQ please!


    Thy sayd in post that in first month there is ppl there 24/7 after that there are ppl on call 24/7

  2. Seriously ? I thought you could change the color, but i heard it's yellow, seriously who the hell want's a fugly yellow stone ?


    No wonder they didn't bother to inform about it in adds, instead they used early access which they screwed up as well


    Its black with a bright yellow light :)

  3. hhmm i hope they will send out faster today, as mine are 08.09.2011. Just wish they could make a page to show what dates will get on what wave so we could get a peace of mind and know when to log on and they would be free from ppl who kept logging in and out hope for email.


    +1 on that would be nice to know about what day you get in

  4. this game is played 24/7. According to bioware it is also monitored during the early days 24/7. Why are they not giving early access in waves 24/7. Im sitting here waiting and 12 hours nobody new gets early access this is starting to suck big time.


    i was thinking about the same

    its like "now we go home so you just have fun waiting 12 houres or more till next wave"

  5. Some of us had issues with our pre-order codes and didn't get them entered until late November or early December. I ordered for his account back in early August and due to issues with codes, I get the shaft.


    Aye alot of ppl have been talking about not getting there codes and there are ppl that had to save up for getting the game

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