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  1. yup same here, i Have a PC that runs Skyrim on ultra or sometimes ultra-high. and i get 15! YES 15 FPS at ALL times except in ship where it jumps to 70..... the indicator is always green (idk what that means) sometimes the game runs at 40-50 for a few minutes then drops back to 10-15.....its sorta playable, but come on, i have a new PC that runs almost everything out there i should atleast get a decent FPS.. now to the abilities lag, i have had this issue since day one. also as a healer, i find it troubling. not to mention that casting is NOT SMOOTH like wow for example. you spam fireball and u see a cast bar, u click the button just before the cast bar is done and so on and u are hence spamming fireball while looking at the cast bar getting filled over and over and after each time it fills the character sends out a fireball...now in swtor its not the same.....the story is as follows. u click...u dont know if the guy recieved the order cuz its been almost 1-2 second since you clicked your castable shock spell, so u click again and aagain, (u dont revieve any message saying that the ability isnt ready) then he shoots out one shock spell ( the bar fills half way, then a little lag, then u see the spell hitting) so you cannot spam castable spells, instant spells are a little laggy but work mostly (melee included)... this seems to be a very basic thing that the game should have...............................in conclusion horrible FPS, horrible lag (140-150 ms) ( i play wow at 300 ms usually no problem, other MMos similar latency also no problem)
  2. same sign me up for chat bubbles, YELL bubbles.
  3. OCT second, got invite first wave yesterday the 15th...played for a long time! lol then a nice guy send me a messgae about me QQing that i dont like robes and thus wont be playing the class that i prefer (counserlor) only to find out that I can actually mod the look of robes to look like heavy armor! so excited!
  4. I will be all over jedi counselor if there armor wasnt all robes and crap....looks like i will be rolling a jedi knight just for the cool looking HEAVY armor (NO I DO NOT LIKE ROBES ON A DUDE!) oct second still waiting
  5. master_tarix, I redeemed my code on the second of october, and still i cannot gain access? is these some sort of delay? I appreciate any info on this matter also i could not find that sticky you posted, when was that? I hope that I didnt fall through the cracks somehow
  6. so for us who pre ordered on oct second are getting in today , or so i gather? anyone know when will the wave start for us today?
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