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Posts posted by Nephrahim

  1. Continue playing the game (with any character) and you gain legacy XP. Did you bother to try the most logical approach before posting? :rolleyes:


    But what if you don't want to play any other character? I don't think every single person wants to roll every single class, even if the story is good, they might just not like the gameplay.

  2. Does anyone not see a problem with this statement?:


    I can interrupt my own instant casts.




    This is the epitome of broken combat mechanics.... interrupting instants?


    Yeah. You only run into it when you're in a very intense situation and forget how the combat works, but I have intrupted heals before. And it's resulted in a wipe (Might have wiped anyway, but it didn't help, for sure.)

  3. Quote for truth! I didn't even know we could wear masks, is that sith only? haven't seen any yet for myself.

    Just stupid hats that clip through everything or circlets.


    I don't mind the circlets. I just imagine they're designed to stop at the head tails (And ignore the part in the middle where you can see it's clearly clipping.)


    What they need is a way to alter the twelik model so the lekkus hang forward when you're wearing a hood.

  4. you are already choosing between empire or republic, i dont see why you cant choose good or evil.


    Are you serious?


    You don't see the difference between choosing allegiance to a faction, and choosing to lock yourself into either being good or being evil?


    Why even give us the choice every single action then? Just let me check 'evil character' on character creation and I can autorespond with the dark point option.

  5. Yea, you're so l33T with you 100+ FPS. Since you have so much and I have so little, that just completely disqualifies me from this conversation, despite my well thought out posts and logic which are actually relevant to the thread.


    My game plays just fine, and I experience NONE of these problems anymore because I learned to play the game.


    You should try it sometime. or you can just unsub. Doesn't matter to me, and it doesn't matter to BioWare. For everyone person leaving, one-hundred are coming.





    I'm a healer, been through more than a couple of flashpoints, and I have NONE such problems. Instead of trying to spam your heal on a tank that is damn well near death, how about you anticipate the amount of health loss and with the cast time and use strategy to up your game instead of thinking spamming and last-second ditch efforts will be rewarded.


    You are starting to sound like a cultist, now.

  6. I have already posted that I have an agree with the Op's post, but i will try to explain to this comment what it means for me.


    I am playing the game, with this issue, and having fun. Warzones are fun, questing ect. sure. But the current system is not optimal, which is what I think most of us are asking for.


    Say you have a car at home, just a regular vehicle. And lets say for argument it has a manual transmision. You could get on nascar and hear about them saying that car doesn't shift right. To you, you may drive that car everyday, not a problem getting it into gear. But to them, vs using a very well tuned transmition on a race car, your average vehicle just doesn't shift the same.


    I think this anology points out the problem I have. Combat for me, mostly in pvp, just isn't made out to where you can be very competitive with it. It feels just like a random mashing of buttons. This can be fun sure, but I'm the type I like to exploit every .01 second out of everything I do to be the absolute best I can be at it.


    The controls and abilities for me, aren't responding EXACTLY when I press them. I play with around 50 latency, average anywhere from 100 to sometimes 25-30fps in heavy battle warzones (not sure why, this games graphics are nothing to brag about, and my pc should be 3x more than enough to play this game).


    This is where I am as well.


    Yes, I can still play the game. And have fun with it. But that doesn't mean this isn't a problem. It is, a big one.

  7. The people that raise this issue do have a point, several times when I have used an instant ability and then tried to execute a 3 second cast for example, the animation has begun but the actual attack is not executing.. which leaves me hanging for a few seconds.

    Some might not think a few seconds is a lot, but it sure is, especially as everything you do is manual, there is no auto attack.. a few seconds lost can be a lot of damage.


    In games, tenths of seconds can seem like an enterntiy. Ask someone who raided in WoW what it was like when their screen would freeze dude to lag for even half a second.


    End of the world.

  8. I am confused on why the agent is so low, because the sniper is the most insanely OP single target class in PVP right now. They easily get top kills and top DPS, beating sorcs and even AOE spamming bounty hunters, and can take out a target in 5 seconds or less with good crit. They also have a huge range,


    There are a few snipers in my guild and they just chew everything up. It make me want to reroll my sorc.


    Didn't have as much fun leveling him. I might go back to one later.


    Really, there are so few 50s right now, it'd be pretty odd for them to be completely balanced. You should give the populations more time to stabilize.

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