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Everything posted by Pahomi

  1. You can't. We have to wait until BW gives us paid trasnfers, which is hopefully going to come with F2P (November-ish)
  2. What are you talking about? Can you please post a link for context?
  3. I guess it would make sense to launch paid transfers when F2P starts but why is it so hard to confirm this? It's just making people nervous that this feature might have been abandoned. I longed for cros server warzones, been asking about them for months and we got ignored only to find out a few days ago they were shelved. This makes me nervous thinking that maybe paid transfers to any server have been shelved as well. Just tell us if it's still something you are going to do!
  4. Pahomi

    Solo Ranked?

    I don't understand, why would you want people spaming general chat when there can be a system in place that automates this process and makes it 10x more efficient since it will search for allies and enemies of similar skill level? Also, no one is forcing you to use this option, you play the game how you want but I never understood people like you who want to deny others a pleasure simply because they don't personally like it. I won't use solo queue either because I have a team with my guild, but I don't have a problem with it either and don't understand why it bothers people. It would just encourage more people to PvP.
  5. I believe they fully understand the importance of cross server queues, but they made the mistake of not planning them from the start and now they don't have the resources left to make them happen since most of their resources are redirected towards F2P. They had two big series of layoffs, they had to cut the spending by a whole lot, and unfortunately for us, PvP development was something that was cut off significantly. So they decided to throw in a new warzone but that's all they can do for PvP for now and it would look better to the public eye since they are giving us new content. This was a BIG mistake in my opinion because content is worthless without proper functionality. This is just my opinion, I have no way of knowing of course, but this is what makes sense.
  6. In this same interview, at about 3 minutes in, Gabe discusses solo ranked queues. Not only will they not come in season one, but Gabe enumerates all the downsides of having solo queues which makes me believe these will never be in the game. @TandyUK: Those words suckered me into sticking with this game for so long. I remember back in early spring I was stuck on a dead server. Normal Warzone pops were only from 7pm -11pm and even then we had 20min long wait times (usually just one game at a time). I clearly wasn't having fun but I stuck with it because of the promise of cross server warzones. Even back then I was thinking they will surely come soon. Yet, I'm still subbed, even after finding out after months that not only will they not come in the forseeable future, but possibly not come at all. That's how much I like the game. And that's why I'm so frustrated about this whole thing because this game would have amazing PvP if they would have worked out cross server. I guess the last chance is to wait for paid transfers and go to the top PvP server. Now...if only BW would say something about paid transfers...
  7. Pahomi

    Solo Ranked?

    In the same interview where we find out cross server has been shelved, we also find out that solo ranked will not be in season one. Gabe also enumerates all the problems with solo ranked and it sounds like solo ranked will not be implemented at all. . He talks about solo ranked at about 3 minutes into the interview
  8. When asked about cross server ranked warzones, Gabe replied: "It is something that we would like to do but we don't have that.. We got a bunch of people to the larger servers. The tech department is sorting out specifically what they are going to do with the future of that." He also went on to say they are exploring alternatives like having tournaments at the end of season one where they let people copy their characters to another server. So there you have it folks. They don't even know if cross server is ever going to be implemented. Hope they do come up with a good plan for increasing the player pool for season one instead of cross server but I doubt it.
  9. 5 seconds would have been absurd, you would be impossible to kill by anyone who wasn't ranged. 15 seconds is still very low but 5 seconds would have been game breaking.
  10. Did you click on my link? It was said in game that season one will have them. But then that was removed and never talked about again.
  11. Where did you get these from? Are they official? Can you post a link? Thanks!
  12. I don't know if you guys noticed, but at the bottom of the warzone window it used to say "Season One will have solo ranked and cross server queuing for ideal competition". This has been removed eventually with no explanation, probably around the time they decided to go F2P. Link: http://i.imgur.com/WQBxz.png It was recently confirmed that season one will not come in 1.4 but they are working on it and will come eventually. However, there was no mention about cross server queues in months, despite everyone asking about them. All this secrecy has me concerned that cross server has been shelved indefinitely. We would appreciate if someone would confirm if cross server is still planned for season one. I mean you already confirmed season one is still coming, why can't you guys just put our minds at ease and confirm it will have cross server as well?
  13. These are the most important things IMO, not new content. New content is meaningless if you don't have the proper people to play with. Ranked warzones are dead on the majority of servers. The skill gap between guilds is huge on every server if taken separately. Add cross server queuing and we all play with allies and foes of similar caliber and everyone starts having loads more fun and PvP will be reborn. So many of us who were stuck on dead servers in the spring and re-rolled on a heavy server really want to get our toons back together on the same server as well. These quality of life additions are crucial to the game right now, even more than actual content updates. The least the devs can do is give us a confirmation that they are coming, everything is very confusing right now with all this secrecy.
  14. I don't think BW realizes the potential of PvP in this game. It is very fun and with a bit more work, they could build a big player base of PvP-ers. However, it is quite clear that they are mostly ignoring the PvP-ers. Giving us another Warzone will solve nothing. People are leaving because you have been silent about cross server warzones and open world PvP. Give us these two things and everyone will benefit greatly from it. PvP-ers are not so demanding when it comes to new content. I for one, would keep my sub indefinitely if cross server was implemented, so competitive PvP will thrive. As it is now, Ranked WZ are dead on the majority of servers. That is because there are usually a couple of guilds that faceroll everyone and the matchmaking system does not work. But if it would go cross server, everybody wins. Pugs will be pit up against pugs and more experienced PvP-ers will battle each other for dominance. You see, you don't need much content. You just need the basic functionality and then the competitive side of PvP-ers will do the rest. BW / EA has a great game here for PvP. I just hope they realize and exploit this before it's too late.
  15. Cross server is needed for ranked warzones. Also, what you quoted there was only referring to the LFG Tool. They have said a few times that they do intend to add cross server for ranked warzones. I would be fine with having PvE same server only but for competitive PvP, cross server is a must IMO.
  16. This question is of top interest to the PvP community. We understand that you probably can't give us any details because if you could, you would have said something. However, I think it would be fair to get a simple "yes" or "no" answer. Are cross server warzones still planned? Or did you abandon this approach? As I've mentioned, no details or time frames needed...we just want to know where you stand on this matter. Thank you for your hard work on this great game. Please know you still have a ton of fans and we only like to see this game succeed, and communicating with the community is important in achieving that goal.
  17. It would be really nice to get an answer for the devs already. This question has been asked so many times, it is obviously of top interest. They said in the past they will add it but they also said it will be added as a last resort. There is much confusion regarding this topic and with the silent treatment we are getting, I fear they may have given up on cross server. Can someone please answer this? We don't need dates. Just tell us, are you still trying to get cross server in the game or not?
  18. 1) Cross server functionality 2) Paid transfers 3) Pazaak
  19. I agree PvP is SWTOR is fun and that's why many of us are so upset with BW for not exploiting this huge potential. If they could get cross server PvP and some sort of World PvP going again, it would be awesome. But as it is now, they will continue to lose PvP-ers.
  20. Ar least you still have pops for RW's. On my server, the only way we can play most nights is by forming two teams from our own guild. So we have to play each other because no one else will queue. And when we do get another team, we usually beat them so hard that they stop queuing anymore (understandably...i wouldn't queue only to get farmed either). A lot of PvP-ers will be forced to leave this game...BW just isn't doing anything for us. Adding a new warzone will fix nothing if there is no competition. They could at least tell us if cross server will come this year or if it will still come at all!
  21. Cross server is desperately needed especially for ranked warzones which are pretty much non existent anymore on several servers. People stopped queueing because they don't like to be facerolled every time. Being able to pull players from several servers will greatly increase the chances of balanced teams and would really revive PvP. I don't know if you guys noticed, but at the bottom of the warzone window it used to say "Season One will have solo ranked and cross server queuing for ideal competition". This has been removed eventually with no explenation, probably around the time they decided to go F2P. So who knows when it will be implemented....I just hope they didn't give up on it.
  22. If I have to restart the game for what ever reason, do I have to restart the ramdisk as well? So if I exit the game, can I start it again from the "retail" executable or do I have to use "SWTOR remove" + "Swtor Unleshed" every time I restart the game? Hope this makes sense. Thanks!
  23. Hi, I didn't know where else to ask this so I'll try here. Is there any way to track your post history on this forum? I can't seem to find it. I sometimes find myself searching for my post in a thread i posted and it's difficult to find. It would also be useful to see other people's post history to see if they are trolling. Thanks in advance!
  24. http://i.imgur.com/WQBxz.png The text saying season one will have cross server pvp and solo ranked has been removed. I was really looking forward to both those things and I fear they might be pushed back again or maybe they gave up on them?
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