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Posts posted by Reeny

  1. BW needs to put more resources into the SWTOR game and put out patches quicker.


    1.3 should optimally be released, at most, 3 months after 1.2


    Do not be like the other game and release content only every 6 months.

    That is way way too long.

    People will unsubscribe if content takes more than 3 months to be released.


    Here is a tip:

    Dont put everything into 1.3, even though marketing likes it.

    Release some patches with content every month or so.

    Let people have new content constantly to keep people entertained.

    Big big patches sound nice but not so good if it takes 3+ months to arrive.

  2. If u look at SWTOR as "Kotor 3" or a mostly single-player game, it delivers.


    If u expect multi-player, then SWTOR isnt so good.

    - Hard/impossible to find players to run H4/Flashpoint/Ops

    - Still using the old tank/heal/dps combos which contributes to the lack of players problem.


    Story-wise, it is excellent and u can finish the entire story-based game in green equipment.

    The game isnt hard at all.


    But if u want to gear up or/and gear is your priority, SWTOR is a let-down.

    - Too many restrictions on gear

    -Crewskills not well-developed and again, too restricted in terms of drops and other restrictions like valor requirements or bind on pickup etc

  3. This is a silly reply.

    Why does he have to reroll from scratch get regear u just to play the game as advertised?


    Some people never think before replying.


    If you really and truly wanted to play on a populated server you could do so just by rolling a character on a full server. Instead you are here...maybe you don't really want to play on the active server.


    Bioware is working on allowing server transfers. They will implement them as soon as they feel the system is ready for it. Until then you can either roll on an active server or stay on your current less active server with your leveled toons and cry here where it will do no good. They know people, yourself included, are unhappy on inactive servers already. Making yet another whine post about it will do nothing to speed the process up.

  4. What is your fav Star Wars song?


    Mine is "Binary Sunset".

    This song is also featured in the Jedi stories and starship on swtor.


    Mark Hamill looked so young in that Episode 4 Tatooine scene.

  5. I didnt have any issues with the stories bosses but i was a Shadow Tank with Theran healing.


    All these story bosses have one major attack that always needs to be interrupted.

    Dont interrupt that and it does a ton of damage.


    If you are a healer, it is more difficult to interrupt as your tank/dps companion wouldnt interrupt for you.

    I guess, just have to watch for the boss using that ability and then interrupt.

    Have to be quick as well.

  6. Yea, sometimes, it takes a lot of REs even for a green item.

    RE in this game...not sure what's going on.


    Quick question for Armortechs:


    I've crafted and RE'd about a 20 Heavy Military Body Armors and Heavy Military Leggings. The tooltip says there's a 20% chance, yet no schematics learned. Is it even possible? Seems like a waste of time and resources at this point.

  7. Ya, i usually run with the lightsaber dps girl for faster killing.

    If I encounter bosses/champions, i bring out healer boy.

    Sorry, cant remember their names.

    So, be sure to gear both of them up.


    You will do fine in heroics/flashpoints if u gear yourself properly and use the correct abilities.


    Also, it took a while for my Knight Tank to ramp up because not all abilities come at the same time.

    It also took some time to properly gear up with +Def and +Shield items.

  8. The Jedi Knight story is quite good and affects the entire Galaxy.

    Very star wars like.

    You will see cross-references with regards to the Sith Warrior story.

    (Jedi knight takes place before Sith warrior).


    Jedi Consular story is different, it's a diplomatic story.


    Havent tried the Trooper.


    Honestly, the best story is the Agent story which you have already completed.

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