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Everything posted by JMBMCMXC

  1. Hey - I'm playing a healing merc also and it can be frustrating at times, but ive put it down to being a low level getting stomped by levels 35+. It's always going to be tough on the lower side of 30. Just stick with it and try and focus on how much you're helping your team with every heal rather than how much you're get killed. Try your best to stay under the radar when healing in the heat of battle, although this will be impossible if the opposing team has marked you for death. Basically just try and stick in there until level 40 when there is a fresh set of PvP gear. You'll also have most of your class abilities & utility you need to be a healing machine Good luck
  2. Why are people comparing a vanguard to a mercenary? they arent mirror AC's. Mercenary and commando have better ammo regen due to talents?
  3. I found vanguard didnt really become awesome until after level 30 - But now im 50 and it's by far the most fun AC i've played.
  4. I don't believe that the game needs a group finder at all, i enjoy looking for fellow companions on my server when i want to complete a group related activity. However, out of the options listed i think players would benefit most from a Flashpoint group finder, especially those on lower populated servers.
  5. Actually they do, it's called Adrenaline Rush and heals for 15% of max health over 15 seconds.
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