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Everything posted by Tdain

  1. You misunderstood. It is a perfect analogy, as we are comparing reward structures. We are not comparing playing a game to working, only the associated reward structure. Bioware rewards gear and work rewards money. Bioware's reward structure for pre 60's rewards commendation farming (more valor and champion bags) and post 60 rewards wins. Hence, upon achieving rank 60, the reward structure tells you to win if you want your Battlemaster bags. Now, you can choose to ignore the designed reward structure if you want. You can also choose to work for free if you want as well. It is very simple: A reward structure is the designers way to tell you how they want you to act. So they are telling a Battlemaster to leave a losing WZ and requeue if you care about receiving their reward.
  2. There is some truth to that, but a team of folks playing to win can certainly beat players with better gear. As a side note, that's also why you see many Battlemasters playing games half naked and still winning.
  3. You know pretty quickly if you will win or lose. There are those few, special games, where it is close and you don't know - those games are truly special and must be savored. But if you are down 3-0 in the 1st 3 minutes of Huttball, you have a pretty good idea what's going to happen. And is quitting the losing WZ reprehensible? Why? It's only following Bioware's reward system. Like it or not, that is what the design is telling you to do.
  4. Fair enough - then you are saying that you play for fun, in spite of the reward/design mechanics. Good for you. Perhaps you will also show up a job you really enjoy, but not need to be paid... I am only pointing out the system design.
  5. I don't hate quitters in WZ - not at all. I admit to quitting and explain why. The interesting thing is that I almost never left a losing WZ prior to Valor 60 since the game rewarded me with commendations, valor etc. There was value in staying pre 60, win or lose. But post 60, the system tells me to focus on wins only, so I do. Impact 1 - I focus on the WZ objective and don't farm commendations. Impact 2 - I leave losing WZ's and requeue. No judgment, just a comment on the design.
  6. Depends where you start - some of us leveled in WZ's so we are already Valor 50 when we hit level 50, so there is still a long way to go, but it's not as bad as it could have been....
  7. As the title says - Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's... As a Battlemaster, their system wants me to focus on wins and losses, nothing else. No use for commendations, no use for valor, etc... All they want me to focus on is completing the daily and weekly, which only means winning. The positive aspect of this design is that I always focus on winning and not maximizing commendations and valor like they told me to do before Rank 60. Post rank 60, I only focus on winning. But if it's clear that my team is going to lose or I enter a match already down 2-0 for example, Bioware wants me to leave ASAP and requeue (no penalty for leaving of course). So, I play the game they have designed and do my best to win and leave a WZ that looks like an incoming loss and requeue because that's what Bioware tells me to do.
  8. As the adage goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. After that, you are fighting against the an existing opinion that may or may not be true and it's so hard to get your message through at that point. I don't think the window has closed for them to improve PvP, but there is so much to do, and so many other priorities in TOR, that I don't see it happening quickly enough. I have cancelled my account, but don't bash the game at all. I really enjoyed an outstanding leveling experience where I did only the class quests and otherwise leveled in WZ's. That was designed very well, but the level 50 PvP is not enough to keep me as a subscriber and my feeling is that while I strongly suspect TOR PvP will improve, the ship will have sailed for many of us.
  9. Tdain

    Teach me to pass

    I am a reasonable Huttball player, but I cannot pass worth crap. Teach me. I have solid court awareness and am constantly looking to pass, save my cooldowns for when needed etc., but I have difficulties actually passing the ball. I have the pass ability itself keymapped, but I just cannot actually get the pass to execute much of the time. It's not an incomplete pass, but the darn thing just doesn't pass... Any tips are appreciated.
  10. Things I like about TOR PvP: 1. I can level via PvP only if I wish. 2. I get credits via PvP so I don't have to PvE for $ if I don't wish. 3. I can continue the crafting/gathering process while I PvP. 4. I don't get 2 shotted by anything yet. 5. The Warzones are all fun. 6. One Wz allows same faction play to help reduce queues. 7. The bolster system reduces queue time. 8. I can buy things with my warzone commendations in addition to PvP gear. 9. I can gear up my companions with PvP gear. 10. They are already talking about adding more WZ's, so PvP is being talked about. Overall, it's fun and I will continue to pay $ to play.
  11. How do you horde champion bags when they are unique?
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