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Everything posted by Serafinite

  1. Just had a ticket closed as spam when requesting help getting an item back .... (ticket # 6872727) Asking for a item lost due to a bug to be replaced is not spam. Shorter version due to the forums eating my previous post. Evening of 11/14 ran Hard Mode Directive 7 with guild mates. Got a relic. Attempted to trade relic after flash point. Trade window closed unexpectedly before I could click trade button. Relic no longer in inventory. Put in ticket, was told to give more info in reply to ticket. Except ticket was closed so unable to reply. Opened new ticket with all info requested excepting the name of the relic as I had remembered. Response was that it couldn't be proven that I lost it so tough. Okay, fine whatever. Badly handled but I could see the point, would have been nice to have acknowledged that a bug had occurred though. Come to last night and I am looking at some of my healer's gear and notice that one of his relics isn't augmented. All his gear had been augmented. The relic is the missing DPS relic form the other night. So where is his healing trinket? Even if I managed to equip the DPS relic while trying to trade my healing relic is still missing due to attempted trade. It needs to be replaced. SO info: Evening of 11/14 bug occurred Where: Republic Fleet near Flash point Daily turn in point Toon :Sardonyx Server: The Ebon Hawk Missing items: Campaign Relic of Ephemeral Mending, augmented (Advanced Relfex Augment 22) Wanted result: replacement of Relic, augmented with augment or Relic, augment slot, credits to put it in and augment. Expected result: To be blown off yet again and to spend hours trying to get the daily comms to replace the relic, all the while resenting the waste of time -- due to a bug and the fact no one wanted to bother to help. Current ticket open # 6876232
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