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Everything posted by EVO_D

  1. Haha! Sac telling it how it is! you wanted them gone all along. As you know, there are some I am quite happy have ****** off and others I'd like to stay. Yes lots of new players, you need to stop with the moaning at them when we are in wz's Welcome back Bru! why did you turn traitor and leave Coral? how could you turn your back on the lovely Dhaima like that? shame on you!!
  2. People like you are what I like to call c****!!! I mean you need to realise that this is a game! it's sole purpose is for people to have fun you know recreation? It's not a job, it's not real life. I'm not a bad player and I don't look down on people that aren't that good either so please do us all a favour and get the **** out yourself, Thank you.
  3. Too many cry babies on here!! its new content people, who cares about having to pay a little money for it. It's the price of a pack of cigarettes (UK) and it supports the game which we play and enjoy (well most of us) Why do people always expect bioware to work for days/months on new content then hand it out for free? if people aren't happy then don't buy it, or better yet leave as I like many people am sick of all this crying.
  4. If Metyse has Kann that means she must have Divided as well. Kann and Divided are BROS! and also like smoke and fire, you can't have one without the other. With that said and with both of these strong, powerful sith by her side little Metyse will be adequately protected against all pubes on the server. Enough said..
  5. I do agree with you! First I'm a full war hero augmented Juggernaut level 87 Valour so I'm no noob. I have been saying this sort of thing for a while now, they need to even out these war zones so that the premades only go against premades, it gives the rest of the people that enjoy queuing solo etc the chance to have fun at the same time. Some days most my guild friends aren't on at the times I am so I queue alone, and go into warzones where I am the only war hero on my team, this ends in me being marked and ganked its annoying at times, other times I group with friends that aren't in my guild and we win more so than lose. One day you can go on a roll and win match after match, other times you can lose, and I mean lose like 10 in a row this is no fun. As I said before I am no noob and I can 1v1 any class, with that said I would even welcome a new breed of war zones where its single player style where you play for yourself, no teams and I really think this will make the warzones more interesting. Bioware really need to look into this and implement premades vs premades only if no other premades are available then tough, you need to split up and queue solo Also the implementation of solo style none team based warzones where you play for yourself and don't need to rely on other people.
  6. Where the hell do I get this?? It says on torhead that it can be crafted, has anyone crafted this yet?
  7. How many of you SOB's ordered in November?? Jeez!!!
  8. Well they did say up to the last week or SO of November, the last week falls in the same week at 2nd December so you may be lucky.
  9. The post said last week of November OR SO, so maybe the first couple of days of December too but who knows...
  10. Forget November!! I'm technically November well one day away in December, get me in lol
  11. Thats because most of them are sad low lifes with no life other than video games
  12. December 2nd here Friday is the day (my estimate) I'm not going to moan and whine like all these other idiots though, if I gave a damn enough I would have pre ordered earlier
  13. December 2nd here Friday is the day (my estimate) I'm not going to moan and whine like all these other idiots though, if I gave a damn enough I would have pre ordered earlier
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