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Posts posted by Nizzemancer

  1. So, I guess this bug has reared it's head again, at least for me. On one my characters every time I login to the game or change zone (loading screen), my legacy rocket boost auto activates. It also dismisses my companion on zone change.


    I know this at least used to be related to the random mount option and having the rocket boost in the favorites, but I cannot even select rocket boost in the favorites any more (it looks to be selected and disabled...) and I've tried using the random mount option but that doesn't fix it.


    Experienced this bug too last night, every time I boarded my ship the boots came on.

  2. The Sith Warrior quest "The padawan exposed" on Hutta is broken. (I posted the same text as below in the SW/Juggernaut forums just to be on the safe side, though I don't really expect bioware to bother with fixing it)


    In the past I've been able to get different dialogue with Jaessa in this quest where she turns her ability on me as a Light Side SW, getting the reaction that my alignment is unknowable as opposed to how she would have described you as a good person with the same LS score before.


    But since the whole dark/light side update (I'm guessing?) update it is impossible since your L/D meter never deviates from "Neutral", I'm currently on my latest playthrough at around 5500 tier 0 light side with the next level being 10000 LS points, considering the old system had up to I think it was 10000 light or dark max for tier V it would seem the mechanics for this quest would need one hell of a tweak to match it, either some form of new scale or different triggers, or do you expect people to to put the class story on hiatus to farm alignment points if they want to experience the true LS story?


    When you update game mechanics you should have thought of these kinds of things, why am I not surprised that you just half-arsed it and just didn't bother changing anything?


    I should probably add that I have made no dark side choices and the only really "bad" thing I did was being a condescending jerk in dialogue to the noble guy on alderaan but treated everyone else I met with kindness and respect even when they didn't deserve it.

  3. As the title implies, during (PvE) fights I tend to run out of rage and have to wait until the timer allows the style that builds up 4 Rage (can't remember the name of it). Any tips/suggestions? I'm level 30 atm and I am afraid this will only get worse as I go up in level.


    You...you do realize that the basic attack builds rage right? Also there are abilities that build rage for you if your stunned or attecked with AoE's etc... This is a troll thread right? Come on, nobody is this oblivious to the mechanics of a game they supposedly have made it about halfway through.

  4. The Sith Warrior quest "The padawan exposed" on Hutta is broken. (I posted the same text as below in the SW/Juggernaut forums just to be on the safe side, though I don't really expect bioware to bother with fixing it)


    In the past I've been able to get different dialogue with Jaessa in this quest where she turns her ability on me as a Light Side SW, getting the reaction that my alignment is unknowable as opposed to how she would have described you as a good person with the same LS score before.


    But since the whole dark/light side update (I'm guessing?) update it is impossible since your L/D meter never deviates from "Neutral", I'm currently on my latest playthrough at around 5500 tier 0 light side with the next level being 10000 LS points, considering the old system had up to I think it was 10000 light or dark max for tier V it would seem the mechanics for this quest would need one hell of a tweak to match it, either some form of new scale or different triggers, or do you expect people to to put the class story on hiatus to farm alignment points if they want to experience the true LS story?


    When you update game mechanics you should have thought of these kinds of things, why am I not surprised that you just half-arsed it and just didn't bother changing anything?

  5. In the past I've been able to get different dialogue with Jaessa in this quest where she turns her ability on me as a Light Side SW, getting the reaction that my alignment is unknowable as opposed to how she would have described you as a good person with the same LS score before.


    But since the whole dark/light side update (I'm guessing?) update it is impossible since your L/D meter never deviates from "Neutral", I'm currently on my latest playthrough at around 5500 tier 0 light side with the next level being 10000 LS points, considering the old system had up to I think it was 10000 light or dark max for tier V it would seem the mechanics for this quest would need one hell of a tweak to match it, either some form of new scale or different triggers, or do you expect people to to put the class story on hiatus to farm alignment points if they want to experience the true LS story?


    When you update game mechanics you should have thought of these kinds of things, why am I not surprised that you just half-arsed it and just didn't bother changing anything?

  6. See, that is the problem.. people think paying a subscription gives them a say in how the game is presented to them. It's does not. Paying a subscription entitles you to play the game "as is". It is even in the terms and conditions that you agree to accept it "as-is" with no warranty or say on current or future content. Just because a player has an expectation =/= a right to unbridled negativity and criticism.


    I give the OP more credit then I do you because he is at least walking his talk and taking a break from the game because he does not enjoy it. That is in fact the only remedy a player has with an MMO. I have done so myself in the past. All the barking in the world will not make the neighborhood in the likeness that someone desires.


    "Yes hello, I pay a monthly subscription for National Geographic and all I got was MTV!"


    People have a right to say their mind when the quality of a product they pay for takes a nosedive

  7. You forgot the part where Satele tell the trooper they have no clue how to lead people then proceed to bring up topics that any boot in basic would have a grasp of "teamwork, retreat, advance etc." yes, a distinguished veteran republic special forces colonel who did just that on Corellia and other places suddenly aren't able to understand such advanced tactics, teach me everything you know about leading an army oh almighty pacifist nun-lady!


    And the dialogue of itself is hamfisted and stupid, I mean really dumbed down, compared to the previous content it reads like a ten year old wrote it some times.


    Edit: this also goes against what they said before sw:tor was released, suddenly being non-force users isn't good enough, that's not what we were told back in 2010.

  8. Even though I play an infiltration shadow as main character I think the stealth mobs were alright in the context of this chapters. So they take the initiative away from me (playing a shadow, my sniper still had the initiative), I can live with that, I don't need a burst opening and a mind maze.


    What makes it really annoying that things like this happen more and more often in the different additions to the game. It's alright with looming creatures of darkness, but it annoys me when skytroopers rush in and already have me targeted, see through my stealth and engage me at thirty meters distance.


    Stealth isn't so much about avoiding enemies in the given context though. It is about initiative, at least as far as I am concerned.

    Well of course.

  9. Agreed, it would have been helpful if we knew what we were choosing, unless there were prompts about and I simply missed them. I would not have chosen that way again.


    Agreed, pure dumb luck I didn't choose transcendence on my sniper who's basicly just a turret in fights. And while health regen is nice if I had known I would probably have opted for a damage increase to boost the dps a sniper does.

  10. I'd happily use it if I could change the look of it.


    As a Marauder I use two sabers and being slightly OCD I like them to match, much like others I also have a preference on that matching set. I have as others have stuck 220 mods in and dumped it in my cargo hold for use at a later date when fighting Arcann.


    This does feel like a real shame as the entire chapter was about crafting a weapon I don't use and likely only have any use in relation to a cut scene. Last time I fought Arcann I never went below 99% health, I don't need a minor buff to make the fight any easier.


    It would have been far better if the gift at the end of the chapter was a character buff and not a weapon one, that way we could continue to use our preferred looking gear.

    Yeah the buff should just be added to the others you previously got at lvl 50 for the 4 archetypes of classes. Also, it pretty much makes all those subscriber reward weapons from HK-55 completely pointless.

  11. Well, it's already been stated but it was too force heavy, the way the story is told really pisses on the whole "non-force users are just as powerful as force users in this era" crap we were fed before the game came out.


    Another thing: I'm playing my light side sith sorcerer through the chapter now after having done Agent and Trooper, and it's completely immersion breaking to have valkorion claim that I have mastered the dark side of the force, how about a bit more input from our character sheets before you provide the output huh guys?


    Oh and as with all the new chapters: You've made stealth in PvE completely worthless with this ****** "auto-aggro" crap you've been doing in all the chapters, why? To make it artificially longer? It's without reason and destroys immersion not to mention my playstyle with stealthy type characters..

  12. What are my imperial agents, troopers, smugglers and bounty hunters going to do with a Vitiate Aka Valkorian inspired lightsaber?


    Based on what people have datamined we'll all become force sensitives and trained in the force so our choices can matter even more! *sarcasm*


    Personally if they go through with this and make everyone a lightsaber-wielding force user I'm cancelling my sub.

  13. I think a lot of people here don't read or socially interact much and feel very high and mighty telling others to 'read better'.


    Depending on the context of the writing or conversation "I need to talk to one of you" can be directed at only one person even if speaking to a group. It all depends on the delivery, and in direct social interactions, the eye contact. So when the camera started and ended on Theron I (and apparently others) took it too be addressed directly at Theron. Which is why I skipped the [flirt] option since BW is world famous for ninja locking unwanted romances.


    I actually had no idea until days later I missed the 'lock in' for romance associated with this scene. Normally missing a single [flirt] is not that big a deal, but apparently this was the make or break scene.


    I guess I will never see the Kira/Lana cat fight I have been joking about since SoR.

    The problem with having to flirt with her at every option to be able to lock it in is that one of those conversations is missable entirely if you start chapter 8 with a higher affinity with Koth than Lana HE will rescue you from Arcann and you miss out on flirting with Lana (you ask her for one last kiss).

  14. I hate koth, the guy is a *********** moron.


    Hey did you know that Valkorion killed Billions of people? Yeah well that's cool because he was always good to zakuul. That's like saying Hitler was a good guy because he was kind to "X".


    Love HK 55, too bad about...you know.

  15. I'm talking about the alliance conversations. Is it a joke? "Bringing back KOTOR conversations!" no thank you. Were the voice actors just not available? My character actually speaking adds personality to my character and the story. Please don't do this again or force anything like this on us!


    Thing is the voice actors for the main charaters were probably swamped with work on the main storyline, meanwhile the alliance commanders could be voiced at the same time but having your character responses recorded would have probably pushed the release back quite a bit for that only.

  16. I play the game for fun, I like the trading of barbs with my companions and in a way I have become fond of them and really I dont want to get rid of any of them, so if the option for the new expansion is to get rid of them I choose no to do so, there is plenty to do in this game for me to last me a life time, I have right now 3 characters in the 40's and 3 characters that they have barely made it to level 10, so I am just playing for the fun aspect of the game.


    I am an old trekky and anything that is space related with action on land keeps me interested for a long time.


    It's not like they have much input post-original storyline anyway? Maybe a line here or there when they come with you to certain locations but at this point you'll probably have heard those lines a bunch of times already.

  17. It's like someone walking into a library and asking random people when World War 1 took place.


    When you ask questions you could easily answer for yourself you prove yourself to be either lazy, stupid or both, and people should be well within their rights to mock and ridicule you so you are motivated to improve those flaws.


    The only internet tough guy/keyboard warrior here is you.

  18. Haha couple of minutes they said. They word is like ****, stinky and brown. One big ******** coming only, make more cartel packs, don't give a duck for bugs. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if people stop playing this game completly in next 3 years max.


    Dude, it's been 45 minutes chillax...

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