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Posts posted by Thraka

  1. 2 hours ago, Traceguy said:

    So how did everyone fair yesterday with this change?

    By keeping the original daily CQP per planet heroic, I did gain at least 35,000 conquest points FOR FREE. I say free because there was no extra time needed. These were dailies I was hitting every day before the nerf as is. And technically, that's at least 2 heroics less than normal due to Wednesdays being busy days for me.

    That leaves me in a 10,000 point deficit for the day. That's pretty much either 1 rep token, 1 extra planet heroic, or 2 repeat planet heroics.

    Yes, rep tokens didn't spawn in our inventory, we had to do something to earn one. Some of us doing something harder than others. I think the time it takes to do 2 quick heroics on an alt easily takes the cake.


    Unless they screwed up by keeping the daily planet heroic objective, I think I'm coming out on top in this.

    It feels pretty good to me as is, now.

  2. 1 minute ago, AFadedMemory said:

    They aren't playing with anybody except when they focus on the Flashpoint portion of their grind. Even then they're yelling SB! 🤣

    I won't speak for others, but attitudes like yours exemplify why I no longer PVP or queue for randoms. I suspect you would find a lot of folks on my side of the fence do plenty of multiplayer, just not with randos or aggro PVP types, only with friends of guildmates. And even if they are only soloing, they are subsidizing the game, not taking more than your fair share' as you imply.
    But, hey, keep berating and insulting people. That's sure to win them over, right?


    • Like 4
  3. 4 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

    Are there currently 2133 of you decade long subs who purchase cartel coin regularly? Unless the answer is yes BioWare has to cover for the the discrepancy just to hit even 

    I’m not hissing at the community, I’m laughing at the entitlement. It’s like watching a customer go to a fast food restaurant just for a drink and after regularly getting 20 free refills they get mad that the soda machine is now behind the counter.

    And you wonder why nobody wants to play games with you....


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    When not looking to run more heroics per day than before, this helps out, because you still get the original planet's heroic points per day. This basically doubles the income of CQPs from doing just 1 heroic per planet, while also leaving room open to farm 5k per heroic per alt.



    It doesn't offset the loss completely, but depending on the time it takes to get a rep token from your current "go to" activity, it may start even out.

    Just doing a quick heroic sweep this afternoon (1 per planet that I normally do), I have accomplished twice as much.

    Doesn't excuse the Flashpoint problem though

    This. Time spent in flashpoints or ops should award similar rates. Right now it is far too little.

    • Like 2
  5. 44 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    Did you do all heroics on DK? If so, I'm doing the math, and I don't see more than 10,000 being unaccounted for.


      Reveal hidden contents

    CZ Defeat Enemies 1: 4125
    CZ Defeat Enemies 2: 8375
    CZ Mission Complete: 5k
    CZ weekly 10750
    CZ Heroic 5000

    CZ Total: 33,250


      Reveal hidden contents

    DK defeat Enemies 1 4125
    DK defeat enemies 2 8375
    Heroic Missions x5  25000
    DK Heroic Mission: 5000
    Bonus Missions 2750

    DK Total: 45,250

    Sub Total: 78,500

    That's not counting the points you earned per kill and mission rewards. Each mission reward offers 650CQP.

    • Mission Reward points For CZ: 5 Dailies + weekly gets you: +3900 CQP
    • Mission Reward points For DK: 5 heroics + weekly + bonus mission on DK gets you: +4550 CQP


    Grand Total: 86950 (Minus kills)


    Yup, that should do it then. So we're looking at about 50k for DK/Coruscant. (Just did coruscant, got similar results)


    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    Are you sure you didn't earn some yesterday? The game updated today, but it's not reset day.



    Positive. This is the first I played in weeks. I'll try again tomorrow and see if I can work out where everything came from, or maybe someone else can run some tests.


  7. 1 minute ago, PlasmaJohn said:

    Keep in mind that this week's conquest is skewed towards heroics.  Check to see if you've gotten CQ from non-regular objectives.

    I specifically took note of it. Taskmaster was not part of the total.

    CZ Defeat Enemies 1: 4125

    CZ Defeat Enemies 2: 8375

    CZ Mission Complete: 5k

    CZ weekly 10750

    DK defeat Enemies 1 4125

    DK defeat enemies 2 8375

    DK Heroic MIssions 5000

    Bonus Missions 2750


    This leaves somewhere like 50k unaccounted for. It looks like the actual objectives log isn't showing everything, but I can see I have NOT  completed heroic pinnacle.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ryukomaru said:

    I had to do Missions: Taskmaster and Galactic Seasons: Weekly Objectives to get me over.  (had some companion convos back logged to finish it out)

    All strongholds unlocked and full (save capero)

    But after the first heroic, I got next to no conquest points for the other 3. 

    Bug? I got 90k from DK/CZ198 without any of the taskmasters. Could it differ by planet? Maybe the planet you did isn't working?

  9. Okay, I may have to eat my words here. Other folks may differ, but having gone in and playtested the new heroic changes, they may actually work. Running through DK and cz-198, I picked up 90k conquest in a little less than one hour, moving at a leisurely pace. That includes hitting marks like Kill Enemies 2 and weeklies, and they do stack up. That's pretty much what I asked for, though I am less than enthused at needing to do heroics versus other content. We still have crappy rewards on FP/OP for the time they consume, and I would very much like to see 1 hour of ops or 1 hour of FP's ALSO put us at 100k or very close.


  10. 10 hours ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

    Been this way for YEARS. 

    They do what their "metrics" tell them... and we never see hard data from them... just an "oh trust me"

    They... do... not... care.  They NEVER listen.  And when they do... they give us 10% of what they took away back.

    Certainly I see what I call "Design by Spreadsheet" in full force, and I agree, it does seem a pattern going back some time. (sigh) Ah, well, whatever the case, it's not for me anymore.


    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

    Same people in charge.  The BW people moved over... but the command structure stands.

    You're the second person to say that, and you are probably right, but something feels different. New imperatives, perhaps, from the top? Something changed to have them go down a path they knew would anger people, enough that they tried to sneak it in.


  12. 1 hour ago, captainbladejk said:

    And let's not forget the gaslighting afterwards of then going on to say that it's "little work for a big payout" kind of junk and trying to convince everyone else they're wrong. Skipping the PTS and leaving it out of the patch notes both wasn't an "oopsie" that's straight deliberate. Now they're just mad they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

    They wanted to make sure it was a fait accompli without having to argue in advance.

  13. 9 minutes ago, TobarrDaggermoon said:

    Does it rankle that I have lost 43k conquest points daily yes but like every time they tinker with conquest I could find a way round the nerfs to fit in with my play style. I do not need the instant gratification that some do so getting my flagship unlocked months later is not a problem but being lied to yet again is. This is not the first time they have omitted something from patch notes that they know will anger some players. Why are patch notes not released far earlier so we can absorb the changes? Why do they continue to treat like children? 

    What gets me is the gall they had in trying to pretend leaving it out of patch notes was an accident. If it's so important that they will dig in their heels like this, they knew full well it would cause outcry ahead of the change, and so they snuck it in. There is simply no way it was insignificant enough to 'slip their minds' in the patch notes.


    • Like 9
  14. Just now, Toraak said:

    This game is nothing like a grindfest MMO. Even with the nerf to the rep tokens getting conquest is so easy to do that it's not that much of a grind. 


    I can think of 11 impside heroics that are quick and easy. Unless your actually trying to do conquest on massive amounts of characters it won't take that long. I don't play that much pubisde, but for any trooper or smuggler I can think of at least 7-8 easy ones, (take out 3 for jedi classes), and that is without remember 90% of the heroics on republic side.


    Try playing the old school sandbox MMO's and tell me those weren't a hundred times more grindy then Swtor is. I know SWG sure was, as is shadowbane, WoW, and I'm sure so many others.


    Well, I have been playing MMO's since Ultima Online, so this is a swing and a miss. What we tolerated at 20 and 30 is simply not the same as what we will tolerate at 50 and 60. Moving on....

    We are not discussing a lack of knowledge. We are discussing the COST of the game, frankly. While it may not YET be full on grindfest, it is definitely heading in that direction. The decisions I am seeing look more like they come from the Brad McQuaid school of MMO design: grindy, heavy handed, 'the players don't know what they want', and worst of all, unannounced. That alone makes it CLEAR this was not done in good faith.

    Facts are facts: I get less for my sub now that I did last month or the 24 months before that, period, the end.  I will not pay to get less value, and neither should anyone else.

    I have 8 characters, one for each storyline, something SWTOR has always encouraged. I want to get conquest on those characters in the same amount of time I spent on it last month, or the 24 months before. I am not interested in what junior game designers  think, nor are my friends. We already unsubbed, and we are hardly alone.

    I don't want to do heroics. It's boring because I have done them all many times before, and they offer almost no progression. I want to do flashpoints or ops, maybe some stronghold deco or space barbie, and be able to hit my conquest in about an hour for each character. Previously, I was able to do so. Now I can't.

    Also, I do NOT want to play with toxic randos. I will never queue for any rando content, especially PVP.

    If BS stands their ground here, they are going to lose customers. I am unclear why this troubles you. You have already conceded the devs can do what THEY like. Why do you object when players note the devs decisions are unacceptable? 



    • Like 14
  15. 1 hour ago, Toraak said:

    oh. I'm not saying it should not have been in the patch notes. Far from it. All I was saying that just because BW was fine with it the way it was, doesn't mean the new Broadsword management was, and since 7.4.1 was one of the very first patches all it's own, they may have wanted to change it.


    Which is pretty much what several of us have noted: the game is now in the hands of people who do not understand their player base, and they are trying to turn this into every other MMO, a grindfest for sweaty tryhards. That crosses the line into 'not worth paying for', IMO.

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 2
  16. 12 minutes ago, Darev said:

    Are you kidding?

    It will take more in game time, but this makes it easier, MUCH easier, just with the infinite 5k for heroics alone.

    Yeah, it's a grind, and tedious, and boring...but as many alts as you want to make / have time for can complete conquest each and every single week.   20 toons = 20 flagship encryptions each week.     Before this change, how it is right now (last day before update) you couldn't possibly get as much as you should be able to starting tomorrow.

    It doesn't matter. It's unacceptable. I am not grinding longer to do the same thing that I did for years and it wasn't an issue, and I absolutely won't PAY for the privilege to grind longer. I want back the ability to hit conquest goals on my 8 characters without spending more time than before or I simply won't bother.

    The breaking point issue IS the amount of in game time that has been added to reach the same goals,

    • Like 2
  17. 57 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

    As someone else pointed out earlier, low engagement is way better than no engagement. If you had a coffee shop and a large portion of your clients would come in every morning and order "black, no sugar" (your cheapest option), would you remove it from the menu to force them into ordering your other items (effectively removing their reason to come in every day) or would you make sure you never run out of the black coffee (something a sensible business owner would do)?

    This is more like if you had a coffee shop where everyone who was a member could come in and get as many drinks of whatever kind as they wanted for a single monthly fee. Imagine that the manager decided the people who only come in in the morning for their 'black, no sugar' are somehow a problem because the people who are in the shop all day complain that the 'black, no sugar' people won't 'engage' with them and chat. He removes plain black coffee from the menu, which only means the business now loses money because the people who were subsidizing the All-Day crowd go elsewhere for their plain coffee.

    How is it not obvious that the 'black, no sugar' people are, in fact, the most lucrative customers the business has because they pay the same as everyone else, but they consume little in terms of resources?


    • Like 6
  18. 2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Can’t you just ignore them? You do realise they are just baiting the water to cause a frenzy. 

    It's as if they are deliberately trying to split the userbase so the issue will become pvp vs pve, rather than devs versus players....

    • Like 4
  19. 1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Also, BS mostly limit who can post on the forums to subscribers only. They’ve only recently opened up a couple of sections to preferred players to post. But I don’t think they can post outside of the new player sections or bug sections. 

    That’s why there are limited posters. Surely there are now way more preferred & F2P players in the game than subscribers these days. If devs really wanted to hear players feedback or foster a healthy game community, they would have opened the forums to all players years ago. But by limiting who can post, they can basically ignore the forums & say it’s only a small minority of players who post. 

    A fair number of us won't be able to post soon, if people are being honest about cancelling subs. Funny, I almost never posted here, despite being a founder, but this whole fiasco made me want to speak up. I doubt it made a difference, being honest. The people running the game seem determined to kill it.


    • Thanks 3
  20. 1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    From reading the feedback, it seems 7.4.1c isn’t going to be enough to appease people either. They’ve still not appeased the APAC players or even addressed how horribly they treated many in the community by denying them free transfers when they should have qualified them. Zero communication about it, so they’ve lost all credibility there.


    It's definitely not enough for me, and my friends are all switching to ESO or something else, ANYTHING else, really, because they are furious over the conquest changes. They could fix this in so many ways, but for some reason they seem to think making conquest take longer is a good idea. It's not. It's a terrible idea that crosses the line for lots of people who were already fed up with the taxes and inability to help friends with gifts, etc.


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  21. 2 hours ago, Traceguy said:

    No random flashpoint needed.



    So basically, the consensus is this is a fluke/bug, not yet another stealth nerf? I haven't even tried again since it happened. Honestly I have just been so discouraged by the mess of the Rep nerf that have hardly played at all.

    Edited to add:

    Yup, I just went in and ran one with exclusions and got credit. So there is some kind of bug that sometimes it's not happening, but at least it isn't another stealth nerf.

    • Like 1
  22. 1 hour ago, Saeten said:

    Absolutely not true. This post is related to solo and solo+ story mode FPs. permitting guilds to chose this as a perk each week is unbalanced and not even remotely related to the Adv Reputation conquest points. Valid for large guilds, maybe... But not even close for the issues at hand.

    So, firstly, I am the OP, and I did not in any way intend to restrict it to those types of FP's. I was specifically talking about Veteran FP's, because that's the situation in which we encountered this issue. Not sure why you think this is about solo stuff. That was something someone else added in.

    And as for large guilds, meh, I have 2 people in my guild. Having those guild abilities meant that once a day, the wife and I could run 3 flashpoints, taking about an hour,  and hit our conquest on our characters. I would absolutely trade Rep award for the ability to have FP rally 1 and 2 all the time. It would be much better to simply play the game for an hour and hit conquest doing things I preferred (FP's). I don't see how that would be unbalanced versus rep token, companion gift, and CZ-198, and it would be considerably more fun.


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