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Posts posted by Captain_Mark

  1. LOL, huttball is the worst map for our class. Sure you can get free DPS, but objectively your helping your team out far less than you can on the node maps. We certainly are not gods, but GS are excellent in pvp, and can single highhandedly sway WZ to victory in alderaan and voidstar.


    Then why in my experience do the team I'm on win 99% of Huttball games? Because the one PVP thing Gunslingers are good at is attacking the ball carrier in a Huttball game. I just hang around the ball without picking it up (cos we're made of glass) and either protect or attack. I'd say that was pretyt helpful wouldn't you? Plus, 'slingers can work more effectively because players chase the ball, not each other. As for alderaan and voidstar, that's crap, I'm sorry. There's no singlehandedly about it when a mob of Sorcs (which most Imperial teams are usually made up of) come bounding over the hill and chain CC/stun you until they reach melee range and then just electrocute you to death. Even with Hunker Down and Pulse knockback, we're not these one man defensive fortresses, we're just sitting ducks.

  2. you want more dps? we already top it in WZs. im thinking you need to start playing to the strengths and weakness of the class instead of trying to do things we arent supposed to.


    EDIT: also, maybe your are not geared to the level of your opposition? then you have to do all you can not to engage melee


    I set up on the edge of a battle and go into my attack rotation, using my non-cover abilities in a defense manner. What else is a 'slinger supposed to do? Some of the time the defenses are adequate, most of the time I just get zerg rushed. The issue is obviously with PVP as I've not had any problems anywhere else, and it's the way the game let you obtain gear that is also a problem. A fresh 50 like myself needs to pvp to get gear for HM FP's, ideally. Unfortunately, maps like Civil War and to a lesser extent the Voidstar aren't very Gunslinger friendly atm, so I can't earn the commendations to get the PVP gear.

  3. Came in here like "*** is this guy smokin'?" and then I saw that he hadn't hit 50 yet. Cos when you do, you die. All the time. Like, at 50, I've NEVER won a game of Civil War. I agree with Guns 'n' Roses, Bioware. I don't need your Civil War, gimme Huttball and lemme harass the ball handler at range for the whole game. It's the only PVP match I do well in.

    1. Dirty kick stun and then if you are a SS you can hit them with aimed shot and shoot them back and then hit with leg shot.



    We're not SS though...we're Gunslingers. Like the forum title suggests? I happen to agree with the OP though, Gunslinging at the moment is just NOT a viable option for PVP, I see a marked difference playing as my 'slinger and playing as my Jedi Sentinel.

  5. bolded and red.


    What he said. Been trying to get enough commendations for some pvp gear so I can go do hard mode FP's with my guild but pvp is not a viable option for gunslingers at the moment because we just die too easily. I get chain CC'd and leapt on by the fecking sorcs (god I hate them) and we have no effective short range counter or escape options. And if force using classes have their buffs and shields up, our DPS currently goes to waste, taking what is supposed to be my most effective ability (to cut dudes down quickly) out of play.

  6. I've got all orange gear except my belt which is prototype purple gear, and I have the cowbow boy look all the gunslingers crave :p But now I need to do ops to get the tionese stuff because my stuff is STILL crappy compared to other players doing HM FP's :(
  7. Actually, you see Obi Wan reach down and take Anakin's lightsaber from his mangled body on the slope of the lava flow on Mustafar at the end of ROTS. So that IS the same one. Whether Vader knew is another matter, Jedi are supposed to construct their sabers in a meditative state, focusing a part of The Force into it. The saber carries an imprint of it's creator (like the saber creation scene in the Jedi Knight story) The chances of Vader not having felt this through The Force when Luke confronted him on Bespin are slim methinks.
  8. If you ever pay attention, in the OT and the PT, they didn't style the sword fighting to be like fencing, they based it off of old Japanese and Chinese Fighting Styles.



    You can tell they didn't aim to be like fencing. Pirates of the Caribbean is similar to fencing.


    Actually, Dooku's style, Makashi, is basically a defensive fencing style, adopted for the fact that Christopher Lee was considerably older than his opponents and needed a style where he could realistically carry off a fight scene on camera. Accept that as a fact from somebody who is an actual RL fencer :p

  9. Where did he have it stashed then? He was pretty much empty handed when they went to hire Han Solo as a pilot. It's not like he could have stashed the training droid in a pocket or under his robes. It was too big for that. It was certainly on Han's ship beforehand. It had to be. Nothing else makes any logical sense. Han also clearly did not believe in the force, calling it a "hokey religion", so why on earth would he keep a jedi training droid in his stash?


    When did anything in a movie had to make sense? Espically considering movies like this one.


    Actually, I have the Millenium Falcon Engineering Manual and it states inside that the remote training droid belongs to Han. Just to settle that one :p

  10. Actually, the Mandalorians would make sense. You could have them return under the leadership of a descendant of Canderous Ordo (who became the new Mandalore in the Revan novel) Considering the Republic and the Sith have parallel classes anyways, would be easy to drop in four classes for the Mandalorians to rival them (e.g. Mandalorian Soldier = Republic Trooper/Bounty Hunter, Mandalorian Scout = Smuggler/Imperial Agent, e.t.c.) Make sense, no?


    EDIT: I can see it now, the first expansion: SWTOR: Return of The Mandalorians!

  11. I'm liking a clean slate idea, perhaps several hundred years after ROTJ and the EU books set after it. An old Cade Skywalker training a new Padawan (our new central character) before passing on a la Yoda. There we have our link to the previous movies for the uninitiated before moving on to a nice blank canvas to craft fresh original characters on. Perhaps hire some of Bioware's writers to help out, god knows The Bioware Companion Gallery is the greatest in videogame history in terms of characterisation.
  12. This usually happens with the bonus quests of 'Part 1 - Kill X amount of Y, Part 2 - Kill XX amount of Y, Part 3 - Kill elite mob Z' The elite mob takes ages to spawn and can lead to people queing to kill the git. Just the other night, did one on Taris. Approached his location to see three other players standing there all in a group, the elite hasn't spawned yet. I run back and forth in front of them and ask them to add me to their group - no dice. So when the thing spawns, I do what any good Smuggler does, I shoot first. I kill the thing and one dude starts RAGING at me over chat. The whole server saw it, it was horrendous. Don't regret it though, the guy should have played nice when he was clearly about to do the same thing to me. But my point is...Fix this. Faster respawn times or mini instances, just do something about it!
  13. I agree with the idea that the prequels were missing a reliable 'party' ship and a Solo style everyman character. Wouldn't even have to be a prototype Han, just someone fighting the good fight who ISN'T a Jedi or a princess. I can imagine a Gunslinger typer character working pretty well, Lucas should have written his own Malcolm Reynolds/The Man With No Name (Eastwood.) Would have been a nice reference to the OT's Western influences as well as the samurai movie influences that the prequels wore on their sleeve (the OT was more subtle with this influence in plotting, see The Hidden Fortress.) Also, he gets to ask the questions we want answers to, as Han generally does the OT. Perhaps that's why he's such a fan favourite. But yes, a good ol' fashioned scoundrel was sorely lacking!
  14. I put forward the argument that Luke IS the balance, ergo Anakin fulfilled the prophecy when Padme gave birth to him. By the end of Jedi, we see that he is an equal measure of light and dark and that this balance of light and dark is the real way forward. The Sith adhering only to the dark side is bad in ways we all know about, but if you really think about it, being super pious light side is also bad news because it stops a person from being human. Remember that this was the reason Ani and Padme had to conduct their relationship in secret and a real driving force behind Anakin's turn to the dark side. Liken it to a super religious family that raise a kid that way and then when s/he is old enough, they go off the rails because they give in to temptation and overly abuse all the things they've been denied (I know a chick like this and she's mental :p) The only other two canon characters to realise this before the end of Jedi were both Revan and Jolee Bindo as far as I know and arugably, these are the two most well balanced and knowledgable individuals in the SW universe (even if Revan had to learn the hard way :p)
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