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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Reading, gaming, learning, traveling, writing, thinking.
  • Occupation
    Productive member of humanity.
  1. I've run into the same issue. Unable to speak with Locke to complete Scientific Endeavors.
  2. Please do not add dual spec. Considering that ToR is a story driven campaign and that being able to change specializations on a whim is not something anyone can reasonably do, it would diminish the game overall, bringing it more in-line with already established and non-sensical titles such as World of Warcraft. ToR would become less unique, in other words. And it's already possible to retrain one's skills if one so desires. There is a psychological problem with giving players everything they want. Eliminating the tedious or difficult aspects of games, of which finding ways to adjust to the choices one has made in developing skills is an example, amounts to reducing the overall challenge of the game. It makes a game easier to play. I realize that the slippery slope argument is a fallacy, but when it comes to games, it's becoming less so. I mean, if we continue to make games easier to play, if we continue to remove consequence - the consequence of choosing one skill over another is that you can't use the other skill - we might as well create a graphical game where our characters can do whatever we want them to. They'd never have to move, never have to 'earn' anything, and we'd simply click our one button skill called 'roll dice' a certain number of times to win.
  3. I am missing the entries you've listed here plus: The First Yozusk The Wilds Sithspawn Hadra Forces Any help completing any of these entries is greatly welcome. Thanks.
  4. I'm also missing these codex entries. Question: How do you know they are bugged if you don't know where to find them? I haven't found any clickable items that haven't worked. Has anyone obtained these entries? If so, where/how?
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