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Posts posted by Kakokun

  1. My only problem with this:


    Overcharge Consumable = 15% expertise.. and its cheap. Does it have a long cooldown? Yeah, but its there for you. If you aren't in majority PvP gear, use consumables and stand by the Expertise Buff in game.


    And the gear isn't as difficult as most people are making it out to be. Stack Champion bags and WZ/Merc Comms before you hit 50. Roll 15 bags the same day you hit 50 and notice you'll get a couple of pieces. Is it GUARANTEED? No, the only things that are is death and taxes. But if you are a dedicated PVP'er you SHOULD have most of your Champ set in 2 weeks. 3 weeks tops (given the 10% statistic - and including diminishing returns)


    Define dedicated PvP'er.

  2. EDIT: And again. If we want to scream for more than 3 Coms per bag I will jump on board. Perhaps 7-10 per bag is more reasonable?


    They need to remove centurion commendations from champion bags. Add a centurion bag for a low cost that rewards centurion commendations and tokens. Bump the price on champion bags up and make them reward 3 champion commendations or 1 commendation and 1 token (which can be used on whatever piece you want). And finally make battlemaster bags contain battlemaster stuff.


    Not only do they make PvP hard for new players to get into by having a PvP stat. They had to make the entry gear impossibly hard to get and make everything else a random which might leave you with nothing ever. Without any new players the PvP community will eventually stagnate.


    Whoever designed this system needs to get another job because they clearly have no idea what they're doing. The fact that they still haven't done anything about this awful system speaks poorly about bioware's ability to manage their game.

  3. Score one for ignorance...

    How do so many people not understand the system?


    When you make entry gear ridiculously hard to get and base the other rewards on RNG in a system that requires a stat that can't be attained anywhere else then it's flawed no matter how you spin it.


    And don't be a smart ***. Just because I don't instantly respond doesn't mean you win by default.



    Edit: And it's not just an issue of centurion commendations being too hard to get. You can dedicate weeks to this game and never be rewarded with more than 1 piece of gear. Or even worse be rewarded with the same piece over and over.

  4. How about you don't complain about your bonus items? The bag roll system is actually in our favor and I'll explain:


    What "progression" means --> move from one tier to another. So, what the Champion Bag is supposed to do is pay you for your Tier 1 Centurion pieces which YOU DO GET at a standard rate (3 per bag). So to your original quote, you would like to pay BW employees their standard pay plus a 1/10 chance to receive a rather nice bonus.


    What majority of the people don't understand is why the name implies Champion when it is in fact designed for Centurion. If you want to complain that the bags don't give you enough Cent Coms, or if you want to complain that they give you TOO MUCH CHAMP GEAR --> then you will have a valid argument.


    Please don't complain about a system that is tilted in your favor.... this is like Imps complaining about population imbalances (but even they might have issues questing)


    Spin it however you want pal the system is still stupid.

  5. It is the stat normalization it favors lower levels by boosting far more than it should. And in some cases does the reverse by lower stats if your high level.


    That is the issue.


    From what I can tell the closer your gear is to your current level the stronger you get boosted.


    A level 20 in level 20 gear gets buffed higher than a level 49 in level 45-48 gear.



    Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.

  6. Scoundrels/Operatives said the same thing to you guys and you simply loled at them while applauding Bioware on their decision to nerf them. So don't expect sympathy from scoundrels/operatives.


    Way to generalize everyone there.

  7. If this continues then I'm pretty sure the PvP community will die. The ones with battlemaster will grow bored because there's hardly anyone else playing and the fresh players will quit because starting PvP is just awful and frustrating.
  8. Expertise is fine and is preventing carebears to roll over pvp with their shiny pve loots.


    It is perfect, i like expertise.


    Only pvers would cry over expertise but, as they are pvers, why would they mind anyway?


    Expertise is a gating mechanic that will keep new players from entering PvP resulting in longer and longer queue times and eventually a dead pvp community. But that's what you want right?

  9. You know what the biggest issue with sorcerers/sages is? The quantity..


    Alone one of them is not really that OP. However if you get 2-3 of them things will get owned. And there are a lot of them around. This leads to a lot of people feeling they are OP. It's not the class it's the populace.


    It's the same thing with mercenaries/commandos.

  10. I'd say the bigger problem is that they put all 3 tiers so close together, Champion, Battlemaster and the consolation prize Centurian obtainable within 10 valor levels. It should have been something more along the lines of:


    Centurian - 50 valor

    Champion - 60 valor

    Battlemaster - 80 valor


    At least that way there would have been some feeling of progression rather than geting into the best gear in the game within a week of hitting 50. Too late for that now though.


    That's a terrible idea if I ever saw one. That would just stop fresh blood from entering pvp because they would have to do a major grind before they even have access to any expertise which pretty much makes or breaks pvp by this point.

  11. Grab some Cent gear and pop the 25mods/Enhancement in them from the GTN for just some chump change...no need to wig out like the world is going to end.


    The impatience of the gaming community sometimes astounds me- heck, my dog is more patient if I stick a huge juicy steak in front of him and walk away.


    What really needs fixing is the bloody crafting to have "on use" and consumable items.


    Depending on RNG centurion gear is harder to get than champion gear. For some bizarre reason.


    That's just wrong.

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