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Everything posted by Jeepguyx

  1. See, while I agree you should never run 10-20 runs and get nothing, I don't like currency only loot systems. It is what makes grinding heroics in WoW so...well...grindy. Currency means you don't care about the bosses or where you are, and only care about getting the run done as fast as possible. I don't like this kind of loot setup. If you are going to do anything like this, then I would say drop tokens for specific slots or something like that. That way you have to do X boss to get X token. You don't need to have that token be only for specific classes but by making it a token, you are still in THAT instance for a reason. You aren't just grinding commendations / points.
  2. I really don't understand this. I have done all the flashpoints so far with my guild, so I am never looking for a group for these instances, however, I have been whispered several times and it has never bothered me. The people I have gotten whipsers from have been friendly, aren't begging, and usually even tell me to have a nice day or something after they have asked. Why in the hell would I blacklist them? They are getting a group formed while others are here complaining. Yes, I would like to see a channel added or some kind of a tool added (NOT LFD but simply a LFG too lthat helps put groups together). However, right now, most people are still leveling and only doing flashopints occasionally. I am at 38 now on my main, 23 on my alt. There are very very few people around me at 38, while there is still usually a queue to get on to the server. That tells me that most people are still lower in level (or all on the empre side). I am guessing a lot of the difficulty people are having relates to level, and Republic vs Empire..
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