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Posts posted by Mikesglory

  1. Thank you for the info. If I may ask one more question, Why is there two tier 4 sets for PVE?


    Campaign comes from HM EC, it is better itemised and has set bonuses. Black Hole comes from trading in Black Hole commendations which can be gained from a whole host of things.


    The idea is so there is slightly better gear for raiders but casuals can still get to "top tier"

  2. This is the proof that bioware guys are far away from the quality and expertise of Blizzard guys...


    I'm sure the day Bioware get to be as large a company as Blizzard are they will have the same quality and expertise, until then they have to make financially grounded decisions, and with the huge amount of work that would be required to create a port to OSX for the very tiny market share (5-6%, of which a large proportion is in design and office) that Mac OSX holds it is just not a realistic or worthwhile goal.

  3. That person shouting "GET 16GB OF RAM" is right (although right for completely the wrong reason).


    The reason loading screens are so slow is because the loading time is extremely limited by your Hard Drive speed, getting an SSD still improves this but there are still key limitations.


    If you want to reduce loading screen times (to around 2-3 seconds) you need to set up a RAMDISK for SWToR which requires all that spare RAM to function, you can read more about how to set up a RAMDISK for SWToR at the link below:




    they have the same stats but in different variables if 4 fo them have end pwr and acc its just the balancing of stats so you may have:

    23 end

    48 acc

    19 pwr


    19 end

    23 acc

    48 pwr


    that is why there are "duplicate" enhancements it just provides more variation for endgame play


    He means literally same stats, and same number of stats. Its weird but there are many enhancements that are IDENTICAL.

  5. In addition I fail to see how this at all applies to SWToR.


    The two key points he uses as his arguments are "things are too accessible" and "they keep reusing crap" (both perfectly valid points I must add).


    Yes Bioware dropped the ball on T1 with its accessibility, it was so easy a monkey wearing a giant mitten could complete NiM. But they do seem to have stepped it up with T2 and considering how many people are having trouble with just HM EC I think NiM could be a real challenge for guilds out there. They also have raid patches coming approximately every 3 months on average and have promised us monthly "content" patches for the rest of this year.

    Seriously if they keep to what they say they're going to do over the next year this game is going to be amazing, exclusive for the hardest difficulties (and personally to me the graphics are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!)

  6. So GW2 has released a list of US and Euro servers for a game that will have an estimated 10 million players..




    Even being a GW2 fanboy I've no clue where you just pulled that number from but there's no doubt it is crazily crazily crazily far out.


    Cannot see more than 2million sales over the first 6 months tbqh.

  7. I'm pretty sure probability of this level is primary school, not higher education.


    As has been said multiple times. 20% does not mean YOU WILL GET an item within 5 tries (or even 10, 15, 20 etc).


    Yes if you do more times YOU HAVE MORE OF A CHANCE OF GETTING A PROC OUT OF ALL, but each individual chance is still only 20%.


    For example if I make 5 attempts.

    The chance I get 1 or more procs is:

    (Chance of 0) = .8*.8*.8*.8*.8* = 0.327

    1- 0.327 = 0.673


    Or a 67.3% chance of all 5 attempts that I will get 1 or more procs IN THE TOTAL (each individual is still only 20% chance). This is only just over a 1 in 2 chance that you will actually get 1 or more procs in this 5 attempts.


    Now in 10 attempts:

    Chance of 1 or more procs is:

    1- (Chance of 0) = 1- (.8)^10 = 1- 0.107 = 0.893


    So there is actually OVER A 10% CHANCE that in 10 attempts you STILL will not get a single proc (which is actually quite a high chance).


    As you can see even with 20% chance individually per attempt, there is still a very viable chance even in high numbers of repetitions that you will receive no proc.

  8. Recruit and run 16s, merge with another guild, level alts to run in your second group, fill in with PUGs. You have options.


    The system you want is too easy for more advanced guilds to exploit and will never be implemented.


    Return to the loot bag system they were meant to be using in SWToR then, then it cannot be exploited.

  9. Best solution would be just to implement op loot how they intended at the start.


    After every kill every player in the raid gets a "loot bag" for that boss which could contain mods, item pieces or just some money/schematics etc.


    Just reinstate this idea, but allow 1bag/boss/week/player. Simply then you can run an ops as many times as you want.

  10. Well commandos were ridiculously OP pre1.2 so to start with you're seeing the combination of YOUR NERF and the sentinel buff at the same time so it appears to you to be an even bigger buff than it is.

    Also to note commandos are currently broken (your HSM mirror is doing up to 1k less damage than it is meant to be, which is an enormous difference that will make it seem even more broken to you)


    There is also the "melee effect" to be taken into account here, namely if you die to a melee they are up in your face smashing you to the ground and you instantly pick up, OUCH THAT BUGGER HIT ME. Whereas in the case of a ranged often you either a) do not notice what class it is and just go meh dead to range, b) not have it so much in your face again just leaving you thinking meh.


    But that said sure marauders/sentinels and shadows/assassins are currently the 2 most powerful classes but hey, one class has to be more powerful than others (duh) and tbqh there are plenty of counters out there for both of them.


    And before you say "OMG YOU MUST BE A SIN OR MARAUDER SAYING THEY ARENT CRAZY OP!!" I play vanguard and inquisitor.

  11. I'll take a zombie spoof over some tax and trade federation plot. A zombie spoof sounds fun and the game could use more humor.


    My dislike with the zombie spoof is more along the lines of that it just doesn't seem fitting compared to how epic they made the leveling storyline and Rakghouls arent the path I really want this game to take right now largely because it does feel like a pop culture sell out instead of some serious lore writing.


    Alot of us like the OCCAISIONAL pop culture reference in gaming but when a gaming company takes it too far (see Uldum in WoW) it just feels stupid and silly more than any epic feeling. I much prefered the sort of pop references we found in GuildWars, very minor and not story controlling but there if you wanted to go search for them and have your giggles.

  12. It is one flashpoint people jeez you act as if they are basing an entire expansion on it. There are still 6 other hardmodes you can run.


    Thats only the first part of Rise of the Rakghouls, in March they are releasing:


    An entire new planet with single player storyline

    A new 8 and 16 person operation

    Lots of other shiny stuffs


    which is 1.2 (second part of Rise of the Rakghouls)

  13. new content is new content and thats always a good thing..


    and who doesnt like butchering zombs


    Dont get me wrong, new content is good and I am sure I will enjoy it.


    This thread is just meant to be a debate over whether they should really be going down a pop culture or a more traditional star wars theme as their first content release.

  14. Even if you hate it and want to send George Lucas to suffer in hell for all eternity, the Force was quite de-mystified in The Phantom Menace. Star Wars is a space opera, that's coming from Lucas' own mouth.


    I just want to ignore that reference and pretend it never existed, as do most star wars fans. To most fans star wars will always be an epic fantasy tale of good vs evil powered by a mystical power known as the force.

  15. So even though Bioware is giving us new content not even a month after release, we're still going to find something to complain about it.


    It fits in with the lore and setting. That's all it needs. I would personally prefer it if the truly epic stuff was held off for later content patches.


    Oh dont get me wrong the last thing I am doing is complaining about there being more content. I have huge amounts of respect for the pace at which bioware appears to have set their schedule to work at over the next year in terms of the amount of content they plan to release and I have no doubt that it will be enjoyable.


    I just wish it had a more "serious" and less pandering to pop culture theme.

  16. Space opera is a type of sci-fi, sorry to rain on your parade.


    Star wars isnt really a sci-fi as the universe revolves around "magic" in the form of the force, a much more fantasy concept. The entire idea of sci-fi is that is meant to be "explainable", something that could possibly exist. The force breaks the entire sci-fi idea and puts it firmly into the fantasy epic category.

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