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Everything posted by necrotura

  1. welcome to the internet, the great place that people think they can act how they want due to it being so damn anonymous all i can say is try acting like this in real life guys. you will not walk away so easy
  2. looks like allot of us are red zone and OD have a valid reason
  3. i didn't like the look of the NZ/AUS hate situation so i waited for things to pan out
  4. judging by the attitude of the forum community prior to SW:TOR the point in life was slime to none, fruitless and dull. Nothing worth waking for. in a few years time, kids new to the MMO scene will ask us what life was like before SW:TOR. dare we tell them the brutal truth ? /sarcasm off i still don't see why we have a tonne of people getting mad and threatening to sue or cancel buying the game.... for the simple fact of not getting in on day one..... but what i do agree with some of the peoples rants is... the people who are getting in and not playing the game for what it is,but doing nothing but power lvling to get the max level or whatever achievement they want. i don't think this is how the game should be played, with so much time and money spent on the storyline and voice acting, only to have some people blow through it in a few days. and the people who blow through it fast will be the ones DEMANDING new updates (or more), in-turn ruining the game for the rest. maybe some sort of level cap per day? on a side note: coincidence that a majority of the QQ is around the time USA is awake ? food for thought
  5. i have watched them all and now i have nothing to do D: lololo
  6. lol really need to split the EU/us forums. sick of all the US kids
  7. I'm rolling with Republic solely on the fact the are the underdogs (in numbers) and i am going to enjoy it.
  8. yea man. but i do hope republic stay as the underdogs i enjoy it that way
  9. my plan is to roll republic. i don't see why these dumb asses view this as some sort of xenophobe post yet the unofficial servers for other languages don't get this sort of treatment
  10. i love the fact you make it out to be predigest. yet i don't see people saying this on the other language unofficial servers.. so in reality, who is the predigest ?. EDIT: as i have said before, its UK server in the sense that it may attract other Uk players so the play time is the same , don't think that all of Europe is on the same time. we more than welcome ALL others to join,
  11. http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?q=ancient+aliens+meme&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=FZM&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1280&bih=892&tbm=isch&tbnid=NmPr90w_AvuSUM:&imgrefurl=http://troll.me/there-is-a-disturbance-in-my-pants-ancient-aliens/&docid=GrWTQ7vBtgCFNM&imgurl=http://troll.me/images/giorgio-funny/there-is-a-disturbance-in-my-pants-ancient-aliens.jpg&w=554&h=416&ei=wiHoTsj3HciUiQf09tHeCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=294&vpy=520&dur=1526&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=195&ty=113&sig=109161086902724792024&page=3&tbnh=139&tbnw=181&start=42&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:42
  12. at OP The most "under powered' class's http://www.sodahead.com/fun/have-you-ever-seen-a-ufo/question-2254653/?link=ibaf&q=must+be+aliens+meme&imgurl=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrqhelunqx1qzzohyo1_500.png
  13. how well would a vanguard/powertech do in huttball?
  14. my plan is to roll with the "under dogs" and show people any class has potential to be great.. don't want SWTOR to be the nerfbat ping pong for pvp like other mmos are. and no, i am not trying to prove/boast i have skills or w/e i plan to click because clicking is what i do best. i was thinking of rolling maybe a vanguard or gunslinger
  15. So guys n gals what to you think will be the most "underpowered" class/classes and why. and i shall make one
  16. necrotura

    Empire Zergfest

    i'm choosing my side purely based on the lowest % of players. so i shall be playing anti-zerg. and ill love it. and when i get a few underdog kills, please kids dont make a post about how ____ class is OP... ill be playing each Adv. class
  17. i also would like to know this free bump
  18. lets hope LoL stays English speaking, don't want to have to re-roll half way to max lvl or even at max lvl just curious when did you guys/gals pre-order? i only pre-ordered on the 20th of Nov. i was waiting to see if the NZ/AUS ip block was a rumor or not. gutted i waited soo long
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