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Everything posted by Toasted_Coconuts

  1. You can send the Armorings. Mods, and Enhancements to alts, just rip them out and put into a legacy piece, mail and equip or rip out mods again. You will lose the set bonus. I think Tion, Columi, and Rakata gear make great companion gear.
  2. The point is to prevent people from farming a specific boss and selling/ flooding the market with that item. Its a great way to reward those who do the instance.
  3. Wouldn't mod swapping in affect produce the same min max numbers?
  4. In your skills description does it say "Requires Sniper Rifle" for any of your attacks?
  5. The terminal on the side with the bridge controls was not always there. It was very easy for a sprinter to jump the gap. With the terminal, it's not possible, all video of this happening is prior to 1.2. Don't change force leap
  6. Yep, this and only this. Used for any other reason is a waste of resources.
  7. Interesting, I thought carbonize or rakata grenade took care of that. Meh, even if not, I still rail shot them in the face.
  8. Yep, twice a day and three on Sunday, but I feel so dirty afterwards.
  9. hehe,, Shroud is very obvious to see and easy to counter with a stun and wait it out - what 3 seconds - 5 if spec'd. /yawn Now the Mara-sent's, its a little harder to counter and not as obvious to see, unless you're watching the buff bar, and know what to look for.
  10. That's unfortunate, I would suspect that happened when the servers merged back in March or April. You can use alt code's, maybe that will help. it's the system to get the funky vowels.
  11. Next to the item there should be a colored dot, or if you filter it by level the number will be colored. Grey = No advancement Green = 1 point Yellow = 1.75 - 2 points Orange = 2.5 - 3 points Those are rough est. Maybe you've just been crafting Greys?
  12. Interesting, you should get new schematics every 20 - 30 points, i.e. 120 - 140 - 150 - 170. Check your filtering options in the crafting trainer window. Are you also re-engineering the items? One you get mat's back, two, you can learn the blue schematic, which should give you a higher rate of crafting points. Blues will require mat's from the Treasure hunting skill. Purples will require purple mat's obtained from Treasure hunting also, it's when the mission crits that you get these mats. Green to blues to Purples.
  13. Just remember Lighting Charge is for Madness tree only. Yes on each fleet, imp or pub's. there is a Skills Mentor in the Combat Training section, on the outer part of the ring. Yes he is the only NPC who can do this for you. Changing on the fly is actually called "field respec" it cost 200K and I think legacy level 15. This purchase can be found in your legacy unlocks. Once you acquire field respec, when you open your skills tree, at the bottom of the window you will have the option to Respec. Then you can reassign your points. As a side note, just remember that if you are going from DPS to Tank or tank to DPS to change your gear along with your lightning charge.
  14. If you subscribe to the game respecing is free, change until you find what works for you. I have a full set of Champain gear and a full set of Rakata on my Sin so I can fit any roll and change on the go.
  15. SIn's have three "stances" that they can be in, they are found in your skills (Top of your screen next to inventory, under Inquisitor and Assassin. Dark Charge: Darkness Tree (Tank stance) Lighting Charge: Madness Tree (DPS) Surging Charge: Deception Tree (DPS) You can see what your current stance is by looking at your buff bar. If you read the description in the skill tree you will see that certain skills require a certain "stance"
  16. Yes, I started playing my sentinel again after letting him collect dust for the last 6 months, Full battle master w/ WH ear and implants/ no augments. around 1100 expertise. First WZ, I leap to a Sorc, got knocked back and force lightning (ate the whole thing, yummy) in one channel I went from 15355 health to 3120. I know the sorc, I've seen him on my imp character, he's full min/ max, prior to 1.6, valor 100. But still over 10K with one channeled cast of force lightning. ouchies. Dats a whole boat load of damage. I didn't see any other incoming attacks as we appeared to be alone on the outer edge, but it is possible. Maybe with all his buffs and a lucky roll it all adds up, but still, ouchies.
  17. I don't mind stuns all that much, I can work through most, eat one, break the second with full resolve, meh. What gets me are very well trained snipers, yea you know who I am talking about you hairy lil SOB's. Flash bang - wait it out - debilitate - CC breaker - Yay full resolve - rooted oh no- resolve evacuates most the way before you can move again. If you're lucky enough to be alive after this hellish gauntlet, here comes along carbonize and electro dart for the win, well ain't that just skippy. The system as it sits right now is great for a well organized team with a nice mix of classes, rated war zones. So what's the percentage of people of actually play RWZ, 20%, 50%, 90%. I don't know. What I do know is that the current system does not work for pug's and even 4 man pre mades (cuz you know that the B team is just going to be headless KFC chickens.) I've been reading the forums for a year, many threads about Stun Wars the immobilized republic. There seems to be one common thread amongst all the negative feelings towards stunlock deaths. I think most people understand that getting beat on by more then 2 people equals a death. I think what bothers them most are the feeling of helplessness when this happens. I may die and I may die fast, but let me die with my feet on the ground swinging away, not taking it in the ace of spades.
  18. Under this line of thought, why even have stuns in pvp at all?
  19. Self proclaimed, in a sense, maybe. I am proud to defend human rights. I have no problem calling a bully out on his actions. I do not view genocide and bullying that same way. But if you must make me repeat myself, sigh, I will. Exaggeration for affect... ah, you get the point; I hope. Now for some patronizing music as I drift off to sleep, "A man can tell a thousand lies I've learned my lesson well Hope I live to tell The secret I have learned..."
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Toasted_Coconuts View Post IThey work, and they work well. They just teach several other things to the subject as well, modern teaching methods have moved past that. LOL, sigh, I think I heard the Ayatollah say the same thing. Maybe that is how you like to get treated, with abuse, that is fine. Abuse perpetrates abuse. It's obvious you are deep with confirmation bias and have a perverted perspective on appropriate behavior as an adult. It appears that you cannot grasp the idea of blatant snide or backhanded remarks as non=productive or not helpful. Or you are callous and uncaring. In either case, cheerio, good day, hold true to your assumptions and spread your message to the serifs. So now it's your job to judge and moderate someone behavior? In RL yes, Here nope. Never asked for any salary posting in this thread. You missed the point by a parsec. The operative word being "fair", not a contrast and comparison between attack and mercy. I truly hope you know that The OP posts a QQ thread. Gets told to grow up, I can see no fault in that Your statement is a logical fallacy A+C=B does not apply My statement: Telling someone to grow up is not a merciless attack. (where's the fallacy?) Your response was to a general statement that I made and did not logically fit below it. Really, I am done spoon feeding you. Who cares, the OP was venting, get off your soap box. There was no reason what so ever to tell the OP to grow up. Well nothing positive or helpful at least. All a comment like "grow up" does, is gives a pseudo sense of power to the antagonist. pot, kettle, colour: black I am please that you put us both in the same arena or morality, it takes courage to admit ones faults. As for me? Of course I am fighting fire with fire, I thought that was obvious for the start. It is a bully tactic to silence the discontent. It is a tactic used through many generations. I think the motto goes, shame them into silence. AKA: "If your not with us, you're against us" LOL With the chance of repeating myself. My involvement in this thread would have been different if OP had started a meaningful thread. His point of view and wording is immature, being told to grow up can be constructive if the recipient takes it to heart. How does the saying go? oh yea. "With the chance of repeating myself", shame tactics are not fruitful, they are manipulative and ingenious. Turn from the dark side my friend, it is not to late for you, I can feel the good in your heart.
  21. Who cares, the OP was venting, get off your soap box. There was no reason what so ever to tell the OP to grow up. Well nothing positive or helpful at least. All a comment like "grow up" does, is gives a pseudo sense of power to the antagonist. It is a bully tactic to silence the discontent. It is a tactic used through many generations. I think the motto goes, shame them into silence. AKA: "If your not with us, you're against us" LOL I would like to know, why not let someone vent and go on their marry way? Is there some sort of enforcers mentality inbred into the aggressor? Are you going to give me that argument that its the communities job to "correct" someone's behavior. Isn't there more important things in life to try and control then a forum posters behavior? Obviously, BW don't care, they would have deleted the post, and it is BW's job to moderate, not you.
  22. Very good question, and I will try to explain. Adults, usually try to say and do things that are helpful, even when the other person is venting frustration about a particular subject. Telling someone to grow up is not helpful, but an attempt to shame the person. Do you agree with this? There's nothing wrong with pointing out inconsistencies in someone's perspective, and offering a different point of view. But degrading to name calling is, well, rather immature. What are your thoughts? "In all fairness", what does that even mean? Because someone posts on the forums, that gives ever person the "right" to attack them without mercy, because that's fair? Does that also sound like the mature thing to do? Simple things to keep in mind. People do not have to be mean to get their point across. People do not have to respond to a thread they disagree with. Not all threads are fact. Exaggeration for affect weakens trust.
  23. I am glad people are calling out the bullies. Telling someone to "grow up" is just a bully tactic. BW clean up your message board, there's a lot of crap floating on the surface. Don't make me wipe out my Mickey.
  24. Correct, it's about time investment. It took time to run 500+ WZ in order to get geared. Kinda feel jilted. I agree pvp should not be about gear. But BW made it about gear since launch, now twice we have had to "gear up". Also I do not mind adding another level, cause it's progression, but removing the lower level is wrong. imo everyone should just wear a standard set of pvp gear. no progression, no qq'ing, just face smashing fun. I'd rather be rewarded for my time (and money) spent. Having the privilege to buy a holographic solstice tree is not rewarding. In hind sight, I would have started playing Star Wars, oh, about 3 weeks ago, and I'd be a few hundred dollars richer. Now I have Stockholm's syndrome and must give my abuser more money.
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