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Posts posted by galliant

  1. In a group you can't even tell who is aware of the bug and who's just sticking with the group. I had numerous runs where people weren't aware the bug even existed when it ocurred. That's the way I learnt about the thing myself: I helped bug the boss by just doing what I would have done anyway. I don't believe any kind of data can differentiate those two cases.


    But this doesn't matter. To quote BW


    And although we could tell the difference between accidental use and constant abuse


    So it doesn't matter if you or I can tell the difference. What matter is if BW can and what they do after that. And they choose not to punish anyone. From my point of view i'll be free to document an "accidental" exploit and should expect not to be punished since i did it unintentionally. It's precedent for "accidental" uses that you'll be able to document.

  2. It's not 25%...unless you have never done fractured or are very slow. The boss takes 60-90s, and is worth 45 CXP. 45/1130, 1 min/12min.



    You gain X CXP from factured. Cheating the boss rewards you with a 25% faster kill. Hence you get a 25% freebie. Unless you're too slow and do fractured in more than 6-8mins.


    You are wrong to emphasize on the CXP the boss gives you. The completion time is what matters. You do it faster so you earn more in the long run. Someone who is not cheating and using the cartel CXP booster will gain the same amount of CXP with someone that is cheating and not using the cartel booster in the same amount of time. You focus on the CXP the boss gives so that your cheating seems small. Guess what, wasn't born yesterday.

  3. Got your answer right up there:


    But that's a non answer. Anyone can exploit accidentally. What you do against someone who is intentionally taking advantage of said exploit is what matters.

    And BW is not doing anything against them in case they "harm" someone who accidentally exploited :D.

    The problem is that in a future exploit i should take advantage and shouldn't get harm since those who accidentally took part in it shouldn't be harmed just because i cheated.


    It's a cheat no matter how you phrase it, no matter how big or small an advantage you gain, no matter if everyone participated by accident or by intention (and everyone who did it did do it intentionally, doing it once is accident, twice maybe to check if its bug or whatever, more than thrice is exploiting).


    It is precedent and a bad one.

  4. Although we will not take action against this exploit, the rules I outlined here are still in place. Should an exploit be discovered, please refrain from using it or you risk action being taken against you up to and including account closure.


    Thanks everyone.





    But this is precedent now.

    Why shouldn't someone misuse a future bug/exploit that will run under same circumstances as this one?

    There was a freebie with Nefra, now we get another one? So we should expect to get one per 4 major exploits?


    Its an exploit, it should be treated as one. If not, future exploits should be treated as this one.

  5. There is no reason for this to happen.

    His guild could do cheap character transfers up until last week (90cc cost). They could transfer the bulk of their characters then.


    He chose to stay so he could get the Galaxy Conqueror achievement on a dead server.


    Don't enable such bad behaviors. They should stay on the server he wrote they should stay on only 10 days ago (a whole 10 days!!!!)


    People warn about him, ppl didnt listen.

  6. Λίγα λόγια για εμάς

    Οι Odyssey είναι το μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό Republic guild στο SWTOR. Βρισκόμαστε στον σέρβερ Tomb of Freedon Nadd και ασχολούμαστε κυρίως με το pve κομμάτι του παιχνιδιού, αν και έχουμε casual και pvp-only μέλη. Σκοπός μας είναι να έχουμε μια φιλική κοινότητα με συνεργασία ανάμεσα στα μέλη μας και να διασκεδάζουμε στο SWTOR.




    Δεν είμασταν ουτε και θα γίνουμε ποτέ ελιστιστές! Βοηθάμε όλα τα μέλη μας που ενδιαφέρονται να συμμετάσχουν στα operation μας και τα εκτιμούμε περισσότερο από την πρόοδο μας. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που έχουμε υιοθετήσει ενα πιο casual τρόπο να κάνουμε τα operation μας. Παρόλα αυτά και παρά τις δυσκολίες που παρουσιάζει ο μικρός αριθμός ελλήνων παιχτών είμαστε περήφανοι για την συνεχή μας μέχρι σήμερα πρόοδο στα operation του SWTOR.


    Τι ψάχνουμε?

    Ψάχνουμε έλληνες παίχτες ανεξάρτητα από ικανότητα και εμπειρία σε mmorpg με μοναδική προυπόθεση να έχουν μια ώριμη παρουσία και να συνεισφέρουν στο guild. Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να γίνει μέλος του guild μας μπορεί να κάνει μια αίτηση στο site μας odyssey-guild.eu ή να μιλήσει σε κάποιον από τους ακόλουθους officer μας στο παιχνίδι (Boeotian, Demian, Galliant και Jun'ta).

  7. Λίγα λόγια για εμάς

    Οι Odyssey είναι το μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό Republic guild στο SWTOR. Βρισκόμαστε στον σέρβερ Tomb of Freedon Nadd και ασχολούμαστε κυρίως με το pve κομμάτι του παιχνιδιού, αν και έχουμε casual και pvp-only μέλη. Σκοπός μας είναι να έχουμε μια φιλική κοινότητα με συνεργασία ανάμεσα στα μέλη μας και να διασκεδάζουμε στο SWTOR.




    Δεν είμασταν ουτε και θα γίνουμε ποτέ ελιστιστές! Βοηθάμε όλα τα μέλη μας που ενδιαφέρονται να συμμετάσχουν στα operation μας και τα εκτιμούμε περισσότερο από την πρόοδο μας. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που έχουμε υιοθετήσει ενα πιο casual τρόπο να κάνουμε τα operation μας. Παρόλα αυτά και παρά τις δυσκολίες που παρουσιάζει ο μικρός αριθμός ελλήνων παιχτών είμαστε περήφανοι για την συνεχή μας μέχρι σήμερα πρόοδο στα operation του SWTOR.


    Τι ψάχνουμε?

    Ψάχνουμε έλληνες παίχτες ανεξάρτητα από ικανότητα και εμπειρία σε mmorpg με μοναδική προυπόθεση να έχουν μια ώριμη παρουσία και να συνεισφέρουν στο guild. Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να γίνει μέλος του guild μας μπορεί να κάνει μια αίτηση στο site μας odyssey-guild.eu ή να μιλήσει σε κάποιον από τους ακόλουθους officer μας στο παιχνίδι (Boeotian, Galliant και Jun'ta).

  8. At least find the decency after your response to update the patch notes indicating that this extremely crucial fix


    General Missions


    The Fate of Theoretika (Imperial): While completing [HEROIC 2+] Directive: Activate Assassination Protocols, players who are not the phase owner will no longer see "Not eligible for this conversation" when attempting to collect the Datalogs required to complete this bonus mission.


    will revert any progress made to either Republic or Imperial HK missions. Or will we have to wait a couple weeks to get another response like the sorcs had to after your sweet first response there?

  9. Hey folks,


    First off, I want to apologize for the inconvenience this change caused. I know that there are certainly parts of the HK quest that can be quite time consuming and it will certainly be frustrating to lose that progress.


    Although we knew that there were changes being made to the HK quest, I was not aware that it would be resetting your quest progress. If I had known that I would have made sure you were informed.


    I have spoken with the dev team to insure that in any situations like this in the future we have as many safeguards as possible so that if players will be affected, I am aware and can notify you. Again, I know this isn't the best situation, losing HK progress hurts. I am working to make sure we don't repeat this in the future.




    Totally unacceptable answer. There is time and in game credits wasted. Find an appropriate solution and don't ever post something like this again

  10. Sub that also pre-ordered the expansion.

    With all honesty I really don't care about the items offered to us (mount, pet, title). We already have many of those, similar or even nicer (in my opinion always). With even more honesty i really don't care if it seems to some people like i had to pay 8 euros for these months of access to the expansion content.


    But, is it really my job (or anyone else's) to judge if someone feels his/hers money wasted and post about it? and more than that, try and persuade them that our position is correct? It is their money after all. It doesn't even matter if it's an amount that you usually pay for some well baked onion-olive pizza or whatever.


    Don't forget the motto "The customer is always right", which means that all of us are right :p

  11. If you follow the directions from this link you should be able to find the Republic Sergeant and the Jedi Blademaster.


    My problem lies elsewhere though. I recently started achievement hunting and finally made my way up to the Liberator of Ilum. On first look i saw that my achievement was listing the Artillery Droid twice. From my experience that only meant bad news:D

    I managed to down all the mobs, including the Artillery Droid you find near the entrance of the main imp base. Of course the achievement was not completed since I had to kill the Artillery Droid (again :D).

    After i killed every one of them in the base the achievement was still incomplete and after I searched the forums and other sites I didn't find anything helpful. So i decided to open a ticket requesting it to be fixed or to be granted the achievement since i have clearly killed the mobs listed. To no surprise, i got a reply saying that everything seems to be working fine, the achievement is fine and that i should first search the forums and especially noted this thread.:


    Thus i am here :D


    At least the m8 wrote me that he was clearly astounded by my dedication on the game and he would send me an experience boost to help me level my low lvl toon.:p Go figure

  12. The OP is right, it is rather unfair that combat rez does not work in WZ when other PVE abilities do work and have absolutely no restrictions/nerfs causing them to act differently. Two great examples, when I am using my jug I can use my AOE taunt and suddenly force everyone to stop killing my healers and DPS in the warzone and all those players suddenly focus their attention on my jug, who will now be using sabre reflect and soaking up uber massive cool guy damage and sending it right back. The other example is my operative using his de-agro tool when he has been attacked by two or more players. Because I use my de-agro tool, people just stop attacking me because I obviously just "surrendered" and they focus on something else, hopefully a tank who taunted them.


    Allowing taunts and de-agro tools to work in warzones as agro management tools but not allowing classes to resurrect players is obviously an attempt at bioware to show favoritism. Surely everyone experiences this same situation and can agree whole heartedly with the OP now?


    I didn't want to go on this cause i thought ppl understood what i wrote.

    Taunts have a different use in pvp. Bad example from you

    De-aggro is useless but in one occasion (specced arsenal/gunnery) but this goes for every class, cause every class has one. All De-aggro are useless in pvp. Another bad example from you.

    We are talking about a LVL 50 ability completely removed from use.

    But just like taunts you can give this ability a unique in arena tooltip.

    By removing it you do show favoritism, like it or not


    They do not want rez in arena play why well they learned from wow it was the team that had classes that rez would win just because they could pull off rez in a clutch and make it so they won. Guess what they do not want that so no rez. Your not loosing the ability to rez any were else just in arena you do not need a new ability just because one is disable for arena only. Rez give's you no advantage in your class other then to bring a team mate back to life which is not fair for classes that cant do that.


    And it's not fair for other classes that some have lvl 50 abilities like Valorous Call, Battle readiness, etc. The 3 classes can't do that either. Should we have them removed from game too?

  13. Yes, because you're being quite ignorant and I don't know why. Its not being adjusted or removed, so these classes are not losing anything outside of not being able to rez in arenas which is how it should be since its a fight to the death.


    Honestly just let it go.


    Well tbh i will let it go but just say that they are being adjusted, meaning that they are disabled during arenas. Like i said, ofc at a TDM they shouldn't be enabled, it's just strikes me that 3 classes are losing an ability during what will be the only competitive pvp area and nobody seems to care.

  14. Mirrored classes are mirrored :rak_02:


    This wasn't always the case (eg the full auto/unload discrepancy) but even though i haven't checked with vids or something FS and FQ do seem to tick their first dmg at the same time

  15. You die you're done in arenas, that is how TDM works in MMO's. Its not to hard of a concept to understand. Its not a nerf to these classes they're not removing them from the game just disabling them for arenas.


    To nerf means to adjust the tangible effects of a virtual world element downward.

    If losing an ability isn't a nerf i don't know what else should be considered as a nerf honestly.

    And as i said in my edited part. I don't care how hard a concept to understand TDM are. All i care is that 3 classes are been nerfed, taking nothing in return. Is that a hard concept to understand?

  16. It's hard to understand why you are essentially nerfing 3 classes from day one and ofc every one else that doesn't play such a class has no problem with that. Either make this ability do something else in arenas or make combat res a craftable item usable by anyone (so pve and 8vs8 won't miss it) and give these classes something else when they hit lvl 50.


    EDIT: And my point wasn't if combat res during arenas is stupid or not. Comprehend more

  17. Shouldn't all level 50 top notch abilities be disabled during arenas?

    Or is it just a nerf for the 3 advanced classes (including their mirrors) that take this when they hit level 50?

  18. It's not what i want and not what i said, you failed to read it apparently


    (mind you i already have all crew skills so i wouldn't' mind receiving such a buff but it would cause more balance issues)


    And you can craft better mods, the 30-31 ones. Just because you would like them to be handed over doesn't mean they should.

    And don't try implying that you are talking about the majority of cyber crafters or even a small percentage. You are talking about your opinion and maybe 5-10 people that posted here, that hardly makes it the

    the rest of the cybertechs out there


    I can assure you that the ones that craft the best mods does not want you or me or anyone else been handed a good schematic. And this is a fact, instead of an assumption like yours


    And again i'll quote myself cause you failed to read it

    (mind you i already have all crew skills so i wouldn't' mind receiving such a buff but it would cause more balance issues)
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