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Posts posted by Samborino

  1. Yes, 7 hours is insanely long. Anything more than an hour is insanely long. I come from a MMOVR that literally has 0 downtime, running 24-7. While some zones shut down, the zones come back after 15-45 minutes, but the main grid stays active.


    Bioware bragged before release they had a system for not needing 1 hour, let alone 7 to patch, update, or reset the servers. I just expect them to come into the tweens (the decade after the naughties) and stop with the downtimes like this.


    Or again, at the very least, leave the blasted player test realms going so we night players and foreign players can do SOMETHING other than twiddle our thumbs during downtime.


    when did they brag about this, i certainly never saw it and i follow the game pretty closely before and after launch. I never really heard them talking much at all about the details behind their maintenance. Who wants to talk about maintenance downtime when your hyping a game before launch anyways lol


    People get in their minds that bioware promised them something and they didnt deliver for many different aspects of the game, and sure we could say some of what they said may have been exaggerated but for the most part i beleive they delivered on what they said they where going to do, people just took what they wanted from their statements and built the game up in their head to be something that it wasnt (kind of like people are doing with GW2 at the moment)

  2. Short and sweet. Here is my setup:


    Windows 7 64bit

    EVGA Classified MB

    Intel Core i7-2700K cpu

    16GB Corsair DDR3 1600 Vengence RAM

    twin OCZ Vertex 2 SSD RAID0

    Dual EVGA 560ti SLI

    1100W PSU

    24" LCD 1920 X 1080

    internet is 50/10 Comcast


    I can run Skyrim at full detail with the HD texture mods at over 100FPS, WOW was never a problem on full detail. Neither is BF3. Entropia Universe, (those of you that have played this game since the Planet Calypso overhaul know it is a graphics beast) runs on full detail between 30-50FPS solid. SWTOR is the first game I have had to turn the graphics down for since I built this machine. With what I have I should be able to run 4 virtual machines with this game running at the same time on full detail with no hitch or graphics lag whatsoever. Yet, I have to put this down on low detail to be playable. What the hell is the deal? Is this game that poorly coded? Are there any plans to fix the performance issues? I don't want to pay a monthly fee for a game that I have way more that enough system to play yet it runs like crap. Any thoughts minus the usual idiot trolling?


    Skyrim is a console port, i understand that yoou added hd texture mods, but its still a console port for hardware that is 5 years old.


    That aside, i have the same processor as you and a far inferior graphics card setup i have 1 HD 6870 and the only place i get below 60 FPS is on the first boss in karraga's palace (i dont know why but that room lags alot) I also have 8 gigs of 1600 ocz ram so half the ram that you have. Most places i average 70 ish fps. I do think that this game is strangely optimized though, it seems from what ive read on people having FPS trouble, that people running intel processors but amd graphics cards get the best performance. Its kind of strange but from the vast amount of posts on FPS issues ive read that seems to be the case. Also i dont know how well this game is optimized for SLI you might have better luck turning off one of your graphics cards im not sure.


    Regardless ive had 0 FPS issues besides the one i mentioned and of course ilum wasnt the best when there was more thant 20-30 people on each side, i had some very fun experience with 15-20 ppl per side laate at night with very few issues though.


    BW needs to figure out what is causing this strange phenomenon where intel with nvidia or amd with radeon causes issues though, their are certainly many exceptions to that, Ie. ppl have run the game fine with either amd radeon or intel nvidia, and people have experienced problems with Intel Radeon (almost always with CPu's older than sandy bridge though fromm my experience)


    Id look into maybe disabling one of your graphics cards and see where it goes from there.

  3. They did right at the end of the summit they gave a massive hint about having at least 1 character of another faction on w/e server you were playing. It was in the 'and everything else part of the summit'.


    So I am going to level up , or maybe just create a republic character on the server that I play imp's on.






    I know its hard to detect through text, but he was being sarcastic ^^

  4. wow really how it forces you to leave you friends .... Hey my guild plays both sides so i dont see the point in there.... If you dont like what they doing to the legacy let me say this you probly went maxed out toon and let me explain how i hate it yay for that one...I like the legacy like the star wars movie oh they going to add later on i read the legacy effects your story like darth vader and luke sky walker and we cant please every one ..Then again why do i have to spend credits on something i can just lvl empire toon ... I play both sides i ant fanboy of one or the other >.>


    Some people are just so terrible at making forum posts, this one is completely illegible. I dont blame you if you are 12 years old or something, but dont expect anyone to understand any of what you just said.


    Its a forum you dont have to have perfect grammar or anything (i certainly dont) but if you want to get your point across you have to beable to at least form coherent sentences.

  5. I'm confused by your comments, Samborino. Orange-quality items aren't part of the end-game progression. In fact they serve no role in the end-game progression.


    I know, thats why i was saying that they should implement them in a way where they do serve as a part of end game progression.


    Re read the post, i was saying that currently armorings drop from hard mode raids, and they should stick with that (and possibly make them availabe through commendations) and then implement the crit crafted epics, but dont turn epic items into containers for mods (ie allowing the armorings to be pulled out of them) make those armorings (possibly with set bonus's or just increased stats over items with set bonus's) drop or be acquired through the end game. As i stated in the post as of now what they are implementing is just something to go alongside progression, i dont consider pressing craft and waiting for an item to crit progression, it make take some time, but you can log off while its happening so i dont consider it progression.


    If they made a full set of crit crafted items with mods something that was sought after, something that not everyone could get easily it would increase replayablitiy, and they dont have to make it too hard to get, for more casual players they could have some available through commendations from doing HM FP's etc. Even have some (lesser ones) that drop from story mode ops. This system also wouldnt make epic items completely useless as you would use them while you where waiting for your armorings to drop and it would just be the step before crit crafted epics progression wise, as of 1.2 anyone can go and buy / craft crit crafted epics on day 1 or 2, they will be readily available on the GTN fairly quickly.

  6. I know ill probably never see the game i want in star wars. You know though i wouldnt even be here suggesting stuff if I still had tons of stuff to do in this game. I log on once a week to raid one night and only have 1 piece of gear left to get in the game.


    In wow their was always stuff to do, and i just played the game for what it was, they changed the system in cata to make it so players had far less of a time commitment for the game (similair to this game but better gear progression wise because at least comm vendors have their own loot, and heroics drop their own loot as well, and at least raids have more than 1 set per class).


    Maybe its because there is so much i like about this game up until the end game and its just dissapointing to see end game head in the direction its heading, maybe they will sort it out within a few patches though ^^

  7. Causation does not imply correlation. "70%" (completely made up percent) level multiple alts because that is all they have to do. It's a stretch to say this entire "70%" want to this and only this.


    I think alot of casuals are okay with not having the best gear or going through the progression slower but the vocal ones make companies think that all casuals prefer gear to be easily attainable and basically want to force the rest of the gaming pop to submit to their way of playing the game.

  8. If this is the case is was poorly designed to do so. Leveling a second toon is almost exactly the same as the first, minus a few class quests for each planet. If there were alternate leveling paths and your choices impacted future events as you quested, it would make it allot more interesting to level alts. Right now you there are 2 leveling paths, empire or republic. That makes the game worth leveling 2 chars. Sure the other classes have different stories, but all the same planet quests and side quests dilutes them into feeling exactly the same.


    Their is alternate leveling paths in a way ive come to realize, Sure you have to go to each planet for your class quests but that should be different everytime anyways. Bonus series are the choices, for instance if you do all of narshadaa then do all of tatooine and do the tatooine bonus series you will be level 31 ish, probably level 32 after doing alderaan class quests, then you head to narshadaa and do the level 31-33 bonus series there, after that you could head to balmorra and do the class quest and the main quest chain and you would still be slightly overlvled for the 2 bonus series that happen there. then you do all of quesh and by that time you can head back to alderaan for the bonus series on alderaan. Bonus series are your options, or you can do a mixture and not do some while doing some planets etc. Personally on my first toon i probably did about half of the bonus series available and because of that i had to skip all of alderaan, all of quesh, and all of corellia (you can finish leveling to 50 on voss it has 3 bonus series, i only did the first one and i hit 49 and a bit then i did my class quests on correllia and dinged 50. i was already overlvled when i went to voss though because i did the level 46 ish bonus series on hoth.

  9. You were suppose to play how ever often you wanted, now with all the changes because of the casuals crying, its basically like a 7 - 10 hour a week game max, anything more is a waste really.


    Yep casual entitlement has turned these otherwise great games into games that pretty much force you to play a certain way.


    Honestly id probably consider myself on the higher end of the casual side and i still hate it, at most i played 30-35 ish hours a week in any mmo ive played over the past 8 or so years.

    Giving everyone something to stive for isnt a bad thing, everyone except the very top guilds shouldnt be clearing the content in its hardest form before the next patch comes out, thats how it should work.

  10. You know the funny thing, you could play WoW for 50 hours a week for years.. Why is this? What is so different about what we have here? There was a period where I did play almost 40-50 hours per week in WoW. I never once thought "I have nothing to do." until cata which brought real change to shorten playtimes.


    edit - non WoW fan since feb. 2011.


    Yea i agree, i was always behind the curve of progression in wow until i quit at the begining of cata (not even knowing they had shortened progression, just leavign because i was tired of the game) before that, any average to better than average raiding guild, would always be behind the curve, and most pvp players would never get all the arena gear in a season.


    Giving people who play alot less a chance to get the best gear is a strange approach, one that wow never subscribed to until cata, the game was certainly still casual friendly, it was just always known that unless you where in a really competitive guild where the game was almost your job you wouldnt get the best gear. I think its alot better to have something to strive for constantly, then feel like your running out of things to do.

  11. Tough question here. What's the ideal amount of time one should play in order to not run out of content?


    I'm asking this because I have played other mmos much long, for more hours per week and didn't not hit the "no more content for me wall."


    Have you leveled each AC to 50, grabbed all datcrons and codexes (codi?) on each toon and maxed affection on all 40 companions? I don't think these are fair questions. I don't enjoy that stuff, atleast not enough to do it again and again, so for me that is not content. I pvp in this game. Thus the I have hit the "I have nothing to do wall."


    In one of the mmos I used to play I remember a distinct change from xpac to xpac concerning the amount of time that should be played. Things like shared 10 & 25 man raid lockouts, and 5 arena wins per week instead of 10 to max caps. Rep for factions from dungeons, just put a tabard on.. The list can go on. The developers there made a specific design change to shorten playtime.


    My play time is down to about an hour per week the last 3 weeks here due to not have away to progress my main.


    How many hours per week is this game designed for?


    I totally, agree, i wanted to go back to wow (as well as sub to this game) because as of right now the only thing for me to do progression wise is log on once a week to do 2 raid which we finish in one night (hard/nm EV/KP) . I hadnt raided in wow since WOTLK, and i realized that they changed the raiding system completely, 10-25 mans have the same lock out and the same gear even now. It just seems lazy on their part not only was it a way of cutting down the hours people play (they say people NEED to play per week, but you dont NEED to do anything in a game you dont want to do, and if you choose to play less your progression is going to be slower, any reasonable person will accept this) but it was a way of cutting down the amount of work they needed to do per patch. The worst is that they adopted that approach, then still only released an expansion every 6+ months.


    Swtor has had this approach from the begining, but for pve its even worse because the gear is shared between so many different places and so much of it drops that a player will finish progression weeks (at most) after hitting 50. I only currently need 1 item in the entire game, and them i am at the pinnacle of the end game and for the past month ive only been logging on my main a few hours a week and i accomplished this. If i had something to work towards by doing HM FP's because say the commendation vendors dropped different loot then what you get from the hm fp's themselves or the Normal ops, that would be a different story but its not the case, The end game gear is duplicated in too many different places, meaning you can get the second best set in the game simply by running HM FP's and normal mode ops within a few days (a week and a half tops you will have most of the items unless you where unlucky) then all you have left to do is run HM Ops and thats it which requires a few hour commitment a week. If the end game didnt solely revolve around gear progression like it currently does in this game it wouldnt be as much of a problem, but it does.


    The new flashpoint drops only columi gear in hard mode, so there is no new progression for me or anyone in my guild there, i will run it once or maybe twice for the story and im done with it (that is not good for new content) and aside from that i have one new set to look forward too in the operation and then i am done again. The new operation is looking to be quire challenging so thats good, but with raid compositions being taken into account for gear drops (and their only being 1 new set of gear) it will be easier then ever to get loot from operations. Meaning that once its on clear its only a matter of a week or 2 before most of the guild is done with it. If in a new operation their was tier gear alongside unique rare drops, then that gives players a reason to run the content for longer (because most players are going to reach the end of progression before they are tired of running the operations as it currently stands) , bioware doesnt get that though =(

  12. Meh thats what Im starting to dislike about this game (at least in terms of gear progression) that they are heading towards progression solely based on mods and not the gear itself. The reason they had to do this was because they had (and continue to have) an abysmal amount of end game gear. If their where options beyond 1 set per raid and their where items that where best in slot but not part of sets (ie rare unique items) this wouldnt have been nearly as big of an issue.


    What I would have liked to see was the implementation of more gear (ie. HM FP's dont share the exact same loot as Normal Ops or HM OPs, and commendation vendors dont share that same loot either) and then they could have implemented crit crafted orange gear but in a different way. For the very high end they could have implemented it how it currently is but with a bit of a twist. Right now high level armorings drop from OPs, these armorings are equivilent too what rakata armorings would be (Lvl 25 armorings). What i would have liked to see was them continue on with this system where high level armorings where just drops (or possibly obtainable for commendations as well) the difference being that these armorings actually had better stats then their tier gear counterparts. So it would give players an option and a decision on which way to go for their progression (it would also give orange crafted gear a seperate form of progression beyond crafting items and logging off and waiting for them to complete, which is garbage progression) players could either go with their tier gear because the set bonus seemed worthwhile or go with orange gear because they prefered in increased stats. The differences would be similair.


    They could also have armorings that dropped(or be purchased through commedations to make it more casual friendly) with set bonus's, preferrably even different set bonus's then the ones on tier gear giving even more options. This would make orange gear a seperate form of progression and would give players something to work towards, instead of just being something that went alongside progression like how its currently going to be implemented (because regardless almost right away your going to beable to purchase a full set of crit crafted gear from the GTN regardless of your proffesion, and i dont really consider pressing craft until your gear crits a form of progression) This would make orange crit crafted gear something sought after and it wouldnt devalue epic items (at least not immediately , and certainly not for new 50's) as of 1.2 epic items are simply going to be containers for mods nothing more and i dont like that idea.

  13. New raid has 4 more encounters and no nightmare mode.


    Any semi decent guild will clear it in one short night easy.


    Many will leave short after 1.2, there is hardly any content getting added.


    While im not trying to defend how much content this game has. Clearly you havent been reading the PTR forums.


    I dont know the current status of how far guilds have cleared of the new raid but as of a few days ago, only a single guild had cleared it on story mode (and with much difficulty wiping for hours, didnt do it on their first attempt either) and not a single guild had even cleared the first boss on hard mode. Keep in mind these are the most hardcore top guilds that xferred their whole guild over to the PTR to test out the content.


    So i think you are very misinformed if you beleive that guilds will clear the new content on hard mode in one night.


    As of right now it seems to be that if you even want a chance at clearing the new content on hard mode your going to have to have Nightmare KP on farm , nightmare KP drops blackhole comms in the new patch, so im assuming that getting a few pieces of Blackhole Comm gear may be a prerequisite to doing the new hard mode operation since guilds seemed to be having alot of trouble clearing even the first boss of the new content on hard mode.


    Im not even sure if anyone has cleared the first boss yet i havent checked the PTR forums in a couple of days.

  14. Screw GW2 SWTOR is where it's at. If you don't like endgame content. GO LEVEL A FRIKIN ALT! This is a story based MMO for Gods sake. It's not supposed to be full endgame. Bioware EXPECTED people to make multiple alts, not hit cap on one char and just do endgame stuff.


    I agree with that but not everyone is into alts. Besides my weekly raiding schedule i only really play alts. I also think that GW2 is going to be great IF your a PVP player. If your a pvp player they arent offering that much. 8 5 man dungeons with only 3 of them being end game. No raids, horrendous horrendous voice acting (from what ive heard they would be better of without it) , Dynamic events arent as dynamic as they would have you beleive you spend a day doing dynamic events you will run into the same ones, imagine doing those for longer than a week or 2. Like I said looks like a great game for a PVP player but PVE wise the content looks sub par at best, not to mention major content updates are only going to be released through payed expansions so dont expect alot of content to make up for that in the months following release.

  15. Bioware made a huge mistake, they added way to many servers on day 1, then just over a week later they doubled the max server cap. They only needed to do 1 but ppl where qq'ing so much over the queue's that they went for the quick fix with more servers, then increased the max server cap. Foolish mistake one they must make ammends for with server transfers. Sure its a complicated process but they have to do something.


    Most peoples main complaints and the reason they leave is because "they cant find a group for anything" "the world seems dead" "there is no one on any planets" "my republic fleet has 10 people" etc etc.


    These problems are easily fixed by a merger complicated process or no it is vital for the survival of this game, even now new people that join the game get spread thin among servers, they should increase the max server cap yet again and merge 1/2 of the servers into the other half. Imagine how exciting this game would be if with 200 or so people on every planet. This is certainly a possiblity with a good implementation of server merges

  16. You cant do every single quest on every single planet. Going through on your first character you will probably experience close to 2/3rds of the content but certainly not everything.


    Especially if your doing bonus series, bonus series are like their own zones. Alot of them span across 2-3 levels. Thats where this game gives you choice on where to level, for instance instead of doing balmorra you can go and do the nar shadaa bonus series which will easily take you 2 levels. Then go to balmorra and do maybe the main storyline and your class quest and you will be at the next planet. If your trying to do the bonus series and then head to the next planet and fully complete it then your doing it wrong most likely. If your chose to do a bonus series, usually after you complete it then head to the next planet and do your class quest / maybe the planet quest you will be ready for the next planet after that.

  17. yeah and you sound like the guy i hated the most in world of warcraft,the guy who never shut his yap about loot the entire time i was in the heroic or raid with him


    I dont think you get what where saying though. First of all for ANYBODY incentive to run something > (greater than) no incentive to run something. Im fairly certain that is something everyone can agree on.


    What we are saying is that, everyone would be happy if bioware added more incentives to run their content beyond the first week. And only some people who supposedly dont care about incentives when the entire end game solely revolves around gear progression are satisfied with running things without incentives, whereas everyone would be happy if there where more incentives. Honestly though yoou try running any of the hard modes 15+ times and tell me that your still interested in running them for no other reason then they are fun. Whats fun to me is progressing my character, and i would gladly run content ive done many times before to do so, as i do also think the content is fun but not so fun that i would repeat it over and over again for no reason.

  18. well see


    not everyone does things for the only reason to get gear.so maybe some people enjoy those flashpoints(yes,this isnt wow they are called flashpoints,not dungeons)and they do them because they enjoy doing them.not because they got there colored gear and now there done


    Most people enjoy mmo's because they like a sense of character progression. Even if people dont realize it, this is the main attraction and why mmo's are so popular, a persistent character to progress.


    Sure HM FP's are fun, but that doesnt mean that they shouldnt progress your character, say you have all the gear from them, who wants to spend hours on end looking for groups and running them when there is no incentive in terms of character progression to do so. Even you can admit that content that progresses your character > then content that doesnt.

  19. Dungeons are hard to find groups for because theres no incentive for people to revisit them after the first couple to few times.


    Agreed flashpoints need to drop commendations for gear that you cant get from 5 other places. Its actually pretty silly, say you where only running hard mode flashpoints by the time you had enough comms from that to buy a piece of columi you will probably already have a full set of columi. Horribly designed progression system.

  20. Aside from 9-12 which the "bored at 50" crowd already waits for resets to do each week, which one of the 1-8 progresses my character? OP is as clueless as BW's devs are.


    Agreed after the first week or 2, especially for a PVE player, there is very little to do. Raid once or twice a week and thats it. They need to incentivize more of their content. If hard mode FP's had their own loot, and dropped commendations for a comm vendor with its own loot, those 2 things would go a long way.


    I really enjoyed hard mode flashpoints but its hard to justify doing them all the time without any incentive. The same thing is happening with 1.2 the new flashpoint is dropping columi pieces. Rehashing loot into new content is a terrible way to go about things. Any new flashpoints going forward should have their own unique drops. BW thinks that because you can now take all the mods out of epic items that means that they dont need to make much new loot. For experienced players there is no reason beyond checking out the story for them to do the new flashpoint anymore than once, you cant make new content that is solely aimed at fresh 50's while abandoning any 50 whos been 50 for more than a week. I know that currently the new flashpoint is tuned quite hard and people in full rakata where having trouble, which is great, but the rewards should reflect that (and not by just putting rakata in there, thats the current problem with this game the same loot is rehashed into to many different parts of the game, you have too many different places to get the exact same loot)


    Its the reason why i hate the implementation of crit crafted epics, it turns epic items into containers for mods and gives BW an excuse to keep using the same loot in new content (for instance the new story mode raid drops rakata and the new flashpoint drops Columi) i like the idea of it, but the implementation is horrible.

  21. The problem isnt that their isnt enough content in my opinnion. Its that the way BW has set up progression through this content that is the problem.


    When i hit 50 i ran HM FP's I think they are alot of fun and really well done, but within 2 days i had my full 5 set plus my offhand / every single columi piece you get fromm a last boss in the HM FP's. Obviously its not typical to get all of this stuff within 2 days (I ran 5 FP's and got 5 pieces) but regardless its shouldnt take longer than a week or maybe 2 tops. Then HM FP's are useless progression wise. Also if you have gotten geared out through HM FP's normal operations are also (aside from an item or 2) pretty useless progression wise since normal mode operations drop the exact same loot as HM FP's.


    Then you progress on to hard mode operations and since columi comms give you the exact same loot youve already gotten from HM FP's and Normal mode Op's those become useless to you as well. Once you have full columi their is something discouraging about realizing that their is only 1 set of gear left in the game to get, and that is it. There isnt any unique items in this game that arent part of sets, they set up PVE progression to be like PVP gear progression, where a season (raid) basically only gives you one new set. Thats was always one of the reasons i disliked PVP its gearing system was so linear, you were always just working towards 1 or maybe 2 new sets every season. Now BW has thought this would be a good idea to do for PVE too.


    So after full columi all you have left to do is get 1 new set Rakata then your done, for rakata you have to run Hard mode OP's and wouldnt you know aside from Rakata hard mode ops drop the exact same gear that you get fromm Normal mode Op's as well as hard mode flashpoints (and comm vendors). Rakata will probably take a bit longer to get, but maybe you will get demoralized first realizing the stats arent that much better and its the only set left in the game to get.


    I just dont understand what happened, during the leveling process, the gearing system was fantastic, each planet had commendation vendors with their own unique loot, there where TONS of unique drops throughout the world, Flashpoints had their own unique drops as well, and the crafting system had a ton of gear for you to craft for yourself at any level. Its a huge shock when this doesnt continue on into the end game, when you realize that for end game drops in PVE there is really only 4 or so sets (the tier gear, exotech , xenotech, energized thats it) and no "rare items" or items that arent part of sets, just those 4.


    Anyways i still love this game, but its just the end game gear progression frusterates me to no end, the orange crit craft system isnt going to make it better either, it will help with customization but not with fixing progression. The new crit craft orange system is essentially turning epic drops into containers for mods. Its their way of dealing with the complaints about lack of gear, but it doesnt really help in any real way.


    The numbers speak for themselves. SWTOR is clearly growing twice as fast as wow by sufficient numbers more than replace any losses due to attrition while WoW is in maintenance mode at best or is slowly losing players. Neither game is dying but SWTOR is clearly more healthy than WoW. You will likely find similar results on most servers in WoW and SWTOR.







    Feel free to post your results from your server(s).


    SWtor is not CLEARLY growing twice as fast as wow by comparing 1 server. Thats a bit of an overstatement.

  23. I started a smuggler because I'm a huge Han Solo fan. Favourite character in SW by a long shot, makes the entire original trilogy for me.


    I played a Scoundrel but shelved him until later because I rerolled Vanguard because I always end up playing tank classes.


    I only got to level 16 but the story seemed kind of cool, going to different planets smuggling certain items to trade to get a location to a huge sum of credits. Sounds awesome.


    Yea the smuggler storyline has so many interesting bad guys. More so than any other classs ive played.


    I think overall im liking my sorcs storyline better, but i still thoroughly enjoyed my smugglers storyline, i leveled a male cyborg slinger and im thinking ill probably level up a female scoundrel sometime in the future and go light side. The dialogue will be completely different because female and if i go lightside it will change allot of the details surrounding the story. I like the smuggler that much!


    My guildmate just finished leveling his sage immediately after leveling his shadow to 50, he really enjoyed choosing different options and said lots of details surrounding the story changed etc. Obviously you character will go down the same general path of the story, but the details surrounding that story can change drastically based on your decisions.


    For instance i chose not to kill someone as a dark side option in my smuggler story and he ended up playing a vital role in my story, and certainly changed my ending. Im curious to see now what would have happened had I chosen not to take him in as part of my crew.

  24. You are making a false claim, proceeding from a false premise, then asking a loaded question based on that fabricated statement.


    This is a game in which one CAN solo through the levels while also involving themselves in group play. It is what players have been complaining about since EQ. It was the single largest complaint in EQ.


    Mandatory group play and painful leveling are a thing of the past. If you chose not to participate in group play, that is your choice. It is not a game defect. In fact, it does not even exist.


    I honestly think this game promotes group play (for leveling in zones/planets) far more than wow ever did. Group quests where very few and far between in wow. In this game each planet has alot of heroic quests and people actually want to do them for the most part. I usually dont have trouble finding groups for them, and if i do i just move on. They are alot of fun and some of them are even quite challenging.


    The one thing is , i wish more people did bonus series because i find that bonus series quest hubs usualy have a huge number of heroics and say for nar shadaa bonus series where you have to go back there at level 31-33 , i think most people dont even know about it, same goes for alderaan bonus series (41-44) most people wouldnt even think that they could go back and level on a previous planet as an alternative to just going to the next planet. Bonus series are what give you choice on where you want to level in this game (just like how wow sometimes had multiple zones in the same level bracket)

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