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Posts posted by Dominoris

  1. I don't think any of them are all that difficult, to be honest. Just read the discriptions and be sure to match up your synergies.


    You have 3 bacis choices. Heavy armor (trooper/bounty hunter), medium armor (smuggler/agent) and light armor (consoler/inqusitor). Smugglers have a cover mechanic some people find off putting but they are actually very mobile as healers. Troopers are the ones that kep shooting darts at everyone between pulls in order to keep one of their reactive buffs going. I think the best all around for me personally is the Jedi Sage but they don't get their AoE heal until late.


    But really, in all honsety, they all have the same number of quirks or things you need to know about them. Each are a little different but each use only a handful of skills. Pick the class you want to play for looks, companions or the story and then go to that classes forum for advise on how to use your skills.

  2. In my last play through I told him no thanks.



    At the end of the story I sided with the Republic and turned on Darth Torman. When asked why I still had the option "For Honor" (or something like that) and the spoken line was that "I am a Mandolorian and we do not kill for money, we kill for Justice." -- again, something like that ... I don't remember exactly. I just remember it being odd because I told Mandolor to take off.



    I don't think it matters what you say beyond how the cut sceen ends and a few affection points with Mako.

  3. First off, forget all about what the item is and where it goes on the toon. Where your stats come from are the Armor, Mod, Enhancement, Barrell, Hilt, color crystal and augmentation. +20 power will cause the same damage increase no matter where you get it. If your weapon and your chest piece have the same stats, you will get the same result from both. Other than the base damage from your weapon they two are identical. So your healer would not care if she had a weapon or not as long as she had the stats.


    For DPS you get the base damage from having a weapon. But if you are asking about choosing between just weapon and offhand or all the armor slots, you will get more slots for more stats with your armor than the weapon would give you.


    All that said, there are plenty of skills in every class that require a perticular weapon or offhand to be equiped before they can be used. A Sage can probably heal OK without a weapon but a Shadow can't do much without a lightsaber.

  4. Augmented items come from critical sucesses. Just like scoring critical hits in combat, you can get crits in crafting as well.

    There are Legacy perks you can get that will increase your chance at an augmented item.

    Max affection with the compannion you send out will increase the chance -- but it has to be maxed at 10,000 affection.

  5. It's Quesh. It's not just you, it's not just Jaese, it's not just Sith Warriors. Quesh is just a short stop off while they get the class stories lined out over the changing chapters. It is an intermission; the seventh inning stretch; a calm before the storm. Or maybe the whole planet was rushed out for release and left incomplete ever since. Whatever the case, nothing much happens and no one gets affection there.
  6. Side note. To make that kind of announcement, during a ceremony recognizing my character's achievements, seems like a huge public slap in the face. Very unbecoming of such a revered Master. Wouldn't it have been more prudent and respectful to pull the character aside privately to inform him of the Council's decision? Or even privately before the Council itself? Seems a huge letdown by Bioware in the writing and crafting of the finale.

    Through the various class stories it seems to me that the Jedi order is filled with people who have anger issues. :rak_03:

  7. From another thread right here on the top. It seems relavent and would be a good intro read for your new guildies.


    I cleared TfB NiM except for DG with my old low defense build. When I got to thrasher I considered more defense since it was a dice roll fight anyway with the knock ups where Overcharge was unavailable. After getting through it without changing stats, I stuck with low defense until we got to Olok. I exploded instantly any time I had to tank an artillery droid. Figured I had to try something, went back into the same fight with more defense, and cleared it and was told "whatever you did to your stats, leave them JUST like that" by my healers, so I did.


    Went back and did TfB again, never felt squishy except against tentacles, and did the shield/abs math for having shielded the same amount of times with higher absorb, and the damage difference was smaller than I found relevant. I'm sticking to defense for now.


    For everyone suggesting HP as a swap for defense or any other mitigation stat, please don't do it, and always take your +HP talent. I got through most of the fights in NiM with roughly 36k HP, and at no point would having 2-4k more HP have saved any of the deaths. As you get KD pieces your HP will form a bigger cushion. If I could give up 5k HP from my ~39k HP for 5% of a defensive stat I would do it in a heartbeat.


    This is not WoW. HP is not the end all be all stat. There is an entirely different mechanic going on in TOR damage and heals.

  8. What is this thread even about?


    Not sure why it needed another thread but ... /shrug


    It is about the cost of the new companion introduced with patch 2.3

    It cost 2100 Cartel Coins to get the level 10 quest. Completing the quest unlocks the ewok for that one character. Just like most of the other colection items, it cost a little more (700) to unlock the quest for all of your other characters. So 2800 CC is all you will ever have to pay to get the companion for all of your characters.


    FWIW, if you don't want to repeat the quest for each of your characters you will also have the option to buy the companion outright for 300K credits once it is unlocked the first time.

  9. Hoods do their own thing. You can not chose whether you want to show them or not. Full helmets usually make them go back. If you hide the helmet the hood usually comes back. Headbands, gas-masks and the like usually let the hood stay. Tweliks never have hoods up. Some chest pieces always have the hood down. You have no real control over the hood.
  10. It is called stratagy. Strength in numbers. Grouping.


    Continuing to wander aimlesly alone in PVP areas is called something else. There is no honerable code of conduct in open world PVP. Try queueing up for warzones and see if that is not more to your likeing. But traveling alone in a world full of killers is just not the most intelligent thing to do.

  11. So, let me explain this because I'm sure for a lot of people, Chapter 1 of the BH story was fine and dandy - maybe even great. For me... mostly it was pretty good, right up until the end; where I felt like my character went wayyyyy out of my control...

    You are going to hate the start of Chapter 3 :(


    I mentioned this in another thread but BH story is not my favorite. What I liked the most about it is Mako's story. And Gault. I LOVE Gault.

  12. You could always make a slicing mule. Jedi Knights are good for this since you get 3 companions by about level 15, one of those having +slicing crit. Of course you can't send out 3 crew at a time at level 15 but you need to get past the second planet to get a ship driod for all classes anyway.
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