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Everything posted by Mordizal

  1. Massassi anyone? haha but seriously they do need to add more races in this game.
  2. Abyssin, Aleena, Amanin, Anomid, Annoo dat, Anx, Bando Gora, Barabel, Besalisk, Bimm, Blood Carver, Boltrunians, Bothan, Caamasi, Cathar, Cerean, Chagrian, Chazrach, Chistori, Clawdite, Codru-Ji, Coway, Dashade, Devaronian, Draethos, Droid, Dug, Duros, Echani, Elomin, Falleen, Far-Outsiders, Feeorin, Ferroans, Fosh, Frozian, Gand, Gen'Dai, Gossam, Huk, Iktotchi, Ithorian, Kaleesh, Kaminoan, Kel Dor, Klatooinian, Kobok, Kubaz, Kwa, Mandalorians, ((Massassi)), Mon Calamari, Muun, Myneyrsh, Nagai, Nautolan, Nelvaanian, Neti, Nikto, Noghri, Nosaurian, Omwati, Pau'an, Polis Massans, Quarren, Ryn, Selkath, Selonian, Skakoan, Talortai, Taung, Theelin, Togorian, Togruta, Trianii, Tunroth, Ubese, Umbaran, Vodran, Vurk, Wookiee, Yevetha, Yodian, Yuuzhan Vong, Zygerrian. Any! of these races can be put on SWTOR. If we want this game to go big why not go big? We need more races and customization on character creation there's no doubt about it . Why not vote for the next races that people want? If you want this game to be what everyone wanted and your listening, than lets improve.
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