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Posts posted by neandramathal

  1. I agree, same faction warzones have destroyed any chance for faction balance.


    Rather than benefit going to underdog or no benefit to either, it benefits the bigger faction.


    If you try queue past midnight on our server you will be waiting a long time for a pop, if at all. If you play on empire, sure, you will only get huttball, but you will get them ALL night.


    4am, 7 level50 Republic online... 50 Empire. They can get pops all through the night, we get nothing. So it not only means they don't have to wait for queues, but they actually get MORE warzones aswell. You can continue to PvP at any time of the day because republic can't even get a full team.


    Without rewards being split by players involved, Ilum caters to the larger faction too. Although due to the faction world pvp involves players, it will never truly work. Make it split and people will just get a buddy to kill trade in a corner. Make it not split, everyone will zerg. People go for the easiest option. Objective trading on ilum people complained no PvP... but all they had to do for PvP was FIGHT, but they wouldnt, because no reward. If you're going to demand a fight why not just do it? Ofc... cos you only want reward, NOT PVP.


    There is no punishment to joining the zerg.

  2. I like the idea of random huttball arena's, although it's name IS Huttball so it makes sense it is played on planets owned by... the hutt's. I do like the idea of random warzones though, maybe Civil War could randomise time of year (snow vs sun, not a huge change but its something).


    However, faction vs faction warzones are one of the worst things they've done imo.

  3. http://crimson-idol.co.uk/images/site_gallery/809bc66f776439deeeaaa688055ea85d.jpg


    9 deaths, pretty poor but that does mean more downtime.


    We lost, so I wouldn't call it majorly impressive.


    Sadly, I see 300k dmg/75k+ healing on low rank sorcs/sages frequently, and have seen a few 400k's on 40+ op's constantly aswell ^^ (One particular op who no matter how much I hit them with Obfuscate/Pacify BEFORE they get out of stealth still seem to knock me down and **** me before the stuns worn off :s ... and seems to have been level 42 for almost 2 weeks now.. hmm)

  4. .Winning is also the only reason to play as BM, to complete the dailys.


    Damn, and here was me thinking the reason to play as BM was "Because I enjoy PvP" .. If you're doing dailies then stopping, what you gonna do when those dailies no longer give gear upgrades (cos you've got it) ... just not queue at all?


    Must suck for fresh 50 players pugging it, seeing the few higher ranked players leave as soon as they enter, having to play against probably better geared players with players short, losing game after game... .


    Yes, it must suck for them. ... So why do it? You say it must suck for them to have to put up with it yet you are the cause right there?


    But thats nevertheless how the BW intends it to be


    Must've missed the memo from bioware saying that? Point me to it?


    I don't want to be in a WZ with people who are too lazy to even do their Belsavis/Ilum PvE dailies.


    Maybe they're too busy grinding warzones for comms to buy bags to get better gear :o ? Although it'll take them a lot longer with people quitting constantly...


    Besides, if everyone who quits is as good as they say, surely they would be able to carry them to victory anyway?


    Gear is a booster, a good player is good either way and a bad player is bad either way. There are several players around who have reputation as good because they got full BM back when most didn't have centurion, and now the gear levels equal they aren't anything special... then there are those who are seen as good because they actually are :o

  5. Hate to be the one to do the trollolol l2p post but seriously, if you're going to argue your class sucks please like... don't miss out on basic things like your AoE CC?


    My sentinel/marauder level 21 Marauder/Sentinel so am still missing the majority of tools, but have ofc come up against 49's of all classes. I also know due to how bolster works that things can change by 50, but so does your toolset. I'm playing against players with an almost complete toolset and mine can only get stronger... Even if you want to discount low level pvp, there are many good Sent/Mara's on many servers who prove the class is fantastic in the right hands (Same goes for Scoundrel/Op tbh)


    1. Hmm.. Medals I've had at this point...

    2.5k damage

    75k damage

    300k damage

    1 kill

    10 kills

    25 kills

    solo kill

    1k defender

    3k defender


    2. I have been 1st/2nd for damage in EVERY warzone at this level. Burst at this level is not as good as a scoundrel no, at 50 it's probably about equal, they get the better opener and gap closer (to get into the fight stealth > leap) but the longer the fight goes on they drop off, we are made for brawling. A constant fight is fantastic for us.


    3. Lets see.... Root attached to jump (ignores resolve), 8second AoE mez, force choke. I admit the CC is lacking but it's still there, it just comes late on, but you say you've a 50 so that should be something you know already.


    4. Marauder a joke in huttball? so the ability to root people with full resolve and jump to the end zone is a joke. Okay, whatever. Not Push/Pull is frustrating yes, but hardly joke for huttball.


    5. Yes, you will be constantly kited.. its the very nature of a melee class. At my level I do feel like its impossible to catch someone who's not occupied, but at higher level you can use your 4s cloak to close the gap (having not reached this it slipped my mind when posting in another thread and someone pointed out - thanks to them). This point I will concede sentinels/marauders are a bit on the frustrating end, certainly I die on this class more than any other because of ranged vs melee metagame.


    6. Leap roots. Force choke/stasis holds in place. If you spec into middle tree theres a root on master strike/ravage. Also, teamwork!


    7. Undying Rage, Cloak of Pain, Saber Ward, Obfuscate. All will do wonders for your survival.


    8. The class is built for DPS and nothing more. It's also the best healer killer really, but thats it.. if you rolled it for anything other than DPS you made a bad choice, 4 times.


    9. I'd love to have a good sentinel to group with on my tank, GOOD sentinel being the important part.

  6. And it all stems out from darkcharge tbh. We don't have any drawback strapped on it except 5% melee dmg bonus reduction. Like we really care how much our trash is hitting for :/ All other classes give up more to use their "guard" stance.


    Not read out the pages since this post but it's less a "downsides" in sense of what the stance has attached than what you lose out on for being in it, by which I mean what gains you would have be NOT being in the tank stance.


    Talents that cannot be taken in other stances for instance, or for shadows/sins specifically, your force breach changes.


    Now look at Ion Cell vs Plasma Cell, both have a damage proc (similar chance, but different damage type, like the shadows), but the tank cell has -5% damage TAKEN. The downside to using Ion Cell is not the cell itself, but the lack of access to the HiB procs etc in the Assault tree.


    From cell alone, no, I would not say other classes give up more. Looking at talents you lose access to, I would say they are probably equal.



    Other than that, yes I agree, 31/0/10 does too much damage. The low end of Kinetic is actually fine imho, its those 2 highest tiers. Slow Time is fantastic for PvE due to the aggro generation, but I think harnessed Shadows healing is a problem, Slow Time can do great damage on the board but won't really help spike anyone down. I wouldn't say Slow Time is a problem at all, or Project, its the +75% damage AND 3% heal per tick AND interuptable, it's too much.

  7. he trolled you all yet you keep posting


    I thought it was pretty obvious from the 4 word original post that it was a troll tbh, apparently there's not so many of us.


    the "tank" specced shadows/assassins you are taking about aren't actually tanks. We get our damage through wearing DPS gear.


    Not to mention Slow time spam is AoE.


    450k damage as full kinetic in a voidstar, top I've done in my usual spec is 370k (not full inf, but still built for damage).


    I would never call a kinetic shadow burst.

  9. Still dont see why you'd open with Slow Time if you were wanting to get stacks as soon as possible.


    Taking my sequence there, if you don't do double strike but instead a saber strike, you won't get particle acceleration but you will regen force (assuming you are NOT using shadows respite as I stated was perfectly reasonable possbility underneath) and your 6th stack will be up when your project/shock hits @ 6seconds.


    The sequence I posted gives you Telekentic Throw beginning at 6s, if you have force - which will mostly require you to use shadows respite. Whereas swapping out Double strike for saber strike means your project will have to wait 6s for CD, giving you TK throw @ 7.5 or later, but your stacks will still be built AT 6s.


    With Knetic spec I have 10.4 (not in game atm but I'm pretty sure thats right) force regen per second. Project = 39force if 31/0/10, 45 if not. Slow Time = 30force.


    With 31/0/10:


    100 Force

    Project -39force = 61 force

    1.5s = GCD (1.5s, during which you regen 15.6 force = 66.6 force)

    Slow Time -30force = 36.6 force

    3s = GCD (1.5s, during which you regen 15.6 force = 52.2 force)

    Double Strike -23 force = 29.2 force (particle acceleration)

    4.5s = GCD (1.5s, during which you regen 15.6 force again = 44.8 force)

    Project -39 force = 5.8 force.


    Gratz, you have just got off 3 stacks, with the 3rd one being applied at 4.5s. No, you cant use TK throw straight away, but you have your 3 stacks without running out of force which is UNDER what was asked.


    Or, if you wish to use saber strike instead of double strike and have 3rd stack hitting AT 6s, just add the 23 force from double strike... and you now have 28.8, meaning you have to wait a fraction of a second for your TK throw.


    Alternatively, you could spec 31/2/8 and just come out of stealth, giving you all the above + another 50% force regen.


    I may be wrong, and if I am I will admit that I have a flawed understanding of the game mechanics on force regeneration. But this seems right to me. I don't often play kinetic unless I've just been tanking a raid and can't be bothered. I'll be home shortly and check my force regen.

  10. If you open with Force Breach, that goes on a 15 second cooldown...consider gcd and then fire project, there's two stacks...now 3/4 of your force is gone and project is on 6 second cooldown...you have two chances to to get PA before you're out of force, putting up 3 stacks of HS every 6 seconds is impossible.


    Why bring Force Breach into it force breach doesnt give harnessed shadows? SLOW TIME gives harnessed shadows, is on a 7.5(? max 9)s CD, and if project has the shortest CD of the things that grant it.. why wouldnt you use that FIRST so that it would be ready to use again sooner?


    Who said EVERY 6s. The initial statement was "In 6 seconds".



    GCD (1.5s)

    Slow Time

    GCD (3s)

    Double Strike -> Particle Acceleration

    GCD (4.5s)


    GCD (6s)

    Telekentic Throw.


    I'm not going to go into force regeneration, but there are alternatives to 31/0/10 ofc, you could have points in Shadows Respite and have just come out of stealth... there are plenty of options. Unlikley? perhaps. Impossible, no.

  11. I'm a shadow, and TBH I'm fed up of seeing the amount of tank shadow/sins around lately too. Great for holding a point in Civil War or carrying huttball, but when you need to kill someone quick... well, itd be nice to see the occasional DPS one.


    It's not the damage that HD/HS does that bugs me, but the heal. With them all running tank gear AND spec, 12% of the HP is about 2.5k. I've tried the spec (altho not in tank gear, dont have any for PvP) and I didnt find it had any burst at all, but pressure damage.. its fcking great.


    450k damage, 75k healing in the same warzone with only 16k hp... if I had the 23k that tank geared ones did, that healing would be far higher.


    Worst part of all the tank shadows? They still don't seem to understand protection.


    EDIT: Hadnt read the last few responses to this thread.


    I'm not sure if Harnessed shadows are affected by trauma, I never paid enough attention to it in warzones - but on ilum its definitely healing 3% per tick. If it was affected by trauma (does it exist on ilum thats what i cant remember, dont go there much) it would be 2.1%.


    3 stacks in 6 seconds is very possible. Project/Shock = 1 stack, Wither/Slow Time = 2 stack, the CD on project/shock is 6s... see where I'm going with this? Even without that, particle acceleration/equiv give you a chance to reset your CD on it after using double strike.


    EDIT2: Still not as retarded as AoE 5k crits that take about 5s to build up on 20s CD....

  12. Yup, still bugged. The other turrets (Or east captured by rep) don't tick on capture, they tick at certain intervals. But when imps cap that east turret it seems to both tick on capture AND tick before the other ones?


    I know the double tick is the most noticeable part but when we can west first it shouldnt go 600-600, 600-595, 600-590, 595-590 in quick succession.

  13. My main isn't a sent btw, just thought it was a bit easier to write a hypothetical "oh my god get back here!" situation for that class than another due to it gaining very little in the way of gap closing from spec's.


    It actually amazes me how poorly so many Sent/Marauders perform. There's a rank 44(45 now?) on our server I've run into on my alt's that actually just stands on the spot turning round, uses force choke and thats about it.. doesn't seem to understand the idea of generating rage first...


    The 20 buttons vs 5 is another good point though, part of sorc's "OP" appearance is due to their lower skill requirement to get an 'adequate' performance out of them. Watched a few Sage videos the other day and was quite astonished at just how few buttons he had on his bar's :/ Skill curves are another thing that will never match up, but you'd hope for a bit smaller of a gap.


    Honestly, I don't know what can be done to tweak such things. But I think Roots affecting resolve is a good starting point. No tweaks should be done to the class until the more game-wide changes have been implemented.

  14. I'm on the fence about root vs resolve. However, it is traditionally more difficult for melee to stay in range of ranged classes in MMOs. Maras/sents MORE than make up for that difficulty in their DPS.....not to mention their defensive cds. It's balanced.


    Oh god yes as a melee it's a painful experience trying to fight a good Mara... high damage and damn good defense.


    Ranged vs Melee is something I think will never be balanced in any game. My first RPG was Diablo 2, and then onto WaR. After playing Diablo as a Barbarian for a long time I went into WaR and started SC's. Got up to a bright wizard and thought "Aha! Well, you took off 70% of my HP but now I'm in melee, GAME OVER" .. only to be Knocked back, or stunned, or rooted...


    Half the battle for a melee SHOULD be getting to the ranged player, ranged DO need gap creation tools so they are allowed the odd mistake, but then melee still need gap closers otherwise they stand no chance... but where do you draw the line? If the melee turns the wrong way or slightly too late they have lost their target and suffer the consequences, it's a very punishing world.


    Root's really do need to affect resolve though, snares I think are fine off the resolve bar but roots shouldn't. A root for a melee class may aswell be a stun (unless the ranged player is dumb enough to not move).

  15. Our NMM EV run was pretty bug ridden too, and bad luck :(


    We had a disconnect just before 1st boss but ofc thats just unlucky.


    Gharj... first attempt, tank D/C ... second attempt, he reset mid fight. The island just suddenly dissapeared and he jumped back to his start spot.


    Pylons and Council went without a hitch (:o)


    Soa... first attempt, invisible lightning. Second attempt... while dropping down to phase 3 he reset and the floors appeared again above us. Third attempt, he dropped both floors at the same time so when we got down to the 2nd phase there was no outer ring. This caused the lightning balls to spawn off platform, and us to have nowhere to run to when the floor dropped...


    Still managed to get the title though, When the encounters don't bug they are pretty easy :/ Only 8man though, not tried 16.

  16. I do find it amusing reading people say "Sorcs are easy kill for melee".


    With knockbacks, roots, bubble (with attached CC), stuns and speed... it's pretty hard for a melee to stay ontop of a sorc compared to staying ontop of say... a merc.


    Average Sentinel/Marauder vs Sorc fight will be:


    Close the gap while they're distracted

    KB + Root.

    Wait for root to wear off...


    Stun + Speed

    Force Lightning repeatedly snaring+damaging until you get into melee.

    KB + Root is now off CD.


    The typical response to this is "LoS them", whilst it is sometimes pheasable, it often is not and while you're trying to get behind something, that Sorc is just putting a bigger gap between you and them.


    Don't get me wrong though, I think their OPness IS exagerated, they don't have Epic heals, DPS and CC in the same spec. But they do have the most utility withou major DPS loss required to have it.


    Roots need to be affected by/grant resolve before any true Sorc/Sage adjustments can begin though.




    The OP is so insanely biased/misrepresenting that it's just not funny though. The "Mez that heals" comment was enough to give a clue as to why they believe they are fine (or actually subpar as was the impression given) as it shows a severe degree of not even paying attention to what happens when using ones own skills.

  17. For Huttball, when we get 8 man premades:


    3 x Jugg

    2 x PT

    3 x Sorc


    Gives you: 5 tanks (Guard, hard to kill), 3 Healers, 5 Offensive Jumps, 3 Defensive Jumps, 2 Offensive Pulls, 3 Defensive Pulls, 3 Sprints, Lots of ranged damage to protect the middle, 3 long distance pushes.


    Maybe swap a Jugg or Sorc for a Sin - to provide someone to stealth to endzone, with pulls and sprint

  18. Marauders/Sentinels are the best DPS choice (imho) as they have fantastic burst, sustained and the only heal debuff. But they are also the most succeptable to kiting.


    Good premade should survive with 1 healer, an offhealer is a good way to cover all bases but if you just want to win by attrition you take two regular healers.


    Good players should never need more than 1 tank, so look at the pro's and con's of each class.


    PERSONALLY I think that you would want a group with high mobility, NOT dependant on melee for all their damage (or if they are, ways to get them into melee)... so I would like to have


    Sorc/Sage (Healer - I'd take the AoE heals over the heavy armor healers)

    Guardian/Juggernaught (Tank - specced for AoE taunt reduction then the rest in some DPS boost)

    Powertech/Vanguard (DPS - Theyve got grapple, mid range and are mobile)


    Last slot is the tricky part... Marauder vs Merc vs Sorc ... One is best healer killer but dependant on melee, the other 2 arent overly mobile but have long range, good damage, and can offheal.

  19. There is no difference in taunt from 1 class to the next in terms of its effect, they all reduce damage by 30%. For Juggernaughts/Guardians, you actually get access to a shorter CD for your AoE taunt.


    Taunts certainly work for those classes, I started this game as a guardian, and played one in beta, Reached the 50k medal often enough to know it works.


    What I am unsure on, is if taunts override each other - I think they do, so if "other classes" are getting more protection than you either they are taunting after yours or they are guarding targets that take more damage.

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