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Everything posted by Saenth

  1. Milas where are you, we need you on PTS right now for "Dread Hell" op progression, we're on Kephess the Reborn atm.........got to get in time before October so we're ready!
  2. Yes and gz again. I would say that teams that are not used to running sage healers may struggle a bit more than yours. As you say, you need to use salvation quite well and if you've been doing that for some time as a team, it is not as much of an issue. I do think it is a tough class to play in a fight where taking your life at the wrong moment results in death from thundering blast + smash combo. Cannot really understand how you did more dps as sage heals than commando...have tested all heals and this just doesn't seem possible. We do look forward to seeing if we can manage with sorc heals after timed run.
  3. I think for many reasons mercenary and operative healers are the best. The combination of fast high APM heals for operative, with operative hots, mercenary shells, etc. is very good across the board. Missile is ridiculously good for Council because you often have 3-4 people grouped up at one time, whether it's around Calphayus or in the middle. Also, it is a great combination for the Styrak and Brontes phase for the following reason: the Merc can apply shells to everyone for free as you start, then DPS. The operative is built very well to maintain their dot on both targets while throwing in random explosive probe/backstab/shiv/snipe, as appropriate. If you can manage to make it to phase 2 with a sorc healers, the sorc healer must do some heals to maintain their Force, but I don't think the sorc will manage any better than the operative at throwing off-DPS. Here are my heal logs: Operative - http://www.torparse.com/a/703313/29/0/Heals+Given Merc - http://www.torparse.com/a/703312/10/0/Heals+Given Consider the following. When preparing for this fight, my cohealer and I worked on heal DPS rotation strategies on the dummy to see what sort of numbers can be sustained. 2.2-2.3k on a merc can be achieved for an indefinite length of time - and much higher with AOE - while an operative and sorc have trouble breaking 2k sustained and do not benefit as much from AOE. In addition, the sorc must stop after 1-2 minutes due to Force difficulties. As for the other roles: Annihilation Marauder is one of the strongest specs in the game and is the best melee for the burn phase because of maximum uptime when avoiding the lightning fingers. The marauder also provides bloodthirst. Concealment operative was also invaluable to our world first kill because it provided the stealth rez on one of our DPS when my own failed and I had to return to healing. Operative also has some of the best off heals in the game and I believe Kesmet, our operative DPS, managed around 6-8 kolto injections when we were stabilizing going into phase 3. Operative can also help the heals by cleansing death marks in a pinch. For these reasons, I highly recommend operative as well. Of course one can argue similar points for other classes, I think out of all points, having a Marauder helps you get over the line for the DPS check. In our experience, lethality/hybrid kiting Sniper is the strongest option. MM snipers can kite as well and have certain advantages, but when lethality/hybrid Sniper is done right, it still takes very little damage and has better potential on the burn in P2. Mercenary and powertech DPS can easily kite as well and could be swapped in; these classes may bring higher DPS for P2. Council in general is not a fight where the sniper shield matters, since if you manage a clean P3 you can enter the burn phase with high HP and it is very manageable. That said, one key advantage of sniper is the easy armor debuff on all targets which not even a juggernaut tank can match. As for other DPS classes, they don't much matter, but mercenaries/sorcs are good for off heals and high DMG. We had great success on our two kills with these classes. Tank wise, it is very clear powertech is the strongest tank with the best AOE/range for P2 and for us, was always lower in damage taken. If you have to take a different tank, take assassin for the self cleanse on death mark and good P2 DPS. Juggernauts can do the fight (we had one for PTS and the first clear) but nothing about the class suggests it is good. The only nice thing about juggernaut is the armor debuff which most groups will find unnecessary with 1-2 snipers in their lineup.
  4. My favorite moment in that is when Milas is screaming Deposer of the Dread Fortress in his usual way. Big gz to all who have finished and good luck to the rest still out there! So now that the fight details can be discussed...yeah...it is definitely not 'easy' but there is nothing particularly tricky about accomplishing this fight. It is more a decent skill check, since tanks cannot make mistakes, you need around 4k ehps in P1/P3 from both healers, and your DPS must be strong since it is pretty impossible to do phase 2 without healer DPS as well. The hardest point in the fight is having enough DPS to finish off Brontes while avoiding all the lightning fingers. I would say me and my cohealer (Sorvali) averaged about 450-500k combined damage in phase 2. On a merc heals it is easily possible with attack adrenal to do over 300k damage.
  5. I don't really understand this since that phase has next to no healing in NiM either.
  6. The one DPS check in DP is phase 2 of Council (16k-17k total raid DPS for a sustained 3min by my estimation, including dealing with all mechanics). I don't think there's any way they could have really expected much more, so that wasn't a bad job with tuning.
  7. As others stated: the only way to even HOPE to deal with the server issues is to stay in the instance, have everyone die every wipe, never DC, never take breaks, and that's if you're lucky. Sometimes it just won't let you release at all if it's really acting up. I don't see how this sort of problem made it onto live and still hasn't received any attention. I'm very happy for what we accomplished in Zorz, but it's heavily disappointing to us since we enjoy the competition with the few other guilds capable of pushing for week 1 clears.
  8. Trillpug NiM Brontes Scoundrel heal perspective ( )
  9. Still, in spite of the RNG and high difficulty, I really enjoy healing the phase after months of easy content, so I'm grateful in some sense that it hasn't been nerfed. Finally a phase where triage, energy, and heal cooldown management matter. Here's hoping for a bit more even DP NiM nevertheless.
  10. As an addendum, I'd like to refer people to a sample dummy parse I recorded ( ). Since I clicked it, it includes everything you need to know to do a good concealment parse minus proper hidden strike timing which is nicely explained in Noire's guide. My video follows the majority of the principles outlined in the guide. The only thing missing is that if I were a faster clicker or uesd keybinds, energy management would be tighter.
  11. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you got the order mixed up time-wise under Scoundrel/Operative. Thanks for your work on this!
  12. Raulos Scrapper Scoundrel 4104.75 DPS - 4m 3.661s Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/632282/time/1396173573/1396173816/0/Overview AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f24bb133-d844-449f-8b5b-dc89a53d6658
  13. Raulos Scrapper Scoundrel 4104.75 DPS - 4m 3.661s Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/632282/time/1396173573/1396173816/0/Overview AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f24bb133-d844-449f-8b5b-dc89a53d6658
  14. I was doing a parse earlier and was dropping towards 3700 for no apparent reason.. perfect rotation.. check my crits ...6% crit on SP.
  15. Raulos - Scoundrel - Scrapper 3/36/7 4047.17 (4:07.173) http://www.torparse.com/a/584199/time/1391934154/1391934401/0/Overview http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f24bb133-d844-449f-8b5b-dc89a53d6658
  16. Raulos - Scoundrel - Scrapper 3/36/7 4047.17 (4:07.173) http://www.torparse.com/a/584199/time/1391934154/1391934401/0/Overview http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f24bb133-d844-449f-8b5b-dc89a53d6658
  17. GAF's 2nd progression team (Skyhook) is currently recruiting strong talent for a healer willing to raid once a week on Wednesdays at 8 PM. Any type of healer is fine but players must be very knowledgeable about their class and have some experience healing difficult content. We are not looking for someone to be carried but rather someone who takes the initiative to learn fights and take responsibility for their gameplay. The atmosphere in the group is semi-casual but focused, which reflects the core attitude of progression teams in GAF in general. The group has recently undergone some structural changes, but is currently 10/10 DP/DF and looking to move into TFB/SV NiM and/or any new nightmare content as it is released. If this sounds interesting to you and you would like to help build a strong progression group with a fairly low time commitment (generally 3 hours from 8-11 PM), please message me (Raulos) either on the forums under this name or in game. All the toons I tend to play on are listed in my signature if you cannot find me on Raulos.
  18. Yeah I agree. For this reason, I don't think this is a great strategy for a Dragonslayer run although kudos to your group for being able to execute it. So depends on whether we're talking about getting a clear or a viable (almost 100% reliable) strategy. e.g. - What we did tonight could probably be repeated for a 1 or 2 shot pretty easily. For this reason I'd probably heal on my Commando on a title run in the short term future to give that breathing room.
  19. We will maybe be trying with 2 sentinels when our other Sentinel DPS comes back from being away (we've run a GS in his place in the meantime) but it will of course require another KB strategy. Our sage healer has retired from the group and is being replaced with a Scoundrel so I don't foresee clearing it soon on my Scoundrel unless you have brilliant ideas for Shadow/Vanguard/Sentinel/Sentinel/Commando/Gunslinger/Scoundrel/Scoundrel which is not a very nice combination.
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