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Posts posted by LordJestR

  1. Not really - I have 3 ppl in my guild that are PREFERRED and still selling large number of items (including crates) of the CM.... In fact, I know that one of them recently purchased over 40K (forty thousands cartel money), still being preferred. This is multiple times more than I spend on yearly subscription, if I am not mistaken (too lazy to check real money value for that amount of CM)


    Yup, such people are also the type to spend money on mobile games to unlock stuff faster. To each of their own.


    In any case, I'm sure there are analysts at EA a hundred times more qualified than OP to decide such things.

  2. Bioware needs to stop wasting money on making bad looking gear and content and spend time on true endgame and new warzones.


    And that is not going to happen any time soon. So what are you going to do about it? Keep on making stupid threads on an Internet forum or go get a life?

  3. You are DEAD on Holocron! That's exactly the point and character of Kylo Ren!


    The opening scene actually was very impressive. It shows he is powerful enough to stop a blaster bolt and evil enough to order a massacre of an entire village. Then the rest of the movie ruin it by adding stuff that doesn't make sense.


    You can't tell me he was being good by attacking the walls instead of the Imperial officer in anger when just 20 mins ago, he killed the old fellow in cold blood.

  4. My wife & I are old school ops veterans who walked into tact Hammer Station as a level 17 tank/heals team with full 54 blues plus 2 players equally geared and were quickly flashpapered by the gear check mob. (4th mob in, not including the droid pat in the hangar bay.) After five wipes with no chance to advance we said the hell with it, QT'd to our respective strongholds and logged.


    It blows me away, how people are practically bragging that there is no issue with tacticals because they can solo it with their 60s. Reality check ... players who are working their characters up through early game (spoiler alert: new players ... hello?) and follow the planet transports to fleet for some flashpoint action couldn't give a rat's *** about what the 60s think. And they shouldn't have to. Shame on the leetist jerks for thinking otherwise.


    This new low maintenance one size fits all system flat out doesn't work. Hell, dev had a hard enough time getting the one size fits one system to work. But at least it was balanced fairly, fun to progress through (with the emphasis on progress) and worth the effort. But this?


    I gifted two RL friends with 60 days worth of timecards the week before 4.0 dropped because they got sucked into the hype & wanted to try it out. They left already and are trying to get me to go back to WoW. This is embarrassing.


    So you did the new tacticals with a tank, a healer and 2 whatevers and still wiped. Are you trying to say the new tacticals are tougher than the pre 4.0 version?

  5. I just came back after a year and a half and almost puked when I realized they had eliminated the trees and hybrid builds altogether.


    I thought I would give the new system a chance and started a new character to get a clear handle on the new system, I leveled to 18 on Corusant! I was running around in fleet with level 6 gear on a level 18 character and hated the new discipline system.


    I immediately called customer service and demanded a refund. The game is over for me.


    There is the opinion of what most returning players will experience after being revitalized by the new movie.


    I beleive your right the game is dead, EA killed it.


    Something tells me you didn't read OP post at all

  6. It could be. Let it never be said that I'm not fair minded. I consider myself, honestly, a probably slightly below average player, at least at endgame content, since as noted, I'm not interested in making a second job out of playing a game (and that's what high end play feels like to me). That said, I am generally of the opinion that Story Mode play should still generally be something complete-able by even significantly below average players. And, for that matter, that if my skills are on the level I think they are, I should not be able to completely ruin a run for other players.




    For one thing, it's not just Flashpoints. Numerous bits of post-Chapter 3 solo content make a big stink about how you're busy fighting the Dread Masters: Section X, Oricon (obviously), Seeker Droids...but that only happens if you do the various Operations. And again, I understand people want a challenge. But if the intent is that any random people can queue up and do it, then it should be something that generally any random group can queue up and do. I would gladly forego all the "Hard Mode" content, there's nothing new or interesting for me there (although the Rak FPs, which are still, strictly speaking, still story content, don't have Tactical equivalents, either).


    TLDR version: easier SM ops pls

  7. If you needed on the chest piece, there was a roll for it, you probably just missed it. They roll up off the screen very fast.


    Think OP meant he "needed" as he wanted the loot but couldn't roll for it as no loot roll pop up came up.


    @OP, like what previous posters mentioned, GF ops will drop personal loot as well as raid loot. This makes sure everyone gets something.

  8. I would like to think most people get the concepts of plans, budgeting and schedules. Most of the complaints I see are people disagreeing with the decisions surrounding those three topics, not denying they exist.


    Well the complaints I have seen are pretty much the equivalent of the spoilt kid, after opening all the presents, start screaming about why hee didn't get the toy he wants for Christmas.

  9. You see, the thing is, someone can come along and say "You have no idea how much effort is involved" - but there's a huge amount of "effort" involved in getting anything to market - if you bought the latest iPhone and it didn't work, would you shrug and say "well, it takes a lot of effort to make a phone that actually works"?


    This example is kinda stupid. But I do appreciate the attention. You have to forgive any typos as I am on my phone but I try to pay more attention.

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