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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Tresur

  1. I'm sorry, but im not gonna restart my toon which is already level 26. I choose the red eclipse server on day 1 of the early access and there wasn't any problem. Now 1 week later there is a waiting que of 1100 people infront of me. As my time is limited for the upcomming weeks, how am i supposed to play where i have to wait 2 hours or more in que.


    U give an answer "consider playing on another server", but thats kinda unacceptable. If u would have locked the heavy load servers during the pre game access, this queing never would have happend and people would have spread out more evenly over the rest of the servers.


    Ill hope we can have the character transfer anytime soon, but if u ask me, this should have already been finished and up and running.


    stop crying now plzz they are working and working on transfer...

  2. If there are server queues, it means that more people made characters on a given server than it can reliably handle in a rotating schedule. Say, you have a thousand slots and ten thousand players with one or more characters on this server. Some play on the weekends and some play on the weekdays, some in the morning and some in the evening, but at some point there will inevitably be a moment when at least half of them will try to log on AT ONCE.


    The big weakness is that for all the Early Access people, there were ridiculously few English Euro servers, and the first few waves all got shunted into all of them. I see a server list right now which is more than half made up of LIGHT load servers, but I the one I am registered on as an Early Accesser is way beyond FULL (300+ queue that isn't really moving ATM) and I do really not want to re-do the 13 levels of my Trooper on a different server simply because someone didn't do the math right.


    Server transfers that DO NOT require you to survive the login queue would be an instant "everything solved magickally" solution without significantly increasing the server load. In fact, the server load will drop because the players will get smeared more or less evenly across the servers instead of the Gaussian distribution you have right now.


    13 tropper maby you shouldnt have made a char on a allrdy full sever ? maby you didnt do the math right!!

  3. Ok im about tired of you and people like you. It is people like you that ruin gaming for people who want to come and not think about real life. Yes you are a fanboy cause you think any game that is not like WoW, is stupid and should not be around. Sorry but I am speaking the god awful truth. And no i do not have bad grammar. this is a forum. you can speak in any tone you want. i didnt think this was an english class. go to hell. im dont preaching the choir on this subject. this is why the community will falter cause of idiots. nuf said.


    Finaly somone shut up the Spelling police!!!

  4. You can't just wave a wand and make things better. It can take large amounts of time to properly fix code, because in something as massive as an MMO, every code tweak possibly breaks something else.


    Code tweek man its not rocket science to make forced or free transe to other servers pretty much nothing to do with codeing

  5. Hello Bioware!


    Its about time you start to answer some questions from the players. I see the forum spammed every singel day with the same issus, but non of the gets answered or handelt, its about time you start attending to the players and the problems they are informing you about.

    What do we have to do to get your attention about thees matters ?


    Flaming the company and telling you that ppl will stop playing the game and wanting refunds dont work you simply dont seam to care that ppl hate your support and the fact that you dont assit in matters on the forum, if this is a fact just shut down the *********** forum its a wast of time that ppl are trying to talk to ya in here.


    Plzz tell os what we gotto do to get some offical assitance in here.


    Rest of you guys fellow players and comunity I DONT *********** care that we are going to be sendt to another *********** allrdy excisting post in here im am just gonna keep reposting this and hope that all of ya will help by doing a short que time list in here and error code list....


    ill start


    Error 1003 ( que all over again )

    Eatch que 900+ ppl ( NO bioware its not 1 hour ) 3 hours..

  6. Really there are 0 offical comments or informaion regarding the server queues DO somthing really this have been a problem since start of the early acces do somthing..


    how can none at the support be reacting or talking to the comunity ?

  7. So guys here we are launch day.. server maint have been done. and o what is this its 9.30 GTM and my god we have a 500 ppl queue.

    I Belive that today you are gonna witness 2000 ppl queue on The red Eclipse GZ you fail once again.


    Common really and the time BTW everyone they time you can se to wait... its always x2

  8. Estimated wait time 60 min, that was at 6:30pm and it is now 8:30 and no luck. While I understand their reasoning for the amount of servers (if I read it right they would rather start with too few and add more than have too many and have empty servers) this does have to change.


    Problem is that there are no empty server!! but the amount of ppl it can carry is pathetic

  9. I am just as mad as you about the queue times but umm just so you understand this is early access the billing cycle has not even begun yet and you have not received your "product" because it is released the 20th what you are playing now is merely complimentary early access.


    Regardless your letter is pointless even if it was launch, plenty of MMOs have queues you can't get your money back because you are still capable of choosing a different server without a queue and playing the game. However this obviously pisses people off and they lose customers like that so the obvious solution is to release new servers and allow free transfers from full servers to those newer ones thus solving the problem.


    So how much do they pay you to be reasonabell and assist there totalt lack of proffsionalisem.. ?

    i see you point in the payment but i still pay for ealy acces i do not have any active acces other than looking at a queue and a unstabel client thats only 3 days from release... plzz be my guest and explain how that can be acceptabel in a company that size... ?

  10. You all know that there is laws about getting the produckt you pay for... in this i mean i paying for playing time eatch mounth... so atm im making a list of queue time and will be sending and official letter wanting a payment back for all the time i could have played but was stuck in queue... !!! hope everyone ells will do this same cause this is 100% unacceptabel..!!!
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