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Posts posted by Tyr-El

  1. From my Jedi Knight...



    At the end of chapter 1, after you defeat Darth Angral, the Emperor takes control of Kira Carson. She draws Angral's red saber while Battle of the Heroes plays in the background. The whole scene, I'm thinking, "This is why I picked Jedi Knight. This is awesome."


    If only there were a way to get her dark side outfit, it looks so much better than the usual gear I find for her...



    As a Trooper...



    I'd like to say finding out Havoc Squad was defecting to the Empire was a "wow" moment, but the very first thing I saw after creating the character was "You mean the obviously evil Havoc Squad?" in general chat, followed by people discussing how obvious it is that they're traitors. Thanks guys.


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