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Posts posted by JustARandomGuy

  1. The OP obviously didn't read the news article:



    'Additionally, players who have already purchased Rise of the Hutt Cartel and are an active Subscriber on September 12 at 4:00AM PDT / 11:00AM GMT will receive a new title, “The Risen,” via in-game mail on or before September 25, 2013 as our appreciation for the purchase.'


    Wait until the 25th to see if you get the title or not. If not, and you think you're eligible, send in a ticket.

  2. Many people fail to recognize that their trivial activities are, in fact, trivial. It's not a gamer thing, it's a people thing. People, as a group, love to embellish themselves and their activities with over-blown importance.


    That's a good point brnamakmufin, thanks for bringing that up.

    I guess it's always easy to become wrapped up with our own trivialities to an extent that we fail to see other view points.

    I'm sure I don't need to point out how ofter this happens in our forums ;)

    I'm not sure how we as a group can combat this. Or even if it can be combatted. I tend to post fairly often in the Customer Service forum as well as the occasional forray into General and Off-topic and I guess I'm old school in that I treat other posters (and players) as I'd like to be treated. It's a fairly simple philosophy (sp?) to live by, but it works for me. :)

  3. I don't buy this part. Those other terrible companies are making record profits, and have been terrible for decades, some list isn't going to make them change their ways. EA hasn't been doing as well financially, and this is a way, though perhaps hyperbolic, to let them know that their customer base isn't happy with the quality of products and services being offered. EA is much more likely to make some changes because of this type of notoriety. They have already shown in their attempts to brush it off that its gotten on their skin a bit.


    I don't want to change the direction of the thread with this, as it's another matter entirely, but I do agree with TheBBP's comments above.


    Spin it as much as you want, it just shows that 'Gamers' (as a whole) really don't understand how unimportant gaming is in the grand scheme of things. There is NO justification for making threats of violence against anyone just because a game didn't meet your expectations.


    To get back to the topic at hand, I've been thinking about this a bit today, and I think one of the reasons why this is happening is due to the ease in which people can comment on games. Before the advent of the internet, you had what, snail mail and maybe a computer magazine where you could express your frustrations with a game?


    With the rise of social media (with all that entails) it's easier and easier to express your displeasure with, well, anything. That flim you didn't like? Quick! let the world know through Twitter! That waiter in the fancy restaurant didn't server the correct wine with the main course? It's a travesty! quick, to facebook!


    In some ways, I think that the balance of power between gaming companies and players is shifted too far towards player control. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for player imput, but not to the extent where the vocal minority can change the game FOR EVERYONE just because they don't like one feature.


    Just take a look at any of the threads in these forums where a Dev posts. You can say for sure 100% that someone will come along and derail the thread with their own personal bugbear. While we all want more communictaion with the people who make the game, we also have to understand that this is a two way street. And if you want someone like a Dev to answer your questions, then present them in a calm, rational manner, and you'd be surprised at how much more likely you are to get an answer.

  4. A very interesting read, thanks for posting the link.


    It is a shame how the gaming community has evolved (or maybe devolved is a better word) in the 20 odd years I’ve been playing computer game.


    Making death threats or saying you are going to kill a Dev’s children because you didn’t like the ending of a game is not acceptable in any way, shape or form.


    Until the internet is no longer anonymous, this will still continue, as far as I can tell. While the internet is (generally) a force of good, it does tend to over emphasis the vocal minority’s view point to the point where the ‘mass hysteria’ takes over. A prime example (for me) is the ending to ME3. Man, the howls over that ending and how ‘BioWare have betrayed me’ was shouted all over the internet really opened my eyes to how powerful a small group of ‘Dedicated’ gamers really are.


    Another prime example (and one used to ‘prove’ how ‘bad’ EA is) is the ‘worse company in America’ thing that’s been going on for the last two years. In a world where bank re-possessions are at an all-time high, companies pumping Oil into area’s that they shouldn’t, large companies laying off people left and right and a slew of other worthy contenders to the title, and a gaming company is the worse company in America? Please. Get your priorities straight.


    Anyway, getting late for me, so I’ll leave it at this, but I’d be interested in what the rest of our community thinks about this. It could be a good opportunity for us as a community to get together and try to remember that we know how important everyone who works for BioWare/EA is in the grand scheme of things. Sure, the Customer Support agents get a hard time, but if they wernt' there, then that character that you deleted isn't going to come back. Without the Dev's we dont get any updates for the game. Even the PR and Marketing staff have a role to play for swtor. I’ve found over the years that people tend to get worked up about things that they care for, and if you’re a ‘Fanboi’ or a ‘Hater’ we all pay our subscription to the game. And if you paying for something, then you care about it on some level.


  5. I think that there's a number of reason why the Speeders are so slow, but if you stop and think about if for a moment, it's actully a good thing they move at the speed they do.


    Why? Well, the Speeders that everyone knows are the ones from RotJ, right? Those Speeders travel at something like 350 kmph! Faster than a F1 car in full race mode! I've no desire to have my Trooper wrapped around a tree because he couldn't react fast enought to dodge those trees that were on the horizon a moment ago.


    You could argue that 'on-board computers' handle the navigation of the Speeder. I'd say make the way that the Speeders work would be one workaround. If you want to just get from A to B in the fastest speed, then you can engage the computer to do all the work for you, and you get there fast enough that your eyes water.


    If you want to explore the area, then your character takes control of the Speeder, and it works as normal. I can't speak for other players, but I always enjoy bumbling around an new area in my Longspur and seeing what's what.


    Another approach would be to have the speed as normal in area's that your character has only just opened up. If you return to the area, or you uncover the entire area, then your Speeder can travel at top speed because the on-board computer has mapped the area and knows where all the danger spots are. Think AI meets Sat-Nav, and you get the picture.



  6. I'd guess that it's a way to differenciate the two classes.


    If every Jedi could be called Jedi, then it might get confusing for some people.


    This way, if they have 'Jedi' in the nameplate, you know it's a Consular you're seeing.


    Like I posted just now, if the Knight equivelent is 'Knight of the Republic' (and I'm still not 100% sure on that) then if you see a Jedi walking around with that title, then you know it's a Jedi Knight you're seeing.


    My Speculation/$0.02 :)

  7. What's really freaky is when other people (that aren't grouped with you) appear on your ship and can't see you even though you can see them.


    Ah, I remember that bug :)


    It used the freak the hell out of me! I think BioWare jumped on top of it pretty fast though.



    Please don't tell me it's happening again... Watching 'Force Ghosts' (nice phrase for 'em :)) walking around on my ship was bad enough the first time



  8. DO you work of BW or EA if not dont answer my question that i have for them


    Wow, you're the friendly type, arn't you?


    I don't normally stick up for other posters (and I'm sure Ratajck is big enough and ugly enough to speak up for themselves-no offense Ratajack!) but you know what? This is a public forum, not a 'only post if you work for BioWare/EA' forum, so you're going to get other people posting. The sooner you get used to that, the easier it's going to be for you on any public forum.


    If you don't like the answers you get from other posters, then that's what the ignore function is for. And guess what? I'm about to use it now. I'll give you three guesses who I'm going to ignore next...



  9. Best fix for that not happening that I have found to be useful is: Always attach one of your useless "Bound to Legacy Inheritance Off-Hand Weapons" or equivalent item to the credits being mailed. If you type the wrong name in, it won't let you send the mail, as the wrong name isn't in your Legacy ;)


    Works like a Charm :)


    Great idea! I'll try that the next time I need to send credits to an alt.


    Thanks for the heads up! :)

  10. I can just imagine the response from the person you've sent them to "Oh, hey look - that nice fellow mailed me some money again!" :D


    Lol, yeah, I'm sure it's a nice surprise for them! Strangly enough, they never seems to message me to let me know... :D

  11. Learn accent codes and you will be fine. More likely than not you will be able name yourself anything you want if its unavailable through normal letters. I only had accent one of the a's in my name to get the name I wanted for a toon and its barely noticeable. .




    The only trouble I've seen with that is when you think you're sending credits to your alt, and you forget to put the accent over the letter... *sigh* I've lost track of the number of credit's I've lost by doing that...

  12. Hello,


    You can put 'Bacon number' into google to get the degrees of seperation from Kevin Bacon by doing this.


    For example, 'Samuel L. Jackson Bacon number' shows as a Bacon score of 2. That is to say, there are 2 films seperating Samuel L to Kevin Bacon.


    Try it, you'll be suprised at how many people are linked to Kevin Bacon! The most I've seen so far is 4



  13. Granted... the stripper maids and cooks are all ugly slaves that hate you and are planning to kill you in your sleep.


    I wish I were a ninja.


    Granted.... Except Black is soo passe these days. You don't mind wearing polka dots do you?


    I wish I was able to fly under my own power.

  14. And OP, "haters", "complainers", etc. is just pathetic name-calling by Biodrones who just defend this game zealously who like to pretend that there's virtually absolutely nothing is wrong with the game.


    Kettle, pot, black... all spring to mind when I think about this statment. So it's okay to call some one who supports the game on the forum a 'Biodrone', but God forbid you call someone with a complaint a 'hater'? Each expression is as bad as the other, and I'll be the first to admit that the game has troubles, but does that make me a 'Biodrone' or a 'Hater'? I'll save you the touble of answering, because I'm neither. I'm someone who realises that both 'Biodrones' and 'Haters' are always going to be on a game's forum, no matter the game.


    I think that the problem lies with the way that poster's posts their complaint/compliment. We all know a number of posters who could be 'Haters' and we all know a number of posters who could be classed as 'Biodrones'. The scary thing is, I'm sure that most of the time they can agree on the issues at hand, but find it hard to express that in a constructive way-one that recognises both the good points and the area's that need more work in the game.


    I can see where the OP is coming from. For every positive post, there seems to be 5-10 negative posts. But that's just the nature of the beast. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of players will never post on the forums. For every 'OMG, XXX IS BROKEN FIX IT NOAW' posts we read, there are plenty of people who never exeprience the issue. And since they aren't seeing any issues, they don't post on the forum.


    My $0.02.

  15. It's a good idea, and one worthy of consideration by the Devs, if you ask me.


    It's the one thing that's really bugged me about swtor-the speed of the speeders.


    I posted a while ago about how fast Speeders should be (about 350mph, iirc) so that sometimes pedestrian speed of the Speeders does annoy me.


    Of course, if they made the Speeders run at the proper speed, then by the time you've targetted someone in the game, you'd be long gone. I suppose some kind of 'targetting computer' would help, but we know how usefull they are when you're attacking a target the same size of a Womp rat. :)

  16. I might be totally wrong here, apologies if so... but I believe escrow is only something you need if you are F2P or preferred, with a credit cap. Pretty sure escrow just exists as a sort of bank for non-subs, as the credit cap for them is pretty low. As a sub you can just mail your credits to whoever, so long as it's on the same realm faction doesn't matter.


    Pretty sure that's an accurate description of escrow, confident that someone will point it out if I'm wrong.


    That's exactly how the credit escrow works. :)

  17. Hello,


    There may be a number of reasons for this.


    Firstly, make sure that you friend has signed up for emails from EA/BioWare, as if it's not set to receive them, the referral will not go through.


    Secondly, I believe that you have to go through at least one billing cycle before your able to refer anyone to the game. (ie play for 30 days, and go onto the second payment for your subscription)


    Hope this helps!



  18. Hello!


    Sounds like it's not just players who are using the new customisation kiosk! :)


    The skin textures may have been changed by the Devs in the last update, but if this is the only change, and the NPC is doing what she's supposed to, then I'd say it's not a bug, but just a change to one of the NPC's in-game.


    I'd say send in a bug ticket, but afaik, CS don't deal with them, and they go straight to the bug team, so you might not get a reply.

  19. There is a peace treaty in effect between Republic and Imperial in this time line. People seem to keep forgetting this.


    TL;DR in this timeline there is some cold war drama, but no open warfare.


    That would be quite easy to explain away though. A rouge Sith Lord, motivated by personal desires to wreck havoc with the treaty, and/or create a Casus Belli with the Republic (or the other way around, of course) would be a good reason for a once-off invasion. While the RL cold-war meant no open warfare going on between superpowers, I'm sure that both sides engaged in covert ops. How about a covert ops mission gone wrong as a reason for the once-off event?


    While I'm aware that the time taken to create this event by the Dev's could possibly used to address other concerns, I'm sure that an event like this would be welcomed every now and again in the game.

  20. I actually wouldn't mind Imperials storming a Republic base once in a while. Maybe a section of the Fleet that gets boarded once in a while?




    I'd love to be on the Fleet minding my own business, when an announcement comes through:


    'ATTENTION! Unauthorized personnel on-board! Prepare for boarding!'


    As more and more players come back from the planets to help defend Fleet, that would be amazing to see. Throw in a few unique Titles or introduce a 'Spoils of War' function ,where you can take a trophy from the highest level player you manage to defeat during the attack (for example) .Throw it on the PvP servers, and Robert's your Father's Brother!


    As for the PvE servers, that's where it might come unstuck, but I'm sure someone will be able to come up with another suggestion.

  21. Hello,

    It's always been my belief that the reasons that the Lightsabers were supposed to look 'heavy' when being used is because the original description of the 'sabers was that the blade was spinning along it's long axis, and the gyroscopic (sp?) effect of this made them hard to handle-the blade was always on the edge of being spun out of the weilders hands.


    I'm not 100% sure where I read/heard that, tbh, but it always stuck in my mind as being a bit suspect. *Shrug*



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