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  1. its best to come back in another 4 months when its F2P or should i say pay-2-play?
  2. I still play frequently but have maxed gear on both my mains on imp and repub side for warhero and have the blackhole but KP has been around since 1.1? so your right its 8 months with 1 op 2F and 1 WZ i feel more bad for the people that roleplay and do space combat since theres been no updates for them but back for the event it just seems half- assed gear wise and they set a good standard in the last event and pissed on this one.
  3. Yes!! the "UNIQUE" speeder that increases speed to 90% how could i have overlooked such a awesome addition. all im saying is there's not much here for people that don't use alts or rarely use them just legacy stuff and social levle 3 isnt hard to get too im just not impressed with a few new colors also the weapons your talking about are not much use to force users.
  4. materials was my mistake im pretty sure there was some kind of crafting material but i could be wrong
  5. The event was fun to do but the rewards were awful to say the least, a few low level guns for alts some sparkling powder, sand people outfit (there is already sand people outfits and sparkling powder) the same pets you get from the pvp vendor that are just different colors the last event had different pets, materials, color crystals etc this just seems to be a waste for many of us that don't use alts or have gotten the same pets from the pvp vendor. Five months of no updates, no new wz no new fp no new anything and to regurgitate the same stuff that is already there and some new colors seems like a spit in the face, especially after promising updates monthly i don't expect fp or ops every month but 9 months since release 1 OP and 2 FP most company's make games and expansions in 9 months you guys can only make 1 OP and 2 FP? I usually give you guys a break and a pass because of layoffs and other changes etc and say to others that updates will come soon but your not getting a pass anymore This game again is bleeding subs similar to what happened before people are frustrated and many of us have been with this game since beta by the time we get the new upcoming content it will be 6 months without any kind of update for gear or new content expecting people to play the same 3 wzs and ops for 6 months and still stick around seems arrogant on your part. In closing be more forward with the community and give us better ideas of new content release dates and stop putting the same gear and pets and powder with different colors.
  6. I just find it funny that just below the game for 11.99 there's the 60 day game sub for 29.99
  7. http://www.ebgames.ca/pc/games/star-wars-the-old-republic-online/307087 I was shocked when i saw this, any thoughts?
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