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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Marb

  1. I should also mention that Defense Chance only works on Melee/Ranged attacks (ie you can't defend against Force/Tech attacks), whereas Shield Absorption works on ALL damage types. Many of the tanks I've had the pleasure of raiding with have often told me that Shield Absorption and Shield Change are much more useful than Defense.


    Sorry to pick apart your reply, but just to clarify, shield will work on any attack type that deals energy/kinetic damage. It doesn't work on attacks that deal internal/elemental damage.


    If you want to change your stat spread to match the boss (which isn't required), you will end up swapping out defence for more absorption on a per boss basis. In extreme cases like Brontes you could augment for shield, but other than a few exceptions you don't want to augment shield on a juggernaut tank.

  2. ...and if you do for personal use, do you think the amount of time it takes to craft some of the higher level greens and blues should be reduced?


    For example, right now it takes between 1.5 to 2 hours to craft 5 level 53 blue mods (if I am not mistaken). Lets say you need 7-9 of each, it is going to take you at least 2 hours unless you have many alternate characters that can craft them.


    It seems to me that the higher level blue mods are taking far to long to craft. This really interrupts normal leveling time, especially if you consider that you usually change out your mods every 4 levels or so (not considering 12XP at this time).


    Companion affection and crafting bonuses do not reduce crafting time in any substantial way. I think the time reductions need to go farther.


    I would propose they offer a new legacy perk...



    Legacy of Proficiency


    Increases crew crafting and mission proficiency by 10/20/30 percent.

    Costs 100/200/300 coins or 100k/250k/500k and requires legacy level 40

    Subscriber only perk



    How does that sound? Does anyone have any other ideas? Or is it fine the way it is?


    Thanks for reading.


    I'm not sold on your suggested solution, but you raise some good points. Also add in the time to gather the relevant materials, the material cost for each schem and reverse engineering. By the time you craft them you can get better stuff that is more up to date from the comm vendors.


    It would be nice if crafting greens/blues for your character matched the natural speed of level progression outside of bonus xp events.

  3. People have really over looked this. Also taunts are not Force/Tech abilities as some stated earlier. So we will be forced to carry some acc in our gear for some fights. Rather then making it harder to Tank in PvE cause PvPers love to cry, why don't we reduce the dmg reduction debuff taunts place on other players. Tanks in PvE don't get the short end of the stick and PvPers can beg the devs to nerf something else that is "OP"


    Taunts could be resisted for a very short time before 2.0 went live (exactly like a force/tech attack). Interrupts are also listed as "active" but they can be resisted without 110% force/tech accuracy. This seems to indicate that the game treats them as F/T, even if they're not labelled as such on the ability sheet.


    I think it's a fair to assume that taunts will be considered F/T in 3.0, just like interrupts are in the live game.

  4. Diminishing returns makes this less than optimal. I'd rather have an equal pool of all 3.


    Defense is almost worthless on brontes, but on nefra it's incredibly good. There's value in adjusting stats for extreme cases like this, but I wouldn't bother with smaller boss by boss variations. However, to be optimal for both nefra and brontes, you're going to end up with a fair few alternative pieces of gear, making optimising in increments for each fight possible, even if the difference isn't perceivable by healers.

  5. Not even. DPS in PvP will never miss a taunt in circumstance a tank wouldn't miss either.


    You bring up a good point.


    I think their idea is that tanks will have a higher base accuracy from tank stance, so defensive cooldowns that boost resist will be slightly less effective against taunts from tanks?

  6. I guess the part were some bosses in future raids will have a buff that will reduce raid acc isn't clicking with you isn't it? This is making the gearing for tanks longer and gearing out a tank already takes both the most resources and time out of the 3 archetypes.


    Talk about jumping to conclusions. Rob said that they have the capacity to give raid bosses higher defense/resist if they wanted to, he never said that they would do that.

  7. Again, Accuracy rating on equipment will ensure 100% success rate with taunt, IF the tank has enough of it. Accuracy rating can no longer be ignored for tanking.


    Tanks are getting 10% accuracy from tank stance in 3.0, tanks will not need any accuracy from gear for PvE or PvP. This is primarily a PvP nerf to taunt capable dps disciplines, and a collateral nerf to PvP tanks (some defensive cooldowns will have the capacity to counter taunts even from a tank).

  8. Making tanks hit capped could be a substantial buff to the reliability of tank threat generation (which is mitigated in the live game by taunts, and even an accuracy adrenal for some tanks). For all we know, tanks could be getting a comparative buff to threat generation, even if they're getting specific tuning to reduce their damage to compensate for being hit capped.


    Overall, I anticipate this being a positive change for PvE tanks just considering the itemisation issues they've had since launch. At least accuracy wont be a trap for new tanks and they wont be saddled with mean spirited RnG for replacing accuracy with shield. PvP is another story, as I would prefer the devs to restrict taunts to tank stance rather than introduce RnG.


    Beyond that there could be more things related to tanks that can't be discussed until the devs bring up the relevant specifics on their twitch stream, like set bonuses.

  9. As soon as a player hits 50 and goes to the fleet they are bombarded with a complex network of unrelated quests for flashpoints, operations and daily areas. Bioware really need to pick up all that content and present it to the player in a staggered and more linear way.


    Wicked, could you put together a chronology that is consistent with in game evidence? I'm not the only one who would be interested in such a resource. The official order is most likely the order the content is released, but I would be more interested in a chronology that isn't contradicted by in game dialogue.

  10. It looks like they have pruned a small number by making some abilities restricted to specific disciplines and merging a scant few others. In some cases they have added additional effects onto underused abilities to make them more relevant.


    Some abilities replace their less powerful cousin, but most of them just share a cooldown. The main reason for this seems to be the very niche application of the less powerful ability in some cases.

  11. Backhand is in my opener, and DPS is definitely not being nice to me, I came up with this rotation because they kept pulling off of me. I'll see about adding the Saber Reflect trick for Draxus, as he is pummeling me in the opener.


    I meant that the damage based threat generated by a full opener from a NiM calibre dps can rival the raw threat you can generate with a standard opener. That's why taunt placement is critical, and is mentioned in tank openers. Your dps could probably burst a lot harder at the start, but if you're dropping bosses I don't think it's anything to loose sleep over.


    Sorry, I did miss the backhand in your opener.

  12. Great guide, excellent help for people unfamiliar with Jugg tanking or simply looking to get better at it.

    My one beef is with the opening rotation: [shortened it a bit]

    "The optimal opener I go for is as follows (use Retaliation on cooldown as it is available):

    Pre-cast Enrage about 5 seconds before you start - Force Charge (or Saber Throw) - Smash - Crushing Blow + Retaliation - Taunt - Ravage - Force Scream - Backhand - AoE taunt - Force Choke - Vicious Slash (or Smash if you really want to be careful about holding aggro)

    Sundering Assault


    Taunt (one more time as soon this becomes available)"


    Totally agree on clipping abilities with Retaliation to get 2 hits in 1 GCD, but:

    EVERY Juggernaut tanking guide I have looked at has taunts in the opener and I fail to understand why.

    I run Jugg for my NiM team (Currently 9/10 NiM - on Council) and this is the opener I use:




    Crushing Blow + Retaliation



    Scream + Retaliation



    The ONLY exception to that is Draxus, where I will Taunt and Choke before Ravage.


    Never had problems with aggro and my DPS is Sin/Mara/Snipe x2 that pull 4K + on Bestia and 3K + on Draxus.


    Final note on mitigation stats (this may be specific to 180 gear and above) don't stack Shield in anything, you get enough of it from your enhancements alone to put you into the 43rd percentile.


    ME: Shield/Def Enhancements, Absorb Mods, Def Augments with 3 Absorb Augments

    Most fights Shield Amp/Fort Redoubt

    Tyrans-Shield Amp/Shrouded Crusader

    Draxus-Fort Redoubt/Imperil Serenity


    Not taunt boosting and not opening with saber reflect and backhand? Sorry to say but your dps are making it very easy for you. And what do you mean by clipping abilities to fit 2 into 1 gcd? Do you mean using an ability and retaliation in a single gcd?


    Also I can't see where Vaid says to stack shield. You can only trade def/abs for shield in augments, but you're correct, you should only see-saw between defense and absorb.

  13. Hi All


    I need some advice/pointers on how to optimise my current gear. I think I've done a decent job by browsing these forums and using the info I have found, but some direct advice would be of great help.

    Please note I'm only doing SM ops at the moment. My guild feels that my current gear isn't ready for HM.


    Current Gear

    Planned (Ignoring my set bonus armorings and only trying to get all my mods/enhancements to 180)


    The problem I see with my planned gear is that according to the 'Ideal Tank Stat Distribution' guide, It almost seems like my planned gear is less optimised than my current gear. Total mitigation pool increases by 28 but balance is ruined, or does the 2k HP make up for that? So confused ... :t_confused:


    1. Where do I go from here? PS - I don't have a lot of credits. The Dread Forged Earpiece, Might Hilt 36 killed my funds. (I can farm some if it is my best route :p)

    2. I've gotten some comments on my current HP pool being too low? Do I ignore it? If not, how do I fix it?

    3. Arkanian Relic of Reactive Warding, is it still bugged? If so, how do I get it?

    4. When will I be considered geared for HM DF or DP? (in your opinions)


    Thanks for all the awesome information/guides so far, it has made my Jugg that much more challenging and enjoyable to play :D





    Your gear looks fine, you should be doing HM DF right now.


    Research the fights, research the ins and outs of your class. Show them that you're a good player, because that's all that matters at this point.


    It sounds like the healers are uninformed and/or not very good if they think you're undergeared for hardmode (concerns over your hp is a red flag). If you're worried it will cause friction, leave and find a new guild. Tanks are in high demand.

  14. So I've been thinking about the utility buffs and I have some concerns.


    If healers and tanks can provide these buffs, doesn't that defeat the purpose of improving the utility of dps specs from healer and tank AC's to better compare with sniper/marauder? Now this wouldn't be an issue if AC's with tank and heal specs had utility buffs that could stack, but we know from the livestream that the sorcerer, mercenary and operative group buffs don't stack.


    I could be wrong but as I understand it, the way the devs are implementing this means that non marauder/sniper dps specs wont be providing "unique" raid utility if tanks and healers can still provide these buffs. What's the justification for a jugg tank to have a raid wide buff of the same calibre as ballistic shield or bloodthirst?

  15. Sniper can provide 25% DR for 20 seconds every 3 minutes or 2:30 in Engineering. Pretty much a 40% DR for 10 seconds every rough 5 minutes would be along the grounds of fair. The AOE taunt bubble in turn should be a utility rather than a buffed version of our new utility. All and all we'll have to wait an see, they could even go down the path of giving jugg Bloodthrist and having every advanced class share each others utility which would be the better outcome.


    I was wondering the same thing about jugg getting bloodthirst, and then every base class gets a utility skill instead of every AC. However, some parts of the live stream could indicate otherwise:



    • Unlimited Power was located under the sorcerer category for abilities, instead of inquisitor, perhaps implying that assassin gets something different?
    • David made a vague mention of duplicate defensive utilities being able to stack, which could indicate there are more coming for other classes (he could have been referring to sniper shield only though.)

  16. Yes, because going from three distinct talent trees to one with "branches" equates to "more choices".




    I don't think you fully understand the new system. There is no branch, they just give you core rotational abilities key to the build automatically along a level path, and grant you points to spend on spec neutral utility options.


    Under the current system, most full specs are lucky to even have a choice of where they can put their last few points. Under the new system core abilities that define the identity of the spec are granted to you automatically, leaving points to spend on non spec defining utility options.


    It's basically how it is now, but instead of having 2-3 non consequential options, you have 21 to choose from going by the in progress screenshot of the discipline interface.

  17. I would say that kind of thing precisely makes choices meaningful. If choices didn't have any effect, how would they be meaningful?


    Overall, I worry about this change a LOT. If for nothing else it presents me with one of my most hated things if I return after a hiatus to play MMO: reset talents. I come back for a little bit of easy fun, but not being able to do anything at all until I have gone through all the changes and figured out what the new talents gonna be in excruciating detail. Now they are going to do that to all of my 6 characters all at once. GRRRRR :jawa_mad:


    This games issues are NOT in the skill/talent system. They haven't introduced anything at all yet and I'm mad already. Even at a conceptual level I fail to see what good can come out of this.


    Welcome to MMO's. Under the proposed discipline system, all abilities that are key to a specs playstyle are granted to you automatically. You don't have to relearn anything. The only difference will be choosing utility for your chosen discipline, which is much broader under the new system. The example in the dev blog was an engineering sniper being able to spec for utility that was previously locked away from them under the old skill tree system.


    The current tree system does not provide you with choices. If you are 55 you should have speced into a single tree enough to have a capstone skill, and if you have "chosen" not to, you have an ineffective character. The devs have continually stated that they don't consider hybrids as intended, and have made moves to funnel options away from other trees by binding certain skills to stances.


    Tying talents to stances is hard. This was totally unnecessary with respect to preventing hybrids.


    I don't see how continuing down this road of taking choices away from players is preferable.

  18. I think the answer to this will make all the difference.


    If it is really just bioware just resetting the system so they can reduce the amount of balancing work and surprise hybrids that's probably okay.


    If the intent is also, or even more than just a side effect, to make the game more accessible as wow did, we're screwed, as wow is.


    I'm not going to be watching the livestream (not in the states) so would be great if someone could call them up on this. What is the impact to the gameplay and rotations? If any? Its completely true that putting numbers into talents doesn't do anything apart from making you "feel good" (which i kinda like) but i can appreciate removing this gameplay system if hybrids need to be simplified on their end. Actually i can feel for players because i did play a hybrid spec in wow and remember being quite upset when this was pulled on me back in the day.


    If the changes however promote the same output for whatever class role with less thinking and complexity of button pushes then i'm /ragequit. Wow did this, and.. geez leave the office and go actually play some games bioware. swtor is awesome compared to cata+panda wow. It would be insanity to seek this intent.


    How does the current skill tree system present players with meaningful choices? Other than unintended hybrid builds, most classes only get to choose where they put a few scant points if their lucky.


    WoW moved to a similar system but they made the mistake of tying dps skills to talent tiers, creating the same cookie-cutter spec issue that they set out to rectify by moving away from a talent tree system. As long as the swtor combat team stick to their guns and restrict the available choices in the discipline system to utility, this system will probably provide more true choices to players than the current skill tree system does.


    To dumb everything down style Diablo 3


    Look it up


    Presenting uninformed players with the choice to break their character isn't a meaningful choice, and has little value for experienced players as well. I'm eager to hear how the current skill tree system provides you more true choices than the proposed discipline system could potentially offer.

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