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Posts posted by Marb

  1. Interesting discussion, this is my dribble to keep this bumped:


    Spike damage is usually meant to be a "tank-buster" type effect to put healers and their resource pools under pressure. I think all tank classes should be able to avoid these kinds of attacks equally, or they should all be equally vulnerable to them.


    I'm not speaking from firsthand experience, as I only ever played PT tank and Jugg through launch until 4.0. Historically, assassins were often considered the most vulnerable to spike damage, so it's funny to see how things have changed over time.

  2. I feel that removing ultimates from boss drops in SM ops was a good change. It creates a clear gear progression path and places a greater emphasis on tokens. The rewards should reflect the gear needed to progress to the next tier, with ultimates giving you a sample of the gear from the next tier up. Commendations should be a carrot on a stick for the next tier, and allow you to fill in the gaps with temporary upgrades. This also keeps gear inflation down, and reduces the amount of double xp Kuat Drive yard ultimate comm heroes.


    The devs should rebalance some specific SM Ops bosses (regardless as to how people may feel about making SM easier, the last boss should at least be the hardest, not the easiest). HM flashpoints are a waste of time, and are far too hard for the target audience.

  3. @Methoxa


    I know that we can measure spikiness, but is it possible to determine for sure whether a healer can tell the difference, and then be able to reliably attribute that difference to the change in stats?


    Ignoring boss damage and tank stat profile mismatches, can we determine whether a reduction in spikiness is perceptible enough to outweigh the increase in DTPS?

  4. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=796919


    A bit of back and forth here about an alternate way of gearing tanks. However, It's not directed specifically at reducing spikiness from what I can tell.


    One argument that sticks in my mind against gearing for shield to reduce spikiness, is that it's difficult to know for sure whether a healer would notice the difference between a mean mitigation build and a low spikiness build. I'm not certain if anyone has performed a double blind test, but many jugg tanks from progression guilds do use shield augments.

  5. omg lal


    Taunt generates very little threat early in the fight. Taunting immediately after crushing blow gives you about 1500 more threat than if you were to lead with taunt. For comparison, a single vicious slash is about 3500 threat. With the set bonus you can lock in the boss's attention from the start, and for enough time afterwards while you generate threat as normal. This allows dps to pre-cast and even initiate the fight, getting in some more dps.

  6. The Tank should have aggro on everything, making them the only one taking damage because they can mitigate some of it, the healer has to keep them alive by spam healing them, which generates initial threat on anything that is aggro'd and doesn't initially get hit by the tank due to range issues or mid-fight spawns. This means guarding the healer is the best option to keep yourself alive IN FPs. Taking any and all stress off the healer means they can keep you alive longer, and odds are the DPS who may pull aggro should be aware and prepared to use their defensive CDs if they do. Honestly guard all depends on the individual fights you're about to pull, and can/should be swapped around accordingly, but the easiest answer in all FPs is to guard the healer if you're not able or willing to constantly swap it around.


    The threat reduction would do nothing for a healer, spawning and untouched enemies would still go after the healer with a guard.

  7. I have heard conflicting opinions on this issue...some say it is not important, others say it is. I tend to fall in the latter category, considering this game's leveling process is replete with CGI throughout the storyline. And the majority of the sequences are very poor to mediocre IMO.


    Naturally you can get the gist, but when weapons disappear, helmets flicker on or off, capes clip into bodies, animations go crazy or do not trigger properly, weapon effects are not displayed properly....etc. it ends up reducing the overall quality of the title in my view...and the storyline is one of the game's best features.


    They really did not do a very good job on the CGI.


    Now, it would likely be a huge time and resource sink to improve the sequences, and the benefit is questionable. I feel strongly that the improved landing sequences for Tatooine, Corellia, Dromund Kaas and Nar Shadaa are a huge improvement, but that is certainly debatable.


    IMO it is worth it...but I think other folks should ring in on this if they wish.


    Do you guys feel a pass over the in game CGI sequences should be done?


    Thanks for reading.


    It could make sense to do that as part of a larger update that would revamp the classic planets. Streamlined quest layout (turning in more missions with holocom etc), an art pass (makeb water effects on all planets!) and a polish pass on cut-scenes.


    I would love to see them go back and polish up the older content.

  8. I have mixed feelings about the new retaliation, and I don't mind the increased rage income in tank downtime but my main gripe is with aegis assault:

    Oddly enough, a new set bonus was created for our discipline that makes hitting Aegis Assault on cooldown for maximum mitigation the ideal in general, which conflicts with the main purpose of the skill of giving us Rage and thus it just gets wasted.


    Yep, it feels degenerate using our rage builder on cooldown.

  9. It would allow dps to taunt in WZs. I think that was exactly what they wanted to do: make dps taunts in WZs ineffective.


    Most non-tank specs have far less than 10% defence/resist already, It would still be countered by cooldowns that bring players above normal levels of defence/resist, which is all the 3.0 change to taunts is meant to accomplish anyway.

  10. Some of them, mostly yes, but many of them were more unique then you give them credit for. Besides, listening to several lines of interactive dialogue is more interesting and gives better context for the quest to come, and even if all of the dialogues were as empty and generic as you say, the (perhaps poor) illusion of player interaction, player purpose, and context, is better than no illusion at all.


    I of course disagree that it is an improvement. I don't think the seconds this new system saves for the people who would be space barring through the convos to get to kill X monsters a few seconds faster is worth the real, tangible reducing of quality and fun that comes to those of us who actually like listening to the dialogue, attempting to immerse ourselves in the world and our character, and getting choosing what our character says.


    And another thing, as the OP stated, voiced and interactive dialogue is what sets this game apart from others like WoW, and, when you start reducing the amount of it in your content, said content becomes less and less unique and more and more like WoW and others. WoW already has a lot of things that it beats SWTOR at.... voiced and interactive conversations is one thing SWTOR has over WoW.... reducing and/or taking that away makes this game considerably less valuable in the MMO market.


    Fair point.


    Losing the interactivity, even if it's sometimes an illusion is the main downside of this approach.


    I'm not one to space bar through dialogue, but I find sitting through awkward stitched together cut-scenes with talking heads tedious, especially when it's an inconsequential side quest. Maybe we could still have the dialogue wheel, but not pull the player into the cinematic camera.

  11. As the side quests used to be implemented, they were mainly stitched together using stock vo class responses, with maybe 1 unique response per dialogue choice. All they have done is removed the cinematic camera and made the interaction between your character and the quest giver into ambient banter.


    It's a streamlining of side quests, and I personally think it improves the flow of game-play by not pulling you into the cinematic camera so often. I actually hope they go back and give the 1-50 planets a scrub over using this new approach. It also gives a greater emphasis to the class and planet quest arcs.


    As for daily quests, they really should put those onto a quest terminal once you've completed the quest from the npc at least once.

  12. Aegis Assault putting up the damage reduction buff is all kinds of wrong. You get cornered into situations where you're rage capped and have to use it just to refresh the buff, which feels incredibly wasteful. A rage generator should just be there to generate rage, being dependant on it to refresh a rolling damage reduction buff defeats the purpose of it being an on demand rage generator.
  13. No armor debuff to worry about, you can order your abilities by threat and then fall into keeping your Aegis Assault and Retaliation buffs up. With Retaliation on the gcd and our damage reduction buffs tied to our rage generator, you really have the watch your buffs, as they can easily drop off by pushing back aegis and ret with harder hitting abilities. This is going to mean you'll be constantly flooded with more rage than you can spend.
  14. The combat system in swtor has the 1.5 gcd in its dna, it's a fundamental part of the combat system. The devs have even moved away from the idea of off-gcd attacks with the most recent patch. Combat in swtor has a rhythmic pace, and once you get used to it it's very hard adjusting to games which don't use it. They tend to feel spammy and chaotic in comparison.


    Still, I find the gcd limitation can break the flow of combat on some abilities. For example gap closing skills like force charge feel awkward with a gcd, as you'll often land and have to wait before you can use an ability, which can be the difference between the healer eating a ranged attack from a few enemies during that very short delay.


    If you're quick you can run straight into a group of mobs and use smash, which completely avoids this issue, as you're spending your first gcd on AoE damage instead of a gap closer. Also being a guardian, you will often leap into a pack and be immediately punted away and slowed, which can be avoided by not opening with force charge (frustratingly counter-intuitive).

  15. Right, but gameplay should always take precedence over flavor, and right now the only thing keeping the channel does is allow other players to burn an interrupt on something that isn't even interruptible. I guess you could say "well just don't interrupt it", but I think it makes far more sense to not have the channel.


    Also, what exactly about the channel is iconic? Force Choke is iconic. The channel bar above your character? Um....


    And I also saw that livestream. Saying "well we should probably do something for tanks" makes zero sense when that was 2 weeks ago, 3.0 is already live and nothing was done for tanks. If anything, the moment the decision was made to change choke in this way, something should have been done for tanks at that point, intsead of retroactively admitting that, "Oops you guys have a completely useless talent in your tree, oh well!"


    Between this and all tank stances being bugged to lower damage by 20% instead of 10%, I am a very unhappy camper right now.


    I'm not particularly happy with the reasons either. Ideally all warriors should get force grip and immortals should get something else.

  16. They also removed the rage cost of it completely for immortal, so they should make it cost rage again if they took it back off the gcd, otherwise it would be a completely brain dead ability with no consequence.
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