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Posts posted by detora

  1. This is absolute bull s$%t! Why in the hell would a team who has 7 going against a team who has 6 get an 8th person so it becomes 8 vs 6 instead of 7vs7? 2 minutes into Civil War and the other team gets an 8th person while we still have only 6. Once they had 2 extra people we didnt stand a chance at all and were slaughtered! we were barely holding our own with them having 1 extra person. This is borderline favoritism and is absolute crap and yes BOTH teams were empire so WE should had that person who came in NOT THEM!


    I'll just leave this here...

  2. In endgame PvP, Vengeance has better time-on-target and survivability thanks to Unstoppable and a passive 5% damage reduction at all times. That, plus DoT spread with Vengeful Slam, it's easier to put out more overall damage and more pressure than Rage.


    That said, Rage's burst is very good and very often. The downside in the current meta is you'll be kited and/or CC'd for days.

  3. Now for the actual thread- Why not make guard useless or inactive while said tank is stuned? *note, <I'm not saying have guard turned off for that player, but just simply negate it's effects> I mean, you can't defend someone when you don't have control of yourself. But more importantly, it would encourage more tactical gameplay like this game intends to be..


    Tactical game play? So just CC the tank and tunnel the healer. Sounds tricky :cool:


    I feel the guard mechanic in SWTOR PvP is quite fun and makes competitive ranked arenas challenging (reg wz's don't mean anything). Knowing how to force a guard swap, line up burst, CC tank, CC your kill target (and any dps that can cleanse/rescue) takes good coordination. Even moreso now in 3.0 now that quite a few classes have access to an extra stun break or CC immunity. Managing your teams' CC along with knowing your enemies DCD's takes far much more effort than "tunnel healer until dead".


    But the fact is, Hatred/Madness is as strong as ever, so now all that you do is DoT everyone, interupt and CC healer on CD and all the things die after a about a minute. Or you run double AP PT and all the things die in under a minute. Or a combination of the two. ;)

  4. You know, Gringo. I think you're right here. I've been worried about exposing some of our guild members to ranked because I don't want to them to get too stressed out or not enjoy it because it can be much more intense than your average WZ or Arena. After running a match last night though, I think you're right. This is the perfect time to expose all of our members to ranked play and let them see what it's all about.


    If we're able, we will try to field more teams during Pre-Season. That said, I wouldn't expect to see BB in queue regularly until after the holidays. And we will probably be less active in the queue than <good talk> and <Postmortem> anyway. Gotta save time for dat RP, ya heard?!




    For sure man, I agree 100%. Losing can affect guild/personnel moral. Particularly if you're going against a comp or strat that completely outclasses yours. I feel, however, it's that adversity that seperates ranked players vs regstars.


    After the New Year <Postmortem> will be queueing again and we'll post those nights and times. And yes, we'll be trying out different comps and not just playing the meta game.

  5. We're in queue.


    So far, no dice.


    It's the holidays. Secondly, don't expect many teams queueing at midnight server time unless games have been going on earlier.


    That said, it's still preseason so don't be scared about losing rating. No one cares (at least, they shouldn't) if you lose. It's also a good opportunity for inexperienced players to get their feet wet, as well as guilds to try out different comps.


    Of course, if you're afraid of losing just run double AP PT and leveling everyone. HFGL :)

  6. Right now, marauders are almost an automatic loss in solo ranked. Their get out of jail free card isn't a get out of jail free card, it's a "the marauder dies in 4 seconds" card. Marauder also has the worst mobility by far of all of the classes of SWTOR. Several different buffs are all needed for marauders to be viable.


    1. The nerf to undying rage needs to be reverted. Undying rage should not cost health, and if it is going to, it should be at the start of the CD, not the end of it. Enraged defense and kolto overload do not have any negative effects to the juggernaut and/or powertech using them, whereas undying rage basically kills the marauder after 4 seconds (in team ranked, marauders easily have the worst defensive CDs other than merc, in solo queue, at least mercs have electronet).


    2. Mobility. Marauders need predation to not require fury stacks, and predation should have a 1 minute CD instead of requiring fury stacks. For PVE, this change would be negligible. For PVP, this change would help marauder out tremendously. Right now, marauders have to choose between hitting like a wet noodle and staying on a target, or doing decent DPS and being kited to death.


    3. Repair the broken utility in maruader's utility tree that is supposed to cause cloak of pain to have a quick CD. If this utility was repaired (it is bugged out now, I confirmed that this morning), then marauder's passive defenses would be fine.


    These buffs would make marauder viable for solo ranked and team ranked, as well as regular WZs. Right now, marauder is not viable for regular WZs, solo ranked, and/or team ranked.


    1) If UR could be spec'd into as an additional stun break (ala ED or KO) I'd be perfectly happy with it's health cost at the end as it is on Live. It was OP before they changed it. It's very useful in grouped play when your healer/tank are aware that your health is about to drop. But this thread is about solo ranked, so I digress.


    2) I disagree wholeheartedly about mobility, well, specifically for Carnage or Anni maras. I always take Unbound (Pred speed boost plus raid-wide rootbreak is amazing) and Expunging Camo. My only issue is that you sacrifice Brooding, which IMO should be a baseline talent for all maras.


    The obvious issue with using predation is the Dps loss (and in Fury disipline you'll basically do NO dps). This, in isolation is fine IMO - you trade higher damage potential for more uptime on target. However, when compared to the mobility of other classes (sorcs, PT's, for example) they do not have to sacrifice DPS at all in order to gain superior mobility over marauders or warrior classes in general.


    3) I never really noticed that utility not WAI, so I have no comment.


    Marauders dont really need much tweaking IMO. It's the other classes that became stupidly OP since 3.0 that need to be toned down.

  7. I've been noticing this lately, but why can a DPS spec Jugg/Guardian endure more damage than a tank Shadow?


    I mean, I find it odd... Truly odd.


    I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now.


    It's the lack of On-Demand DCD's. Sin tanks rely on Shield/Absorb for most mitigation. If your shield doesn't trigger, you get boned.


    Against white damage, Deflection + your defensive rating is really nice, but Juggs have Saberward (a better version of Deflection) so that's sort of a moot point.


    Force Shroud is pretty incredible, when it works. You're immune to tech/force for up to 5sec. Against DoT classes that tank tunnel, this is far better than a juggernaut has in his arsenal. But again, Shroud is very bugged (or maybe it's working as intended?) I was in a Queshball last night on my sintank, and I lost track of how many times I was knockedback/rooted by other inquisitors while I had Shroud up. It litterally cost us the game (not that I really care about Obj's in regs, but just sayin').


    Overcharge Saber is a Sintank's only real flat damage reduction DCD. It's on a long timer for what it does though. I try to pair it with a WZ adrenal, but on it's own it isn't that great IMO. The selfheals are pretty "meh".


    Recklessness increases absorbtion by 30% now. Cool, but it's still reliant on RNG. I would rather have BW made it more useful for PvP tanking; i.e., 30% flat dmg redux and force crits heal us for 5% or something.


    At the end of the day, sintanks have A LOT of control (KB root, Spike+trollslow, Pull, 30m mezz). I plan on tanking 4s with mine now that I got him to lvl60 and min/maxing my Exhumed set. But coming from a jugg (tank OR dps), sins are quite squishy. It's a different play style than a jugg for sure.

  8. For melee maybe, idk about you but I feel as if ranged will dominate season 4. Pushing a sorc and CC'ing him wont really do much. But if you do it to a tank and get someone else to CC the healer yeah i could see how it would work. Eh we'll just have to wait and see.


    Oh, by RDPS you mean AP PTs, right? ;)

  9. Marauders now, more than ever, require a lot of finesse in PvP to be effective. Especially Carnage spec. Here's my suggestions:


    1) Take the Unbound utility. Along with Expunging Camo you can be a real pain in the butt for RDPS. Yes, it sacrifices damage. However, standing there rooted in Electric Bindings sacrifices damage as well. Pick your poison, but IMHO I'd rather have more uptime on a target that eatting TBlasts to the face.


    2) STOP trying to Leap-Gore-Ravage. Gore got a simultanious buff + nerf with the fact that it functions like Acid Blade (RIP) or Deadly Saber; meaning it's a self buff that doesn't require a target. Your 2 hardest hitting attacks are at 10m (Devastating Blast and Viscous Throw). Gore-Ravage is cool and all, but unless a target is hardstunned don't expect someone to eat it. Which leads me to...


    3) Warriors now have a hard stun now that Force Choke has been redesigned. FFS guys, use this when a target is in execute range instead of opening with a hardstun. I can, as a mara, call a hardswitch without having to rely on a teammate to CC. To me this is huge.


    *EDIT: Unbound is raid wide too. So anyone in your group (in range of you) that's roooted are now purged of said root. Pretty OP if you ask me. :)

  10. VPS, you know as well as the rest of us on here that your "harbinger buddies" are only transferring over to TEH so they can farm rating off of you and steal all-galaxy titles from the 4am title farmers. Let's be honest, the fact is that more teams are willing to queue up on JC now that you guys are gone is because they no longer have to deal with yall's toxic attitudes. No one wants to play with s.jerk


    But as the Fallout Boys once sang, thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great. :)


    Um... and you are?

  11. You forgot one key thing.



    Look at Going being all wise and stuff.


    One thing that really seperates a good mara (strickly speaking about carnage) from a mediocre one is knowing your enemies DCD's and timing your gore-ravage accordingly. Did he use his stun/evasion/knockback/breaker/etc...? All too many times (particularly when I was on Knives healing) I'd be lept to and right off the bat: gore-ravaged. It's very rare, as an operative, that you don't have a way out of it (evasion, hardstun, flashbang, camo). The other thing I see very often is the 'Force Camo-Berserk-gore-ravage'. :rolleyes: You just blew a defensive CD for a kill, but you didnt take into account that I still had a CD to nullify it.


    From my experience, JC just doesn't have the "hardcore" mentality. Shadestarr, I applaud your zeal, but accept that most players are there to just have fun without putting in th effort to be good.

  12. There are PM players in WAI also, so that's a pretty moot point... We aren't all awesome players in WAI but I don think there's any question we have better quality overall than Stim addicts.


    And for some reason you acting like I didn't specifically name Res Nova as a high quality pvp guild.:rak_02:


    I bet you feel in league with Love, Prez and Khandiac, huh? :cool: Their reasons for being in WAI are their own, but it's not indicative of any guild affiliation. Perhaps that isn't your point, but I wanted to make it clear.


    Calling out Stim Addicts for being inferior to WAI (true or not) is not only egotistical, but a surefire way to get tunneled even more than you do. Good luck with that.


    Speaking of tunneling ya .. giving midbie carnage mara lessons 100k per :rak_01:

  13. Ksenia summed it up pretty much. To add, if you have any interest in ranked 4s, last season was us (Postmortem), LD-Fifty and Knights of Havoc (not counting the occasional PuG team or the Holocron win trade bullsh*t). Even then, KoH's frequency diminished so it was just PM vs LD more towards the end. That being said, season 3 isn't looking too promising but perhaps some guilds will have interest when the time comes.


    Good luck on your search.

  14. Gametype - Warzones

    Section - Biggest Hit

    Class - Operative

    Ranked - 3

    Toon Name - Knives

    Record - 10,639



    Gametype - Warzones

    Section - Killing Blows

    Class - Operative

    Ranked - 1

    Toon Name - Knives

    Record - 33



    Gametype - Warzones

    Section - Solo Kills

    Class - Assassin

    Ranked - T1

    Toon Name - Asesino

    Record - 6


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