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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. Looking at Darth Traya and how she wields lightsabers telekinetically, it would be really cool if we could get a tk controlled lightsaber as a companion for our characters. It wouldn't be difficult to make a character that is graphically invisible aside from the weapon they wield. Then the players could customize the hilt and blade color (or even use a vibroblade... maybe it's a repulsor-droid rather than Force controlled. Whatever fits the character's story, right?). It'd also be a great way to make a Jedi/Sith character built on a non-Force wielding class.
  2. I'd like to see a PvP option for "Teras Kasi League" bouts, where the participants engage in 1 v 1 or team v team but everyone is limited to using only the Legacy unarmed attacks. No gear, no class buffs, no etc... just even playing field, even level Mortal Tekken Fighter Street Kombat matches.
  3. Personally, I wish we could just equip companions with whatever weapon we wanted to. The way the new system works, any difference beyond ranged/melee is basically just cosmetic anyway. While we're at it, let's let M1-4X wield Dual Heavy Cannons...
  4. I really wish we could do this. I'm so sick of them speaking up every time I accidentally right click them when I'm trying to loot something and they move under my cursor.
  5. One thing that irks me every time I start to make a female character is that they can't have a mohawk on an otherwise bald scalp... they only have one over slicked back hair. What's up with that? The males have one. It's not like there's a ton of difference between the graphic requirements of male and female scalp... so why can't gals have a good 'hawk?
  6. I know it would never happen, but I'd love to see the Hilt mod determine the style/shape of a blade the same way crystal determines its color. Not just limited to the long/short/standard/thin lightsaber blades either, but also some physical blades. For instance, I'd love to put that Mandalorian Scimitar/cutlass blade (The ones in Torch's FP on Rishi use them) on a Heirloom lightsaber (from the Cartel Market).
  7. Not that it'll ever happen, but here's some class ideas I'd love to see... Imperial Soldier: Yeah, I know, the Imp Trooper in itself isn't a new idea, but the distinct aspect I'd like to see for it would be to give the version with Heavy Cannon proficiency a variation of Cover (like Agents/Smugglers) that shows up as using a turret mechanism to support the cannon, with increased alacrity and reduced ammo expenditure while using the turret. Swashbuckler: A Light/Medium armored character using a one-handed melee weapon as primary, with a blaster pistol as secondary... kind of a flip side to the way Agents use a knife, with the blaster being used for a few special attacks and the rest being a melee character that isn't a Force User. Teras Kasi Artist: A straightforward unarmed combatant using light armor only, but with massive defense/dodge bonuses. Primary and Offhand would use a new class of weaponry specific to the class (Since it's never gonna happen, who cares if that would mean more work?) called techniques, styles, or forms. There'd be lots of debuffs, counterattacks, and so on. It'd use a momentum based energy bar kinda like Knight/Warrior, except that you wouldn't spend the energy to use attacks. Instead, as your bar increases, you gain damage buffs, and either defense or alacrity buffs depending on your subclass choice. One of the defense subclass specializations would be a Tank set, which gives tremendous bonuses as long as you are stationary, as sort of a Sumo build. No Hadoukens.
  8. It'd be nice if the Kakkran Daggerstar (The KOTFE promotional swoop racer) could activate the headlight with mount flourish. You can see one in the Zakuul undercity that has it's light on.
  9. Just remember, the Customer Service forums are *Read Only* That tells you everything you need to know about how much our in-game issues matter to these people/CSbots...
  10. I would definitely spend more money on this game in support of playing Pazaak, both PvP and PvE.
  11. I wish my female characters (and male too, because why not?) had romance options with HK-47. And that he'd find it all awkward and inappropriate and frustrating... kind of as a tribute to that poor droid that was being romantically abused by it's owner in one of the Dantooine quests in the first KoTOR.
  12. Thank you very much. That fixed it. Should have been obvious, but I guess I wasn't braining very well that day
  13. I should also note that 2V-R8 seems to have been renamed 2V-28 on all my Imperial characters who haven't done KOTFE. When selected, his name still appears correct, but in the companion management screen, or the chat responses when increasing his influence, both show him as 2V-28. Which would of course explain why he can't wear a customization requiring 2V-R8. Haven't looked at C2 yet for similar issues... I wonder if this was an intentional change as a sloppy way of preventing the Treek bug (because who cares if we can use customizations anyway, right?) or if someone made a typo...
  14. Yeah, that robe is gonna be a monster cipher by comparison to the rest, since it may be a modified font, different parts may be inverted, upside down, or folded, and we can't really tell where any words begin or end, if they are in fact even words. Of course, that just means I'll spend more of the subscription time I have trying to figure it out instead of grinding credits to buy more armor sets for "Space Barbie Dress-Up" like I should be...
  15. So, I cancelled that awful Heroic 4 macrobinocular finale quest because I wasn't going to make any headway unless I could find 3 other people on the server willing to waste their time with it. I don't care about that mission anyway. Unfortunately, when I cancelled it, I seem to have lost access to it, and more importantly, lost access to macrobinoculars and scanning missions altogether (No, they aren't in my Mission Items inventory either) such as GSIs or Ziost dailies. Does anybody know a way to recover some macrobinoculars so I can do those missions with my main? I tried customer service, and got a form letter response about filing a bug report and living with it. Hoping someone here may be more knowledgeable/helpful. Thanks in advance.
  16. Thank you very much Idnewton. I'd gotten a lot of this figured already, but you filled a few holes I still had. For what it's worth, there's also a vertical neon sign in a few places that says MARKET STATION. No major variations in the fonts as seen otherwise, but a different representation of them at least.
  17. I really appreciate the new QT beacon in the Senate building on Coruscant (And the DK ones too), but could we please get a QT beacon in the Silent Sun Cantina? Aside from being one of the longer drives from a QT to an area to find Shady Characters during bounty week, many of the other regions on Coruscant have at least two QTs (Jedi Temple isn't that big an area either, so it doesn't really need a 2nd one anyway), and finally, it *is* a Cantina, and would make a great RP environment if it was a bit more easily accessible.
  18. Exactly. Maybe even work it into the Alerts subsystem, so that players can get a taste of how that works before level 65...
  19. There's a few more improvements I'd love to see with the collections system. The new improvements are great so far, but no need to stop there! 1st: I'd like to see a filter (maybe a checkbox?) to hide any collection items that can't be generated once collected... stuff like rep-vendor only gear, or those individual armors that have to be purchased repeatedly through the cartel store if you want another. I use the collected gear extensively (What can I say, Space-Barbie-Dress-Up helps mitigate the loss of City of Heroes), but I don't bother with the stuff that has to be repurchased usually, so it's really just in the way in the list. 2nd: It'd be really nice, if when looking at the pieces of a collected set of armor, we had the option to generate a single piece instead only the entire set (which then gets most of the set deleted usually). I know, it might be a lot of development work to appeal to my laziness, but what's the harm in asking? 3rd: For the love of The Force, please give us a method through Collections to collect the stuff we get in the mail (Like the Nico coat/blasters, Cantina vehicles) and all the new Legacy bound loot from KOTFE. I'd really like to empty out a few pages of storage filled with stuff I think is cool, and might want later, but can't replace on demand like everything in Collections. I've already bought all the tabs my inventory will hold, and you don't seem to be offering more of those any time soon, and besides, I think this would be a more elegant and practical solution in the long term.
  20. One perk I'd throw some CC at would be a Legacy wallet for credits. It's not like I can't share credits already, even across faction, by sending it through the mail, but that's an unfortunate amount of hassle if you play a lot of alts. Another perk I'd be excited to see would be upgrades for the Rest/Rearm/Recharge/Reditate... 1st stage upgrading it into a passive that works when you aren't moving or using any powers, 2nd stage letting it work when you are moving (still as long as you're not using powers or activating anything). Maybe split the 1st stage into 2 stages, with 1st one working at only 50% speed, if you wanted to squeeze an extra stage (and more CC) out of it. Still wouldn't affect combat balance in any way, but it'd cut down on some manual maintenance.
  21. Ditto. Those guys are great. I'd love to see them become available... and through the GSF too, not having to wait until you start building your alliance.
  22. I'm also getting this problem with being unable to equip customizations on either ship valet droid. It happens with all classes. My one character who has completed the KOTFE content (and talked to both droids on Ondesson) can equip their customizations normally however, so I would presume that is related somehow. Unfortunately, that's not the character I really want to use 2V-R8's Crimson with
  23. I'm also having trouble with some missing Rishi dailies. I've done them before, I came back to get some more rep, and now some of the daily quest givers won't offer their quests. Do some of them become unavailable after finishing the planets story missions or something?
  24. I love the ideas presented for KotFE about companions being able to follow different roles, and having functionality untied from gear. Now I just wish we could make our own characters a bit more universal in function. It always irked me that weapon proficiency was tied to class. You can fire a rifle, but don't know how to pull the trigger on a pistol (unless you're in a cutscene). You can use one type of lightsaber but not another. If you want to use a double blade, you can't play a tank, if you want to use a heavy canon, you have to play blue-side... I would love to see weapon proficiency untied from class. I get it, some jedi powers kinda require a lightsaber... It'd be silly to be able to use Throw Lightsaber while wielding a pair of pistols... Some limitations might be appropriate, but tie them to ability instead of class. Who is really hurt if my Marauder gets to use a minigun for basic attacks? It may not be efficient, but what harm does it really do to let a player customize their character that way? Yeah, if I want my Imperial Agent to use a single pistol (like many officers seem to) I *could* build him as a bounty hunter, throw on an agent uniform, then just never do any class missions, but that would kinda kill the whole point of wanting to play an agent...
  25. I would love to see this as well. Looting seems like unnecessary busy work (much like the rest of inventory management). Ultimately, what I would want are two checkboxes in preferences: One that disallows companions to agro against anything that I have not agro'd myself (companions are just "stealthy" or whatever unless the target is aware of me), and another to have the companions auto-loot. Of course this would all work better if every character just got their own loot (like City of Heroes) instead of fighting each other over it. But It was too late for something like that even before launch :/
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