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Posts posted by Borgbunny

  1. While we may be new arrivals on Jedi Covenant, CLAW has been playing both factions since launch. We started out on Kaas City, and moved to Canderous Ordo when the server transfers began.


    We are a casual, adult guild, that likes to focus on end game. We are relatively small, with a core group of 5-7 players on consistently on the Republic side, with more on the Imperial side. We would welcome new members, any class or level, as well as other small guilds looking to partner up to take on end game content. We have cleared through EC SM with Galactic Peace Corps, and were working our way through Hard Mode EC when attrition finally got the better of us. We are looking forward to finishing that, and starting Terror from Beyond, with the good people we find here on Jedi Covenant.


    Please check us out at c-l-a-w.enjin.com, and, if you like what you see, feel free to drop is a line in game. You can usually catch Blastbunny, Sneakbunny, Hus, Fixi, or Solaniir on at some point during the day, or just send us an in game mail. Until then, have fun and good hunting.

  2. For all the discussion of impacts, the same, core, issue remains.


    WHEN??? The PTD is still down, so none of the proposed changes are being play tested by the community. If it was ready, you could simply say "Going to the PTS on xx/xx/xxxx, and, based on play testing, going live within X weeks." But nada. You've been promising stuff for MONTHS, without ever actually delivering on any of it.


    Let's try this:


    Will the development staff please give us a hard date on when the PTS server will be returned to service? Can you?

  3. Last week certainly, last two days especially, the server has been awful.


    Attempting to zone (elevator, FP, Op) results in...nothing happening. You can continue to move freely, etc. Then, suddenly, you get a loading screen. At this point, I simply cross my fingers and hope I arrive. Sometimes I get dropped right where I started (frustrating when I now have to hoof it to the FP instance I was aiming for), get dropped to the character selection screen, or get kicked from the game.


    Ops wipes and not being able to return to the medcenter, getting stuck in the door with 1 HP, UI resets to defaults and settings vanish. KP Tuesday, and Denova yesterday. I'll start holding my breath right now, for a fix that doesn't break it worse.

  4. You know, I wish you folks would stop using plurals when you announce this stuff. I know the marketing hacks want it to seem like it's a bunch of stuff, but we all know that isn't the case. And NO dates around any of it, not even hoped for Patch versions.


    You have profound problems with instancing throughout the game (stuck in the door to an ops instance, where even relogging doesn't fix it, and having to change to a different public instance before I'm visible to teammates in a mission instance!?!?!?), behavioral flaws in the companions (can't cross thresholds, or maneuver up ramps, or randomly frickin' despawn), LAG!!!!, GTN problems, Group Finder problems, Cannot See Target problems everywhere, and big time implementation problems (I have a galaxy spanning holo com in my flippin' pocket, but I have to fly back and forth to Coruscant to talk to the general). But we're to believe that a rapid turnaround of content is just around the corner? You mean more "content" like this last world event? Forgive me, but no thanks. An intriguing idea that failed in execution.


    Here's a thought: have your "test team" break into a couple of 4 man groups, and an 8 man group, and go do the ops, and heroics, and FP's, and take the laundry list of issues you find and FIX THEM! At this point, content that works correctly could be considered "new".

  5. The game I played before this one (DDO), had a group finder that made sense. Someone looking for people could put up a group, identify the classes they needed, the level range they were looking for, and even the particular instance they wanted to run. People looking for groups could check the listed groups, but the ones they didn't qualify for were greyed out. Easy, useful, smart. Everything that Group Finder isn't.
  6. I wouldn't mind the down times if things were improved when they ended. We're 2 patches past 1.3 deployment, and the server side lag is awful. The games implodes if one or more of your teammates is in a different instance than you. An EV run on sunday produced spectacular fails on the server side, when exiting EV to pick up acquired gear resulted in team members being cyclically kicked, or spawned in random stuck locations, and then kicked. We had to dissolve the team, collect in the same fleet instance, and reform. And just like that the problems went away.


    Commendations are a hit or miss proposition (WZ and Black Hole for sure), depending on which bug you happen to have tripped over.


    No wonder they opened so many servers after launch. Instancing is broken, and as the population in each instance grows, the problem gets worse. More, I'm convinced they have no idea how to fix it.

  7. Shoot, I'd be enormously pleased if I consistently got the commendations listed, regardless of quantity. Coming out of a WZ with the same amount of comms you started with is depressing. Hey, maybe they'll fix that in 1.4, or 1.5, or...
  8. Not in my experience. Directive 7 is a great example. If I bubble the tank, I will have aggro. Period. Not heal, not salvation. Just a bubble, and the droid trio will fire on ME, through a taunt, until I'm dead. I've been in parties where tanks blow their threat generation abilities one after another, and I can pull aggro on either my trooper or my sage. And they can call it 25% all they want. My 50 Sage's Cloud Mind will NOT dump aggro unless I stop healing entirely.


    Makes me wonder why Group Finder is so slow to pop on Canderous Ordo, assuming it does. No few tanks deciding to go DPS, instead.

  9. Over the last 6 months, or so, I've been wondering how long I would have to continue to pay for beta. It seems the answer to that is "quite a bit longer". It's hard to describe all the stuff that's broken, both from a gameplay perspective, and a customer service perspective, so I'm just going to focus on the ones that are most eggregious:


    1) Aggro is fundamentally broken, whether acquiring it, or trying to dump it. Having leveled 2 toons to 50, and working on a 3rd, I am certain that aggro dump doesn't work. At all. Which puts it on par with aggro generation. With no mechanism for building increased threat into your armor, tanks are left with 2 taunts, and a couple of threat generating attacks to generate aggro. Aggro that can be pulled with the simple expedient of casting force armor onto them. The promised "boost" in 1.3...failed to change this appreciably.


    2) As often as not, the game doesn't have the foggiest clue where you are. You especially notice it in AoE attacks (that were supposedly accurately represented, but weren't). The lightning storm ability for sorcs is by far the worst, but far from only indication of that. Vokk, Foreman Crusher, Bonethrasher's cleave, etc. I've had instances where I'll run out of the reticle, and an instant later be dragged back into it (literally be moved from one position to another), when the effect lands. Needless to say....that's frustrating.


    3) Tickets simply vanish into the electronic round file. You MIGHT get an auto reply email, but don't be surprised when you literally get nothing at all. No way to track it (even internally, given that my guild leader was asked to submit a ticket to determine the fate of the ticket he submitted to have the new guild bank established), or, apparently, any interest in tracking it.


    4) Sound still drops out, like clockwork, about 2/3rds of the way through an Op. Whatever causes it also cause the speech animations to halt as well. That is, the game KNOWS sound has failed, because it stops animating the NPC's lips.


    5) One med pack per fight. Accompanied by mostly single target heals, with long cast times, that can't be performed while moving.


    I suppose it comes down to a pretty simple question: How much longer will I be willing to pay for Beta gameplay?

  10. Ran this last night, and it's as profoundly bugged as ever. The whole instance. Our tank managed to force leap through walls and floors, Ironfist was one shotting group members through the floor/console we hid behind to get him to the upper deck, and Vokk is flatly broken. On Canderous Ordo, anyway. Moving out of the purple circles didn't matter, the lightning landed on all of us, every time. And the double saber throw was hitting as high as mid to upper 20k range. Each. During one attempt, he dropped each of us in turn, lightning, saber throw, saber throw, lightning, and wiped the party. I think it comes down to the server (and game in general) having no flippin' clue where you are in an instance. Failing that, it assumes your position, hence the lightning strikes landing on people outside the reticle.
  11. So, I have a few minutes while the last MOB Aric shot with his invisible cannon realizes that he's dead and flops to the ground, and I thought I'd relay some impressions I have of the game to date. And this is not a QQ of the issues pertaining to PvP, or this or that class, but a set of recommendations to those who take up this game:


    When playing, do not put too much stock on LoS. The enemy bosses will ALWAYS find you, even if they have to move across significant portions of the landscape, at an accelerated pace. In fact, as often as not, the animation literally looks like they are levitating from their starting position to your location. In both PvP and PvE, you will notice an extraordinary bending effect to abilities as you shoot (and are shot) around corners, through stairs and walls, etc.


    The effect noted above does not apply to heals. On flat terrain, the border of a walkway is sufficient to block any cast. That 6" tall berm is, to the game, a wall. Taral V, for example, is a magical place where empty air can prevent heals from even being cast, let alone land. Additionally, enemies that climb on top of items in the landscape (missile stacks, boxes, etc.) cannot be targeted. They, however, have little difficulty targeting you.


    When you or a party member dies (and it will happen, given that the server doesn't seem to know exactly where you are much of the time), you/they can become so embedded in the terrain, that you/they disappear entirely, or cannot be targeted for a res. All that exiting and returning to the area, though, is good cardio I guess. The effect is even odder when the server has lost track of you yet again, and the mob you were in the middle of combat with simply EVADES back to their starting position.


    And trust me when I tell you that fighting your way to that Hard Mode end chest and finding that, in spite of all the reassurances, some percentage of the time you will see loot drop for classes that are not actually in the party. The handful of Tionese crystals should be adequate compensation for your time, though. That the Tionese gear is inferior to much of the orange moddable gear is simply icing on the cake.


    By and large, I'm just tied of the ongoing beta test that is TOR. The matrix cubes, the armor set bonuses, broken physics, badly optimized video drivers (assuming they're optimized at all), recurring DC issues, and periodic catastrophic crashes all combine to make the game a...challenge to play.

  12. That's just it, hulk, our gunnery spec commando was tracking aggro via Target of Target, and when the tank that had aggro came around the boxes, the commando lit him up. Deshk stopped chasing the tank long enough to eye zap the commando, and then went back to the tank (shadow tank). Is there an aggro issue with Deshk? Or some particular way to establish aggro with him that we're doing wrong?
  13. I have taken several stabs at Maelstrom Prison, and have been repeatedly stopped at Colonel Deshk. There seem to several variations on tackling him, and I need some advice.


    When we hide from Deshk during the implant phase, we come back out to beat up on him and then we hide again for the second implant phase. He enrages like clockwork at the end of the second phase, though. If we have a ranged character snipe at him during the eye phases, because we were told that whoever had aggro would retain aggro until shot, that character pulls aggro and gets shot dead in the open. What are we missing?

  14. I have a Healing Sage I have been playing since late December, and continue to play since the 1.2 patch. I am far from the best healer or player in the game, and don't strive to be. I strive to have fun, being a casual player, and contribute to the groups I join in both PVE and PVP.


    Here are some of my observations:


    Bioware doesn't particularly care for healing sages. I say this not because of the free force nerf, but because restoring force in the longer fights requires that I consume health to get it, while being a primary target for every nasty in the game. I have had taunted creatures run past the tank to attack me for putting Force Armor on a teammate. Med packs only useable once per fight, almost all the heals are single target, and nearly all of them require me to be motionless. So, once everyone has used a med pack in the fight, the onus is exclusively on me to keep everyone alive, which I have to do one target at a time, while usually remaining motionless for a handful of seconds, all while taking damage from boss abilities that I have to compound by eating myself to restore force. In light armor.


    I continue to do it, and will continue to do it, because I'm getting pretty good at it. But I'm not seeing other players clamoring to get into the Healing Sage business. We've pretty much established that BioWare is catastrophically bad at balancing the classes, far less the game, but the Sage seems to be at the very bottom of the pile.

  15. The AoE isn't my get out of jail free card, but it is my best "We're all getting hit, I need to mitigate" cast.



    Here's an example: I successfully healed The False Emperor HM last night, running it for the first time. Great tank, with nearly 20k hit points, and a really good grasp of the mechanics. Those big Elite droids would open up on him, and it was all I could do to stay even with the damage. Those heat beams just cut right through him.


    Now that I'm getting Columi, I'll start to focus and power, and see where I land. Thanks for the comments.

  16. All of my gear is orange moddable with purple inserts from dailies, or Centurion gear.


    The AoE heal is fine, if everyone stands still. Given the dynamic nature of combat, though, that isn't often a reality, particularly 2 seconds after you started casting it. It ticks for 300 to 600, over a decent period, but the bosses have damage output that easily exceeds it (Hail of Bolts, for example). I'm at 35% and ~68% now for critical chance critical multiplier, respectively, don't see a lot of Deliverance crits. When it does crit, it hits for about 4k, give or take, at 1.88 seconds per. More commonly it hits for 2.3 to 2.7k. Right around 10 seconds to get a well geared tank back to half his health, assuming no one else is taking damage, and all the casts crit.


    The question remains, though. What gear should I be looking for to boost the stats I need? Why do you recommend power over crit or surge?

  17. So I've been playing my Sage for a while, and trying to stack Crit and Surge to get healing numbers up enough to be useful in hard mode. No easy feat that, when almost all the heals are single target, and weak, and the AoE is a tragedy. Not to mention that Benevolence can crit higher than the typical cast of Deliverance (***!?!?!).


    The goal was to struggle through until I could get my Columi gear (meaning trying to keep up with ridiculous spike damage in modded orange gear). Yes, I know. You can't fathom how that could be a problem, but it is for me. I do have a couple of pieces of Centurion, and a level 50 crafted relic. Along with this came some limited success in hard modes, and some accumulated commendations. So, not surprisingly, I can now buy some gear that will penalize me in the two areas I need it the least: crit and surge. "Upgrading" to Columi gear from where I am now, for every slot except focus, penalizes me in crit, or surge, or both. Some also cost me power. This is true of some of the Rakata gear as well.


    My question, then, is what should I be trying to do with end game gear for a sage spec'd to top of tree seer? With the healing nerf, the requirement that I stop to channel every heal except one, and the squishiness built into the class, and the overall weakness of the heals, is there any path for upgrade/improvement?

  18. But I have been playing 4 Characters since the Early access days, and none of them are 50. A 38 Sage and a 25 Juggernaut are my mains, and they both seem to be taking time to level. What I notice is that if I go mission hunting, and do as many of the sides as i can, i get above the level of the missions more quickly than i care for. Not gray, by any means, but by the time I hit the level 34+ Balmorra missions, I was 36. That kind of thing.


    I don't think the overall leveling is too fast, I think the sheer volume of missions means that you can level out of a range without too much trouble. But that isn't a BAD thing.

  19. I run a Sage as my Republic main, and I have noticed a couple of things:


    1) Aggro magnet. To the point that there's an ability in the tree to reduce it. And it has a freakin' LONG cooldown, too. Force Armor can sometimes be the difference between keeping up your team and not.


    2) Force Armor does not last very long in combat. I don't know the exact amount of damage, but a couple of troopers or mercs doing Full Auto or Unload can take it down pretty quickly. Heck, it only lasts for 30 seconds if it doesn't take a single hit.


    But in spite of that, the OP feels that not being able to take one down is sufficient reason the nerf the CLASS!?!?!? That's...intriguing. I had trouble with that class, so their capabilities should be reduced? Then I'd like the same for the Epic opponents. They're tough, with all those hitpoints and special abilities, and must be nerfed immediately. For the good of the game.

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